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Alpha Legion Headhunter Leviathal 3500 pts


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Looking for suggestions, feedback, criticism, etc. 


The only units that are non-negotiable are: Dynat, Exodus, Alpharius, Deredeo, Contemptors, and Lerneaen Termies.


Mostly looking for advice on my tacticals, support squads, and headhunters as well as the list overall. Anything listed is options over the stock configuration. My thanks in advance!!!


Rite of War: Headhunter Leviathal



- Armillus Dynat (185)

- Exodus (165)



- Tactical Squad x15 chain bayonets, vexilla (190)

- Tactical Squad x15 chain bayonets, vexilla (190)

- Tactical Support x10 rotor cannons, vexilla (205)

- Recon Squad x5 nemesis bolters (135)



- Contemptor talon x2 (390)

     - gravis melta gun, in-built melta

     - gravis plasma cannon, in-built plasma

- Lerneaen Termies x5 power dagger on sergeant, heavy conversion Beamer (270)

- Lerneaen Termies x5 power dagger/chain fist on sergeant, 1 w/ powerfist/plasma blaster (300)

- Apothecary x3 Artificer armor, combi magna melta (195)


Fast Attack:

- Headhunters x5 powerfist on prime, multi-melta (155)

- Headhunters x5 powerfist on prime, multi-melta (155)
- Headhunters x5 powerfist on prime, multi-melta (155)


Heavy Support:

- Heavy Sup. Squad x5 missile launchers, nuncio-vox (135)

- Deredeo Dreadnought x1 Aiolos missile launcher (210)



- Alpharius (465)

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Alpharius is one of those primarchs you have to build the army around to take advantage, so what rules will you be giving to which units? Doubling up with dynat also means you lost his special rules - you could save a few points by running him as a thunder hammer praetor. 


Personally I find headhunters best at killing tanks with combimeltas. At killing infantry, Effrit are much much better, at sniping characters, seekers are much better. HH's have the unique MM and cheap combi weapons, and the ability to get preferred enemy character, and precision shots on meltaguns. I'd drop the fists and add 4x combimeltas. They won't live long enough to use the fists anyway. 


You lack any kind of long range anti tank. twin las contemptors are nasty, I'd consider swapping the second plasma one for a twin gravis las.


Lerneans. I wish they were better, but they're a cool unit. You can see that they're 75pts more than a regular term squad for not much improvement - what role will you use them in? Maybe bunch them into one unit of 10 and infiltrate them onto an objective? 


Are you planning on stealing a unit? 

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24 minutes ago, Xenith said:

Alpharius is one of those primarchs you have to build the army around to take advantage, so what rules will you be giving to which units? Doubling up with dynat also means you lost his special rules - you could save a few points by running him as a thunder hammer praetor. 


Personally I find headhunters best at killing tanks with combimeltas. At killing infantry, Effrit are much much better, at sniping characters, seekers are much better. HH's have the unique MM and cheap combi weapons, and the ability to get preferred enemy character, and precision shots on meltaguns. I'd drop the fists and add 4x combimeltas. They won't live long enough to use the fists anyway. 


You lack any kind of long range anti tank. twin las contemptors are nasty, I'd consider swapping the second plasma one for a twin gravis las.


Lerneans. I wish they were better, but they're a cool unit. You can see that they're 75pts more than a regular term squad for not much improvement - what role will you use them in? Maybe bunch them into one unit of 10 and infiltrate them onto an objective? 


Are you planning on stealing a unit? 

I see the downside of having Alpharius and Dynat in the same list, and in smaller lists, I’d just use Dynat by himself. At this point level, it was more of a rule of cool choice tbh. I still like Dynat as a melee monster and just think he’s cool.


Very good point on the HH. I’ll see if I can rework those. Was really trying to fill up fast attack so I can have 2 heavy support and not much in fast attack really appeals to me. Seekers are a good choice though. Was planning on sticking an apothecary w/ magna combi-melta with each HH squad. 


as far as long range anti-tank, I was more thinking of things that can knock hull points off at range (missile launchers, deredeo, recon and exodus), then having a bunch of close range melta since I’ll be infiltrating/scouting. Was thinking HH could all infiltrate up to take out priority targets while getting support in the way of pinning from the support squads w/ rotor cannons and missile launcher heavy support/deredeo. Exodus and recon would put out long range heavy damage and take out characters.


The Lerneaens are another rule of cool choice. I wanted one pretty stock squad to sit on a backfield objective and harass/blind with conversion beamer, and one squad that could act as more of a general infantry/light vehicle/terminator killing unit. I know they’re not great, but I think they become WS5 if they don’t have a character or anything attached to them.


I think I go against the grain on this, but I don’t want to take a rewards of treachery unit. Don’t know why, it just doesn’t appeal to me.


my main concern is do I get rid of chain bayonets on the tacticals and cut down on tactical support by a couple models to free up points to give sergeants artificer armor and a melee weapon? Maybe give heavy support vexillas? Do I downgrade to regular bayonets and free up points for artificer armor on just the tac sergeants?


I guess my thinking is rule of cool, non-competitive fluffy list as far as elite units, but I’d like my infantry to be somewhat effective. Basically, I want to have a fun army to play against that wins sometimes and loses sometimes.

