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New miniature for Black templars

Brat Igorus

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Hello my brothers with the arrival of our next codex. Have you thought about which figurines we will get? Personally I thought about it and I thought about the Draco connectable and you?




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If we will indeed get a new model as our codex is released (which perhaps isn't too unlikely but old habits die hard and I can't help but be doubtful) my money would be on it being a single character.


Don't know if I'd bet on it being a named character over a generic one though. Perhaps with both a Marshal and Castellan kit existing, they could make a BT Ancient kit?


I'd love to see a vehicle based one, a special redemptor or brutalis, or perhaps a modern take on a LR crusader. Don't particularly believe that to be likely though.

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At the start of 10th edition I thought it would be one character as maximum but more likely just an upgrade kit for Terminators or something similar.

Now, after all releases yet I think it will be a character or something like a special vehicle like Marshal Reinhard said already.

Repulsor Crusader for example. But most likely is a character


What do we have already?!:


named Chapter Master (check)

named Marshal ( most likely)

Marshal (check)

named Castllan (maybe)

Castellan (check)

named Ancient (hmmm)

Ancient (dont think so)

named Apo (dont think so)

Apo (very unlikely because its more a BA thing)

named Termiantor (why not although its more a DA thing)

Chaplain (its a special thing to us)

named Chaplain (check)

special BT Chaplain (most likely)




So it could be an named Marshal - especially there are a few esablished ones but honestly a named chapter master is something very similar. 

For me the biggest chance is a BT variant of a chaplain. 

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Castellan Draco would be great and a named Lieutenant is a niche no one has plus I love the trend of GW revisiting older aesthetics in new miniatures, they've been nailing it so far.


Maybe it's the fact that I think our current upgrade kit is kind of weird spot with the relics not doing anything but I would love to see a new upgrade kit for Terminators and perhaps a new sarcophagus for Redemptor chassis to make a Chaplain-Venerable-Dreadnought, using upgrade kits to make new units is such a rarely used resource and I don't know why because it can be a great opportunity to flesh out a faction and  I wouldn't mind having our Sword Brethren Terminators being an upgrade kit.

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