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Any other old timers here still?

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Been here since 2015, painted my first Space Marine 36 years ago.  I also thought we had lost a few members over the past year or so.  I tried to sign up to Instagram last week and it would not let me, not sure if it's because I'm 53 years old.  Not sure if that makes me a Long Fang. :biggrin:

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Back in the day I had a warseer account but as an Eldar fanboy back then I only lurked here as it was still primarily a SM forum, I think I had an account created with the email I used for warseer but that's lost to the warp. Bit the bullet and made a new one in 2016  


TLDR: Started lurking when I could barely grow facial hair...now there's white/grey in my beard :teehee:

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Still lurking, my creaky old account dating back to the ancient days of 2006. Don't usefully play 40K anymore, but it's hard to break the habit, and I occasionally feel the pull of Orks or Space Marine models at the very least. This one's the last forum standing, as far as those I've ever frequented go. Sad to see, a concentrated place like this is infinitely better than the post-and-forget world of Reddit and various social media. Hey, all you other old timers.

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Joined in 2005. I still think forums are better for community interaction and recording/keeping thoughts/discussions than the waterfall style of Reddit/Discord etc where everything kind of drops away…


the internet is a vastly changed landscape especially since smartphone use went mainstream. It’s been interesting coming back to the boards after a long hiatus - I think the user base and how people use the board has also changed.

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Been a member since '04. Mostly play Epic and other specialist games now but there is a great community for those games down in the nether-regions of the forum. You definitely get a much better sense of community here than on most social media (FB, Reddit etc) but B&C has also managed to modernise much better than most other hobby forums - being so easily usable on a phone and taking some of the better elements of social media (the reaction button etc), I think that's helped it to keep that healthy community.

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  • Joined 2000ish

    B&C says August 25, 2002.  I think that was the migration to the latest "incarnation" of the server, when there was a big shut down and people had to log in, and recreate accounts.


Been playing Since the 80s.  Still have my copy of "Slaves to Darkness" from back then.  I Still favorite armies from that book.

1) Emperor's Children

2) Beastman Imperial Guard

3) Grey Knights

But I also love the Imperial Fists, and Genestealers (From the old White Dwarf, Compendium and Rogue Trader books).


I stopped playing for 12+ years when I left B&C.  Friends and I had an idea for terrain with 3d printing and some concepts with friends so dug out my old minis (and bought some new scouts) and tried to get my painting skills better.  I will never be good, just not my thing, but I will keep trying.


Genestealers (ala Cthulhu)



Beastmen (of Slaanesh)



Scouts of the III Gray Legion



And Daemonettes with "rollers" for terrain.  Trying to learn new things as I go.


Only had to buy the Primaris Scouts (Kill Team), paints and rollers.   Still have a pile of shame bits, though I have gotten rid of much over the 12 years.


So still around, need to update the Emperorschildren.net, got out of supporting the website after chaos got boring post 4th.


But 2 kids through college, lots of job changes, and more!   So 22 years on and off at the B&C.






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