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Last week arrived my latest order along with many new paints crucial for this project. So I took a Primaris freebie from the local GW store and a 25 mm spare base to practice the two schemes which I had in mind:



- Synthwave Laser Grid from the 80s.



- Tron scheme


Here are the results:





I am content of how the base turned out and will use the laser grid for my Primaris. Although the Tron scheme sounded awesome the delivery to mini form wasn´t quite so stunning. What do you think? Keep the laser grid and paint the Primaris IH in traditional black? Maybe I will try another attempt at the Tron scheme with a slightly altered method but I have only a few spare Stormcast freebies left so I can´t show them here on this forum when ready.

Edited by Deus_Ex_Machina

I do not know about the 80´s night club base. It is a little bit too disruptive for my tastes. But I am certainly not a reference. So the most important is that you are satisfied with it.


For the Marine, I really like how it looks, even if it might be worth trying to get the main panels looking a little bit cleaner, maybe with less weathering or a smoother/less marked dry brush?

The visual impact you introduces by mean of the yellow edges is really really nice. For me it is a Go.

5 hours ago, Bouargh said:

I do not know about the 80´s night club base. It is a little bit too disruptive for my tastes. But I am certainly not a reference. So the most important is that you are satisfied with it.


For the Marine, I really like how it looks, even if it might be worth trying to get the main panels looking a little bit cleaner, maybe with less weathering or a smoother/less marked dry brush?

The visual impact you introduces by mean of the yellow edges is really really nice. For me it is a Go.

About the disruption:

Here is the idea behind the paint scheme and the bases. Machine Man on Mars had an inspiration to surpass the work of Emp by improving his work on the Space Marines. As this would be akin to heresy he only envisioned his creations in cyberspace. Consequently the Space Marines have a Tron paint scheme and walk around on fancy laser grids.


Tron scheme:

Yes, the yellow lines could be cleaner. Truth is in the middle of the painting process I loathed the ordeal to finish it because it depends on accentuation. The mini has been drybrushed twice with grey paints and supplemented by black shading. Then I had to accentuate a few hard edges three times in a row: First with white, then with flat yellow and finally with fluorescence yellow. And this took quite a lot of time for a single mini. I don´t own many Primaris but the prospect of painting the other ones in such a fashion is now no longer valid for me. It´s just tedious. However I could try this again for a skirmish team e.g. Stargrave with my Aleph minis. 


Laser Grid:

As I said this worked fine. Although I am not sure to use it for the Primaris anymore. Maybe it would be better suited when I repaint my Ulthwé Eldar in 2026 (always plan for the future!) because it could visualize the webway. 



And that is why it is important to do a test mini. If the paint job looks trash or the work turns out to be too much of a time sink then just scrap the idea.

Edited by Deus_Ex_Machina

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