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Hi everyone, 


I've always heard good things about this community and wanted to get involved, so here I am! I've been in the hobby for about four years now, I first dabbled in my teen years in the late '90s and early '00s. Now I have adult money, I can buy all the stuff I couldn't afford back then (well almost). 


I'm really into the modelling and painting side of things but I do play 40k, Kill Team and BloodBowl but always in a narrative space or just to catch up with friends outside of family and work commitments, I'm not big into the meta or GTs, it's just not my flavour. I'm pretty creative so I love the lore side of things and carving out my own little space in the 40k universe.


I look forward to getting involved with the community. 

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On 7/22/2024 at 11:08 PM, INKS said:

Welcome!! What armies / teams do you collect? Do you have some favorites? 


When I first got involved back in the day I collected Space Marines so when I returned to the hobby I went for them and started a small Blood Angels army. That being said, I have since pivoted and now I have a large Necron army. Favourites include the Doom Scythes, which are really fun to paint and to terrify opponents with and I really like Deathmarks just because the seem to bring me luck on the table.

Edited by Mysterion
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