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25 minutes ago, Nephaston said:

Coteaz the second, Vat-grown, huger-er. So much so that he could not wear his dear old dads armour.


Hey, I can't wait to get my hands on big chungus.

We have so many characters in various forms of fitted power armour. I'm happy to see a suit that doesn't look like it came from the armouries of the Blood Angels, Ultramarines or Sororitas.

If I let aside the comments that the new Coteaz sculpt may inspire (Did he truly rejuvenate or is this an illusion?) inc. his standardized face, I guess the whole spoiler is more or less acting the death of DW as we knew it. Or at least its anticipated jubilation.


Not that I will really regret the disappearance of the mixed arms units that have always been something quite puzzleing for me (not to say impossible to understand, at least how it has been designed in last codex and herited Index). Should it be really almost everything cancelled leaving us only with DW Vets, I will surely regret my 2 units of Termies (each with 3 cyclone missile launchers) and my Vet bikes (but anyway these were already phased out and belong to Legends now...).


My real doubt is: is this anticipating a final and total erasing of DW in 40k (leading to a KT only units eventually fielded in 40k) or is it a sign for a future deep rework of this army (hopium at work). Anyway, it puts my small drop-in army in a situation of cerebral death for most of its members and units... :cry: . Any additionnal investment will therefore be very cautiosly considered, especially if I can already includes reorganized 2 retinues units in a Strike force with what I already have...


Once Codex issued some of these doubts will be solved. And decisions will be taken. 


Edited: On the other hand there is no point into thinkuing that the list of units from the WarCOm video is definitive. Artemis and Watch Master are not in. So maybe more units will appear in the "final cut" 

Edited by Bouargh
35 minutes ago, Nephaston said:

Coteaz the second, Vat-grown, huger-er. So much so that he could not wear his dear old dads armour.


"Mom says it's my turn to purge the heretics."

Whilst I completely empathise with the possible loss of the Deathwatch as a distinctive and recognisable faction, I also believe that GW fumbled them from the vert start.


They are an Astartes faction that operates differently in terms of unit composition from all other Marines, yet ultimately they boil down to one unique infantry unit and one flying transport.


I don't think they should ever have existed as anything other than a unique option or two in an Inquisition type book, and I don't like the way their units functioned across an entire army


They COULD have worked better if they were simply a regular Marine faction, more akin to a codex chapter, with a few extra units and characters.

Slightly off topic, but in the conversation of new codex’s. I didn’t catch CMV’s full stream, but do I recall him saying August 10th for the next reveal show? …or maybe we will just get a WarCom article with a roadmap?

23 minutes ago, Orange Knight said:

Whilst I completely empathise with the possible loss of the Deathwatch as a distinctive and recognisable faction, I also believe that GW fumbled them from the vert start.


They are an Astartes faction that operates differently in terms of unit composition from all other Marines, yet ultimately they boil down to one unique infantry unit and one flying transport.


I don't think they should ever have existed as anything other than a unique option or two in an Inquisition type book, and I don't like the way their units functioned across an entire army


They COULD have worked better if they were simply a regular Marine faction, more akin to a codex chapter, with a few extra units and characters.


Strongly agree. Fact is that the early mechanisms of transposing unit structure fro Overkill to a base for all DW units except Vets was a very curious idea. I could have enjoyed some mixed arms units with limited amount of combinations to stress out a synergy: for example bikes with Teleport homer fixing a target for Termies, or tacticals decoying ennemies to attract them in a trap where they are crossed fired by a deep diving jetpacked unit... " archetypes combined in a single unit that is then split into 2 Combat squads. But getting a unit with a bike and a termie and 2 assault plus tacticals as a single brick is something that always felt counter intuitive to me. Although I fielded DW....


19 minutes ago, irlLordy said:

Did the navigator have rules previously? I assume it will be a cheap leader for a unit, maybe being able to join alongside an Inquisitor like a lt, or Royal Warden.


Yes, Espern Locarno got rules but in Legends. Mainly a psyker that causes deepstrike exclusion areas and that may induce Battle-shock tests.

Edited by Bouargh
31 minutes ago, irlLordy said:

Did the navigator have rules previously? I assume it will be a cheap leader for a unit, maybe being able to join alongside an Inquisitor like a lt, or Royal Warden.


There's a navigator that's part of the IG Retinue datasheet but there's nothing in the current Imperial Agents index for him. 

1 hour ago, Kharn13 said:

Slightly off topic, but in the conversation of new codex’s. I didn’t catch CMV’s full stream, but do I recall him saying August 10th for the next reveal show? …or maybe we will just get a WarCom article with a roadmap?


The August 10th reveal show will be mainly for AoS in the same way 40k got an exclusive one for the Battle for Oghram campaign.

There might be other stuff shown too but 40k's didn't and we have Nova at the end of August so that will probably be the next reveal show for other systems

6 hours ago, Xenith said:

Saw the Coteaz model and knew this place would be on fire today




8 pages in 17 hours, the B&C does not dissapoint :laugh: Hopefully all civil and on topic right? Though that model is terrible. 


