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Any other old timers here still?

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I'm going to hop on here and tentatively try to suggest I count, maybe? I've been lurking on this forum since I was like, 11 years old...! That was around the time this forum started up (I think!). 


Recently finally made an account to join in, wish I had done so ages ago.


I was on Reddit previously, and will probably do reditting too... but, the experience of a forum is vastly superior. 


I think the forums are losing to Reddit on compatibility with mobile phones, not experience.  

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I think you count if you feel like you count..:wink:


That´s a good point, mobile phona compability.. I use my phone to call, and use those Apps I am "forced" to. So kidna forget that.. Sitting by my stationary, huge screen computer.. I am probably ina  minority so - totally understand that many others use phones and so on..  makes sense, sadly.

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Apparently joined in 2006....
Yeesh! Doesnt seem that long ago. 

I lurked for a good while here before i joined, as well as on FortressOfTheUnforgiven


Sounds like some Chaos Space marines/Traitor place?






Reddit is a cesspool. I’ll post on there occasionally, but man is that whole thing a landfill of people. 


Yeah.. I feel that way about most places, many Discord servers too.:laugh: Or the internet as a whole..

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I joined December 4th 06 but lurked a while before that. I don't post a huge amount and not a well known user on here. I haven't played a game since 7th and my hobby time has been almost nil the last few years. I like the idea of the return of Primarchs etc but think the execution is off. Some of my favourite models are now gone (RIP Ironclad) and my hobby group has changed its focus.

Still reading novels mind and just finished re reading the HH.

Currently planning a new HH army and Badab forces.


Thank you B&C.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Still around? No. That would imply I've been lurking and occasionally posting for the last few years... 


Yet, like a lingering cancer, I slowly crawl back into the veins of this community. 


I joined this community about 15 years ago. It was, by far, one of the influential communities in my life, especially when I was younger and really didn't have anyone in my area to talk about my hobby with. For the last few years, I hit a real low on my love for the hobby. Recently, however, I've been finding myself excited again to put paint on models and roll some dice. Unfortunately, it's mostly content that I can't post on this website (Gods know I wish I could post my Chaos Warriors) but I've also been slowly finding my way back to Horus Heresy and 4th edition 40k. 

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I have been playing since the end of first edition (although Epic was my original game of choice).


I first joined the Board in 2005, I think and then my login disappeared in The Great Crash. I rejoined in 2006 and became a mod for the first time in 2007. Went Cedo a few years later and then rejoined the ranks of the Moderati a few years after that.


Does that make me an old timer?


Also, what is this Reddit of which you speak?? :tongue:

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