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Shadowsun and Farsight


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Hey everyone, 

Just wanted to know how you're using our epic heroes? Any tips or tactics in particular?

What detachment works best? Which bodyguard unit? 

I haven't used Farsight yet.

Built Shadowsun for her first game the other day. Hid her behind a building and popped out first turn to take a shot at a Redemptor and she got overwatched to death. 

I want to keep using her but that encounter left a bad taste in my mouth.


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Shadowsun is now a lot more survivable now that she can't be Doombolted, that's for sure.

From experience, mostly of getting Shadowsun used against me, she works best against Light Vehicles (i.e. Transports, bikes and smaller, weaker walkers), Terminators, Marines and Guard equivalent stuff (The Flechettes absolutely shred Guard).

Wall of Mirrors from Kauyon lets you put her back in StratReserves if she lived though the enemy phase so she can be brought back elsewhere.

Using The Torchstar Gambit strat if you're running Retaliation Cadre to push Shadowsun out of harms way after shooting.

In general tho, Shadowsun works best hunting characters, annoying Infantry and Transports that can't properly defend themselves. Don't throw her against tanks and dreadnoughts, T'au has Bigger suits and Railguns for them.


Farsight is pretty simple now tbh.

You take him, put him with a squad of Sunforge battlesuits (1 Shield Drone and 1 Gun Drone each) Move close to a target, pre-heat with Fusion Blasters and Charge them to finish (or some unlucky squad nearby if you just wiped the initial target).

Hit him with any strats that keeps him moving fast and alive.

Best Detachments are Mont'ka to push the aggression early or Retaliation Cadre to buff the suits more.


Also, Darkstrider.

Our Pathfinder Epic Hero with a Shotgun.

Put him in a unit of Pathfinders with Triple Railrifles to get the best out of his +1 to wound ability and put them next to whatever you don't want anyone setting up within 12" of. Don't worry if that thing is outside the deployment zone either, since he has Infiltrators and can follow in Recon Drone Pathfinders.

Drone-wise, take one of the Pathfinder specific Drones and whatever second Drone you normally put on an Infantry unit. I have no Grav Drone experiance, so I can't really comment on it, but the Pulse Drone doesn't affect Darkstrider's Shotgun for reasons stated below (but definitely helps the rest of the squad) and the Recon Drone's Burst Cannon isn't the best gun (and isn't buffed in Retaliation Cadre) but the Infiltrator ability is very good utility.

Any strats that buff Infantry should work on him and his unit (except stuff that keys off "Pulse" as his Shotgun doesn't have Pulse in it's name).

Edited by Indy Techwisp
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That sounds like an (un)lucky OW.

Shadowsun is a lone operative so can't have a bodyguard. She relies on her stealth to keep her safe. So if the enemy gets close a lucky die roll can take her out. I did it myself with a real lucky Tank Shock test once.


Farsight from what I've see (have yet to use him personally) is that his best in either Sunforged for close range AT or Starstrike for mowing down Infantry,. Basically he just boosts what the unit already does well due to the bonus to wound rolls and the discounted strats


Both being in battlesuits means that the Retaliation Cadre is built for them, but to help in movement the Mont'ka detachment is a good second choice.  

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3 hours ago, Indy Techwisp said:



Farsight is pretty simple now tbh.

You take him, put him with a squad of Sunforge battlesuits (1 Shield Drone and 1 Gun Drone each) Move close to a target, pre-heat with Fusion Blasters and Charge them to finish (or some unlucky squad nearby if you just wiped the initial target).


Never thought about putting him with the Sunforge. I attached my Enforcer with triple Fusion Blasters. It was annoying when they kept getting assaulted. Definitely going to build Farsight next. 

Any suggestions where to stick the Enforcer then? 

Thanks for all the input. 

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