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Note that I am working on a detailed description of the various types of achievements that members can earn (i.e., incentives for participating in the community and supporting our mission statement). Recently, however, achievements were added for two more types of participation and it's worth describing those.



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These will be awarded for article submissions on a progression of 1/5/10/25/50+. You will be able to earn these achievements as soon as the Pages/Articles function goes live.


Welcome Wagon:

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These will be awarded for posting replies in the Introduce Yourself forum. Since this is very easy, the progression is much higher, though not as high as that for posting replies, on a progression of 1/5/20/60/120+.


As with most of the other achievements, the green badge is awarded the first time a certain type of action is performed. In part, this helps to let you know that the behavior you just performed is one for which you will receive awards the more often you perform it. The progression continues with blue, bronze, silver, and then gold, with the requirement for each increasing at each level. The gold badge is the final award you will receive for that type of action. The easier the action is to perform, the higher the progression, so giving reactions to people and posting replies in discussions have much higher progressions than more difficult tasks such as submitting articles or having one's content featured.


These types of achievements are automatically awarded by the site software. There are some other achievements that are manually awarded by the moderators/administrators, and these include behaviors such as participating in contests or other notable achievements that are outside of those awarded by the software (e.g., submitting your Legio B&C mini-me persona).


The two achievement progressions shown above were actually added a little over a month ago, but I forgot to post the announcement (5 minutes in the pain glove for me! :blush:).

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