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No worries, I can suggest a couple of tweaks to make the list more efficient, however feel free to ignore in favour of rule of cool:


2 hours ago, HunterofHunters said:

Very good point on the HH. I’ll see if I can rework those. Was really trying to fill up fast attack so I can have 2 heavy support and not much in fast attack really appeals to me. Seekers are a good choice though. Was planning on sticking an apothecary w/ magna combi-melta with each HH squad. 


I face the same issue, cheap FA slots are gold for alpha legion, seekers, land speeders, xiphons and bare jetbikes are all great. Seekers are always one of the first things in my list, the damage output is scary, especially if you get lucky and spike some wound rolls, and they're very thematic. I often put a sabateur with them to provide shroud bombs, making them +8" away, meaning they win any 24" range firefights. 


2 hours ago, HunterofHunters said:

as far as long range anti-tank, I was more thinking of things that can knock hull points off at range (missile launchers, deredeo, recon and exodus), then having a bunch of close range melta since I’ll be infiltrating/scouting. Was thinking HH could all infiltrate up to take out priority targets while getting support in the way of pinning from the support squads w/ rotor cannons and missile launcher heavy support/deredeo. Exodus and recon would put out long range heavy damage and take out characters.


This really isnt very much anti tank for a 3.5k game - many things are S8 or less and won't touch a flare shield spartan (even multimeltas will only have a 50/50 chance to knock off a hull point or more), and with only 6 melta guns, 3 of which are one shot only, you'll get one tank and no more, not to mention all your really expensive units are now all in one place and defenceless. A general rule of thumb is to bring enough to be able to kill a contemptor per turn.


2 hours ago, HunterofHunters said:

The Lerneaens are another rule of cool choice. I wanted one pretty stock squad to sit on a backfield objective and harass/blind with conversion beamer, and one squad that could act as more of a general infantry/light vehicle/terminator killing unit. I know they’re not great, but I think they become WS5 if they don’t have a character or anything attached to them.


I'd only take the beamer on the backfield squad to save some points, but if you have a fist model aleady, go for it! Personally I'd infiltrate 10 with alpharius onto a central objective, and blind anythin that tries to charge them. They also only get +1 to hit, which is about WS 4.5, they still get his on a 3+ in return from anything that's ws5. By the wording of the rule, they get the +1 at the start of the game, which is before a character is attached, so they will get the +1 even if you put alphy with them. If you put a hydran excursor with them, they will get +2 against your chosen faction at all times. 


Chain bayonets are fun. I'd run the apocs with the tactical blobs for the sweet 4+FNP with heart of the legion, then also infiltrate them. The HH will die fast, even with the priest, so I'd put them where they'll have more value. Arty armour with a 4+ heart of the legion feel no pain means your unit is basically immune to small arms fire. 

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2 hours ago, Xenith said:

No worries, I can suggest a couple of tweaks to make the list more efficient, however feel free to ignore in favour of rule of cool:



I face the same issue, cheap FA slots are gold for alpha legion, seekers, land speeders, xiphons and bare jetbikes are all great. Seekers are always one of the first things in my list, the damage output is scary, especially if you get lucky and spike some wound rolls, and they're very thematic. I often put a sabateur with them to provide shroud bombs, making them +8" away, meaning they win any 24" range firefights. 



This really isnt very much anti tank for a 3.5k game - many things are S8 or less and won't touch a flare shield spartan (even multimeltas will only have a 50/50 chance to knock off a hull point or more), and with only 6 melta guns, 3 of which are one shot only, you'll get one tank and no more, not to mention all your really expensive units are now all in one place and defenceless. A general rule of thumb is to bring enough to be able to kill a contemptor per turn.



I'd only take the beamer on the backfield squad to save some points, but if you have a fist model aleady, go for it! Personally I'd infiltrate 10 with alpharius onto a central objective, and blind anythin that tries to charge them. They also only get +1 to hit, which is about WS 4.5, they still get his on a 3+ in return from anything that's ws5. By the wording of the rule, they get the +1 at the start of the game, which is before a character is attached, so they will get the +1 even if you put alphy with them. If you put a hydran excursor with them, they will get +2 against your chosen faction at all times. 


Chain bayonets are fun. I'd run the apocs with the tactical blobs for the sweet 4+FNP with heart of the legion, then also infiltrate them. The HH will die fast, even with the priest, so I'd put them where they'll have more value. Arty armour with a 4+ heart of the legion feel no pain means your unit is basically immune to small arms fire. 

WOW! This is exactly the kind of insight I was looking for and really puts into perspective how under-powered I made my list in the interest of trying not to make it overpowered. I’ll think on this tonight at work and try to reformulate my list. Thank you again!

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Ok, so I’m thinking of these changes:


-dropping an apothecary altogether and placing the other two with my tactical squads.


-changing HH banestrike to combi-meltas.


-possibly changing heavy support squad to volkite culverins or lascannons.


-equipping 3 of the combat-oriented Lerneaens with lightning claws.


-adding artificer armor and power fist or power weapon to tactical sergeants.


-dropping the tac support squad to 8 guys.


-giving anything with more than 24” range augery scanners.


-dropping chain bayonets altogether.



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