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Any other old timers here still?

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Been here officially since 2003, but had an earlier, lost, login before that.  Gaming is now a thing of the past as my circle moved on over the journey.  Mainly painting and reading nowadays.  Still love the setting though, and the B&C is the only hobby related site I still frequent on a consistent basis.

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I'm a 2010 joiner. 


I actually used the forum before that time though.


I actually found this forum when it was mentioned on the games workshop website back before it was just a storefront.


I'm paraphrasing, but I recall  it said something along the lines of "Now head over to bolter and chainsword, one of the oldest warhammer fan sites  and get a second opinion on your army list".


At the time the site looked like this, that was back in 2003. 



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I joined in January 2009. I haven't gamed since the beginning of 8th Ed, its mainly painting or adding to the Pile of Shame. Reading up on newer 40k fluff.


Migrated from the Iron Hands sub-forum when Primaris hit and I now can be found posting in the 40K Roleplaying Games / Play by Post sub-forum. @Lysimachus is my Moderati.

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A few still linger in these hallowed halls. I think the social media landscape has changed significantly in recent years with the rise of the likes of Facebook or discord or Reddit meaning the old forums had faded into history for the most part. B&C has done really well to last this long. I started here sometime around 1999/2000 when the board moved to Ezboard for hosting and have seen many many faces that are familiar to me come and go. I think I am the hobby equivalent of Rylanor. 

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I'm not sure of the exact date I joined, but it's got to be around 2002/2003?


Edit: very odd. My profile says joined 2007, but I'm sure I was on the board well before my son was born (in mid-2006)...? Oh well, maybe my oldtimer brain is playing tricks on me, even if it was 2007 that's still a pretty long time! :sweat:


I very, very rarely play, but I still paint when the mood takes me, and the Play-by-Post Subforum here on the B+C is my favourite place to hang out! :laugh:




Edited by Lysimachus
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