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Options for units and terminology


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Can someone tell me what is meant by the term 'the entire unit may take'? Does it imply that all models in the unit must take one if you want the option. 

The exemple i am uncertain of is space wolf grey stalkers. It states the entire unit can take bolters or combat shields for 1pt each. It also states that one in five can take flamers,plasma gun etc. Does it mean that if I take bolters in the same unit as 2 plasma guns i pay 2pts for bolters i am not going to use? 

Another exemplet us  if I want to take the special weapons i still have to pay for combat shields on those models if I have equiped the rest of the unit with shields? 

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13 hours ago, Wolfandraven77 said:

Can someone tell me what is meant by the term 'the entire unit may take'? Does it imply that all models in the unit must take one if you want the option


Yep, exactly that. For the grey stalkers, it's a 'take' option and not an 'exchange' option, so if the entire unit take bolters, and 2 dudes take plasmas, then 2 of those dudes have both bolter and plasma gun.


All in all, the 'wasted' points aren't too big a deal. Considering 10 tactical marines with bolter, bp & chainsword is 150pts, and 10 grey stalkers with bolter bolt pistol & chainsword is 155pts, you're still getting a great deal - 0.5ppm for counter attack and skirmish is amazing. 

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I agree xenith you get a great deal with stalkers , who i think are better than slayers due to the flexible loadout. Many would argue against units multi-tasking but I think if you can  force the enemy off an objective having some ranged offence (with special weapons) is worth it. 


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