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A Belated Hello


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Hi folks,


Should have done this 6 months ago, but here we are! Like many hobbyists, as a child I only collected random blister packs that I thought looked cool. Since returning to the hobby I’ve been playing CSM and WE. Most recently painting up Skarbrand as a practice run for Angron. 



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Your Scarbrand is awesome, though I suspect you're not quite finished and will be putting some more work into the axe heads to bring them up to the same level as the rest of the model.


Before you start a new chaos model (say, Angron) you should consider dropping by the Chaos Stronghold of the Call to Arms event and consider pledging it.  Even if painting events aren't normally your thing, this one might be - I would like to think we've kept it very positive and low pressure.


Or, if your next models aren't chaos, consider pledging them in the Imperial, Xenos or 30K strongholds.

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1 hour ago, Dr_Ruminahui said:

Your Scarbrand is awesome, though I suspect you're not quite finished and will be putting some more work into the axe heads to bring them up to the same level as the rest of the model.


Before you start a new chaos model (say, Angron) you should consider dropping by the Chaos Stronghold of the Call to Arms event and consider pledging it.  Even if painting events aren't normally your thing, this one might be - I would like to think we've kept it very positive and low pressure.


Or, if your next models aren't chaos, consider pledging them in the Imperial, Xenos or 30K strongholds.

Thanks dude, not sure on the axe heads yet. Work to do for sure! Thanks for the suggestion, is this a once a year thing? Sad I missed the start. There is only one stronghold I’m interested in and that is Chaos!

4 hours ago, INKS said:

Welcome! Skarbrand looks awesome!!!!!


Thanks dude!

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Yep, Call to Arms is a once of year thing, but folks can jump in at any time - no need to have been here from the start.  All it means is you have less painting time, as it ends mid-September.


And even if you don't join, drop by and cheer folks on - every bit of support is appreciated.


Glad to hear you are all in on Chaos - hopefully we'll see you join, and if not I'll see you around the various Chaos forums.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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11 minutes ago, Dr_Ruminahui said:

Yep, Call to Arms is a once of year thing, but folks can jump in at any time - no need to have been here from the start.  All it means is you have less painting time, as it ends mid-September.


And even if you don't join, drop by and cheer folks on - every bit of support is appreciated.


Glad to hear you are all in on Chaos - hopefully we'll see you join, and if not I'll see you around the various Chaos forums.

Thanks for the extra info. I’ve had a kitbashed daemon prince sat on my paint desk unpainted for a while which I might enter into the Master of the Forge category. If not, I’ll be sure to cheer people on.


See you in the Chaos forums!

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