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Question about leaders


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If you have two leaders in a unit, for the sake of argument Captain with Jump pack and Wolf Guard pack leader with jump pack attached to a unit of Skyclaws


Is only one leader leading the unit? or are both?

Does the unit benefit from both leaders like the Captain Angel's Wrath and the Pack leaders inspiring leadership?


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Thank you,


Follow up. If a character is leading the unit and it is wiped out is he still benefitting from the abilities? e.g. Does a Librarian have 4++ if he is the last man standing

If you have a character, and do not attach him to a unit does he benefit from the ability? e.g Does a Librarian who is running as a lone operative get a 4++

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There are a couple of different questions in there which I will do my best to answer for you.


Firstly, Characters do not automatically gain Lone Operative if they are not attached to a unit. The same is true if the unit they are attached to is killed. So in your example, a Librarian does not become a Lone Operative if his unit is killed.


What abilities a Character has when not attached to a squad depends on the wording of the abilities themselves. For example, a Librarian's Mental Fortress ability states


"While this model is leading a unit, models in that unit have a 4+ invulnerable save"


The first bit makes it clear that the ability only applies while the Librarian is leading a unit, he does not get the ability on his own.


In contrast a Captain's "Rites of Battle" simply says that one unit from your army can use the ability per turn. This means a Captain can use "Rites of Battle", even if he is not Leading a unit.

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Point of clarification


The last man standing character has the benefit of being attached to the unit during the attack that kills everyone else.  The rules treat it all as happening simultaneously so the defensive rules are locked in place until the next unit attacks.


So if like 20 dice are rolled and the bodyguard unit dies but some wounds remain...the last man standing character  would have whatever benefit the unit provided until that entire attack is resolved.


For example...the last man standing librarian still has a 4++ from leading a unit if they died during this specific attack.


This nuanced rule rarely matters but does come up if you run the SW terminator brick with captain and battle leader


The captain gets 4+ FNP if the terminators die and extra wounds are assigned to him from same attack (huskarl to the jarl ability of wgbl)


once the attack sequence ends the captain and battle leader become 2 separate units and it no longer works

Edited by TiguriusX
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