Yes we are.......


5 hours ago, Handsome Fred said:



Was so hard?


Thank you!


5 minutes ago, ThePenitentOne said:

Couldn't resist a bad pun:


You may not like the new model, but you've got to admit that is an interesting Coat-he-has.


I would suggest you got to the see the Adeptus Ministorum to serve your Penitence for that....but I have a sneaky suspicion you may enjoy it.....



Do we have a leaked or confirmed list of what datasheets are in the book?


It would be helpful for everyone of course, but regarding Arbites, I was hoping for a Marshall, Judge, vehicles combination. 

4 minutes ago, Captain Idaho said:

Do we have a leaked or confirmed list of what datasheets are in the book?


It would be helpful for everyone of course, but regarding Arbites, I was hoping for a Marshall, Judge, vehicles combination. 


I just hope we get rules for the one and only Arbiter Foreboding - "The Imperium never sleeps!"

Did the same person who made this Coteaz also make that infamous Custodes Shield Captain with the body issues and melta breaking everything he swings the spear?


Thing is, the company must quality control and see the model is trash? Yet somehow they keep getting released without amendment.


Emperor sake imagine if these were the amended products and how the originals might have looked :laugh:

1 hour ago, Captain Idaho said:

Do we have a leaked or confirmed list of what datasheets are in the book?


It would be helpful for everyone of course, but regarding Arbites, I was hoping for a Marshall, Judge, vehicles combination. 




This is as marshal/judge as its going to get probably, both model and rules wise.


It would be a great thing if they dont do too much exclusions, so this codex could be a converters/proxy thing, like limiting the corvus blackstar to the one deathwatch unit only. or the immolator to battlesisters squad, but they will probably do exactly that.

6 minutes ago, TheMawr said:

This is as marshal/judge as its going to get probably, both model and rules wise.


Oh, I actually quite like the second one.

43 minutes ago, Captain Idaho said:

Do we have a leaked or confirmed list of what datasheets are in the book?

Seemingly not - we didn't even get a release timeline : P It will very much surprise me if there are any/many new data-sheets other than characters in this Codex, but hopefully a diverse character roster will give a decent opportunity to do an 'Inquisitor or Priest counts-as Judge' or something. I just want Subductors to be... good. If they're decent, one of each Arbites data-sheet will be enough for my purposes, and I'm planning on throwing them in chimeras. If you ask me of course they should bring the Enforcer Tauros and Sanctioner in here, but they very very likely won't.


The biggest strategic holes in the list to me seem to be armour AND ranged anti-tank? For that reason alone I would hope that Landraiders (if available) and Immolators aren't restricted to transporting only 1 Ordo. There's no reason DW or any Inq couldn't have Landraiders, and I'm okay to convert a couple 'Inquisitorial Razorbacks' as Immolators or something.




The Good Doctor.

14 minutes ago, Dr. Clock said:

we didn't even get a release timeline

With how unceremonious the reveal was they might just drop the preorder announcement as soon as this week. Especially considering how far back it was leaked at the printers.

Coteaz controversy aside, I think it's evident that the community is excited to have access to a proper Inquisition codex once again.


Whilst I have a very low opinion of, and almost no desire to play the current edition of 40k,  if they knock this codex out of the park it could lay the foundations for this faction going forward and into future editions.

44 minutes ago, Dr. Clock said:

Seemingly not - we didn't even get a release timeline : P It will very much surprise me if there are any/many new data-sheets other than characters in this Codex, but hopefully a diverse character roster will give a decent opportunity to do an 'Inquisitor or Priest counts-as Judge' or something. I just want Subductors to be... good. If they're decent, one of each Arbites data-sheet will be enough for my purposes, and I'm planning on throwing them in chimeras. If you ask me of course they should bring the Enforcer Tauros and Sanctioner in here, but they very very likely won't.


Good points. An inquisitor or priest can count as a Judge fair enough.


Hmmm. Maybe there's a way to squeeze shotguns into a Guard list too...

5 hours ago, Nephaston said:

Oh wow. As much as I like the proportions, if this is accurate he is way too huge.



Only inquisitor that should plausibly be that huge should be Hector Rex.


I wish i could see these "good  proportions" you keep alluding too....


Regardless, that comparison looks like someone assumed his base size one size larger than it is.

2 hours ago, Captain Idaho said:

Do we have a leaked or confirmed list of what datasheets are in the book?

Yep all imperial kits that aint selling well:laugh:


Inc those from kill team:tongue:

No mention of Inquisitorial Stormtroopers / Temptestus scions being a "requisitioned" unit is surprising given the Chalnath / Kill team post. Hopefully we get more of a preview of the rules and units included now that the shock of the abominable bald man sculpt has worn off. Anti-tank / high toughness options for Agents seem extremely limited for list building. 


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