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25 minutes ago, Orange Knight said:

So is this codex bringing both the Grey Knights and Deathwatch into a single tome?

If so, that would be great, provided the armies keep their unique elements and varieties of options.


Consolidation is something that would benefit the hobby a lot.

grey knights are still their own entity but are support for the Ordo Malleus like in 3rd edition 

Adding to @WAR, there will likely be a limited number of Chamber units printed in the Agents dex.- GK will get a Priest, and Termies for sure because they're in the box; Sisters get a Priest, BSS  and the Immolator for sure; Deathwatch will get the Watchmaster, Proteus Team and the Blackstar. The box that includes the GK also includes a Chimera, which is a weird choice since it's not a Chamber vehicle.  The Priest is also a weird chose for the HQ- a Librarian or Chaplain in Terminator armour would have been a better choice.


This is why I hope that any Ordo can take the Chimera, while GK also have exclusive access to Land Raiders. 


 For GK and Sisters, remember that if the unit you want to include in your Inquisition Detachment isn't among the options available in the list from the Agents dex, we can still likely achieve the army composition we want by using the Attached Agents rule to insert as many Inquisition units into a GK or a Sisters army... It's just that if we go that route, the detachment rule you'd be using would be the GK or Sisters one rather than the Malleus or Hereticus detachments. Unless GW updates the text of Agent cards to indicate that they do benefit from the detachment rules of their allied force, this will be a worse option.  


Deathwatch have the added complication that a lot of their bespoke units no longer exist- or at least the Article didn't specifically include them the way they did specifically include Watchmaster, Proteus Teams and Blackstars. Even then, DW players can approximate the previous army- they just don't appear to have the Fortis, Indomitor and Spectrus teams anymore. Still a chance... But a slim one.


Warcom has a mixed track record for accuracy.

1 hour ago, Orange Knight said:

So is this codex bringing both the Grey Knights and Deathwatch into a single tome?

If so, that would be great, provided the armies keep their unique elements and varieties of options.


Consolidation is something that would benefit the hobby a lot.

As @WAR said, Grey Knights will still get their own Codex. At the bottom of the article, it states


There will be a dedicated Grey Knights Codex on the way next year, but there are still a few factions to get through before the Knights of Titan start to peek their shiny battle plate over the horizon.

So you can ally some Grey Knights units in, with the same way as to how you'd ally in Sisters of Battle (as mentioned by @ThePenitentOne), but they will have their own book later, like SoB do now. Deathwatch will not have their own standalone book though, they have been folded directly in.

This leaves me optimistic for Grey Knights, who I wouldn't be surprised to get a new range either this edition or next.

looks good to see imperial agents getting some sort of expansion, however that Coteaz model...looks...pass...

Looks like he's wearing a diaper or that his armour is 1 size too big for him.


Boy got a suit of sigmarine armour for cheap from goodwill from that big sigmar cull.

Man had 20 credits in his pocket and this is not his come-up.

Coteaz looks awful. It's like the proportions are off, the legs and hips look too wide/long.. and his torso is short and stumpy.. looks so weird. 


Plus those huge, plain, smooth armour panels aren't helping. 


Massive downgrade over the original tbh

I know its been commented to death. So I may as well join in and kick this dead horse too. 


That coteaz is just :sick:

So fat, so smooth, and his trousers are pulled alllll the way up, so dumpy

4 hours ago, ThePenitentOne said:

Deathwatch have the added complication that a lot of their bespoke units no longer exist- or at least the Article didn't specifically include them the way they did specifically include Watchmaster, Proteus Teams and Blackstars. Even then, DW players can approximate the previous army- they just don't appear to have the Fortis, Indomitor and Spectrus teams anymore. Still a chance... But a slim one.


Just repeating something I mentioned earlier, but if GW let Deathwatch keep the Adeptus Astartes keyword then they'd benefit from base SM detachments.


Additionally, it's possible that the Ordo Xenos Detachment in the codex is just a reworked version of the Deathwatch index Detachment.


It's possible that being embedded onto IA is what Deathwatch needed to get new kits added to their range, which in turn could allow them to pop back out into their own faction again later once their range has built up.

Saw the Coteaz model and knew this place would be on fire today




8 pages in 17 hours, the B&C does not dissapoint :laugh: Hopefully all civil and on topic right? Though that model is terrible. 

16 minutes ago, Xenith said:

Saw the Coteaz model and knew this place would be on fire today




8 pages in 17 hours, the B&C does not dissapoint :laugh: Hopefully all civil and on topic right? Though that model is terrible. 

Of course we are....


7 hours ago, templargdt said:

Man that coteaz is really bad.  Straight downgrad from a model that's from, what, 3rd edition?


Indeed, just because something is older, doesn't make it bad - in fact, often, quite the opposite. 

2 minutes ago, Petitioner's City said:

Indeed, just because something is older, doesn't make it bad - in fact, often, quite the opposite. 


The whole underpinning of the lore on Imperial Technology! 

18 hours ago, Lord Marshal said:



Really like how they did his eagle and the model is nice, but feels more like a generic daemon-hunter instead of reprecenting Cortez. But at the same time is all the empty space nice for the painters and kitbashers - and the beginers who now don't have dozens of small details to paint.

5 hours ago, Gorgoff said:

I am a little bit late to the show but wanted to contribute...





Conspiracy theory after seeing new Cortez next to Shield Captain: he is one of the Eyes of the Emperor replacing the deceased Corteaz.

2 hours ago, Handsome Fred said:



Was so hard?

Better, but a serious attempt to fix him should still replace legs entirely. They can't be salvaged.

Edited by Marshal Reinhard

Oh wow. As much as I like the proportions, if this is accurate he is way too huge.



Only inquisitor that should plausibly be that huge should be Hector Rex.


It would be pretty cool if this is actually a new Inquisitor who has taken the mantle of "Coteaz"


The timeline has advanced. This could be his interrogator ascended to the position. 

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