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Grey Knights - WarComm Articles


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10th edition WarComm Articles


July 22




Grey Knights inside!




Grey Knights Terminators a show up in a new REQUISITIONED category. Priests and Navigators are joining the party, too, to provide guidance in both a spiritual and very literal sense




Should you instead wish to field an entire army of Imperial Agents, the Codex offers four new Detachments which add their own Detachment rules, Stratagems, and Enhancements to the mix, allowing you to support a full Inquisitorial force with no limitations on the number of units you can take. Three of these Detachments are themed around the major Inquisitorial Ordos, while the fourth represents those forces with significant Imperial Navy backing.




Inquisitors themselves are versatile leaders who can support a wide range of unit types, and their Blessed Wardings can now grant a 6+ invulnerable save to their unit in addition to the Command point-regenerating Power of the Rosette ability.




Regardless whether you send an entire army of agents out into the field or add some support to your favourite Imperial faction, you’ll be able to engage in secretive Shadow Operations with in-depth Crusade rules available to any Crusade Force that includes even a single AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM Character. There’s a lot to cover in there and the rules are extremely thematic and fun, so we’ll return to Shadow Operations at a later date.




Finally, don’t worry Grey Knights players – this is only the first chance you’ll have to send your Terminators off on a daemon-hunting crusade. There will be a dedicated Grey Knights Codex on the way next year, but there are still a few factions to get through before the Knights of Titan start to peek their shiny battle plate over the horizon.

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