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Any other old timers here still?

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Joined up in 2009, would have been lurking for a a few months before that. My biggest active period was between then and 2014 before my firstborn was summoned from the warp. Took a long break when 8th came out and they ruined space marines for me. Have managed to get a few games of 9th in and some painting done in, the psst few years but the boys and I haven’t thrown down a game of tenth yet. Hoping to find some time to do that soon. If we can coordinate it.

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I've been here since Oct/Nov 1999 back when there were fewer than 200 members. I found the site prior to that, probably in June or so, but skipped it because I was working on my Eldar. When I decided to collect Space Marines, though, I joined the site as a Frater Domus. After we survived Y2K, I became a moderator (Spring of 2000?) after there was a call for volunteers (the only time we have ever done that); and I became an administrator in 2005. Though I've been involved in the hobby since 1st edition, my playing is much more limited these days, mostly relegated to planning kill teams and working on things to help other hobbyists.

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Been here since Aug 07, lurked since late 06. I was mainly on warseer in those days. Dakka is still pretty active but forums are generally not the way people engage with the hobby anymore. Facebook groups are the old folks home and weirdly I encounter more people from back in the day on /tg/ than any other place. I can't speak to who makes up reddit since I avoid the place like the plague. 


As an aside I am still waiting to hit the jackpot so I can start a luxury gaming club that caters solely to the older crowd. you know a place the recaptures the feeling I had from going to the GW bunkers of my youth. 

Edited by kamedake88
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I've been a member here for dang near half my life at this point, and I joined in '04. Eternally grateful that B&C stepped into the niche that Portent/Warseer left... I suspect alot of people are indeed on various 'socials' and 'Creator Discords' more than here... But this is like 90% of my posting, and at least 50% of my 'social media attention'.




The Good Doctor.



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Looks like I've been here since 2002, although I thought our accounts were reset at some point. Before that I was on the 40k Mailing List. I started playing Orks in 1993 when 2nd edition came out. That was a lot of fun. Been playing Dark Angels since the Angels of Death codex and just got beat down by my kid's Death Guard a couple of weeks ago. Still having fun.

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10 minutes ago, marsv said:

Looks like I've been here since 2002, although I thought our accounts were reset at some point. Before that I was on the 40k Mailing List. I started playing Orks in 1993 when 2nd edition came out. That was a lot of fun. Been playing Dark Angels since the Angels of Death codex and just got beat down by my kid's Death Guard a couple of weeks ago. Still having fun.


Many members that "joined" in August/September 2002 have actually been members longer, having joined the community while the site was at ezBoard. When we moved over to Invision, we all had to create new accounts, hence my member number being 26 instead of 189 (or whatever it was originally).

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22 minutes ago, Brother Tyler said:


Many members that "joined" in August/September 2002 have actually been members longer, having joined the community while the site was at ezBoard. When we moved over to Invision, we all had to create new accounts, hence my member number being 26 instead of 189 (or whatever it was originally).

Thanks for clearing that up!

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23 minutes ago, Brother Tyler said:


Many members that "joined" in August/September 2002 have actually been members longer, having joined the community while the site was at ezBoard. When we moved over to Invision, we all had to create new accounts, hence my member number being 26 instead of 189 (or whatever it was originally).

Awwww yeah EZBOARD days! :)

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16 hours ago, Brother Tyler said:


Many members that "joined" in August/September 2002 have actually been members longer, having joined the community while the site was at ezBoard. When we moved over to Invision, we all had to create new accounts, hence my member number being 26 instead of 189 (or whatever it was originally).

Interesting, didn't know we had joining numbers (well not ones general fraters can see I guess).

I might have been here during the ezboards days, but I didn't remember as my early 40k forum days I can remember was mostly at Dakkadakka and The Eternity Gate.

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I joined in 2012 but had been intermittently lurking for AGES before then. Been collecting warhammer since the very tail end of 2nd (literally bought 1 metal tactical squad in September 1998 and then BOOM 3rd Ed Hit and I got the box set for Christmas and haven't looked back) - and I still collect Ultramarines (though I was mostly a lore peruser than a gamer from about 2007 onwards - but have rediscovered the joys of assembling my warhammer during CoViD and simply started doing that more and more and now own more warhammer than I could ever hope to finally assemble, let alone paint!). Plus my full time job as an apothecary (read: doctor) means I mostly stick to lore stuff these days plus trying to make it through my very many Very Useful Boxes full of stuff.
So, from a forum perspective I suspect I'm a relative newbie? But In terms of the hobby, having been in it since the late 90s does rather make me a bit of an old timer! :P

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Joined the B&C back in 2010, after lurking for a while and the official GW forums closed. Was more active at that point on the old Eastern Fringe forums, but had "got to get them all"/FOMO fever in a super unhealthy way and went dark for about ten years after the wife made me quit. Came back when a couple of people from my work got me back into the hobby in a healthy manner and have been here since then. Just started working as a local TO to help encourage the growth of the hobby.

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Been around since 2006/7 - I remember posting on the board when I was in IT lessons, goofing off after finishing the day's work! 


Also a lost login "victim", but yeah...


It's been a while since I've done anything hobby related - got the Krieg/Orks kill team starter sitting on my desk, where it's been for months...think I might be able to forgive myself for that one, though, work and rugby have been taking up my time as I've been prepping stuff for my classes whilst I'm away to play against England and Australia next week.


Would love to try and get to grips with the game properly again once that's done, though. My Marines suffered a bit through the last round of changes and a bunch are now obsolete. 

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