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Attn Deathwatch Fortresses:






"The good news is that you absolutely can field a whole army of Deathwatch Space Marines. You’ll require a copy of Codex: Space Marines, and can use any of the Detachments picking Deathwatch units through the Assigned Agents army rule found in the new Codex. This retains the thematic flavour of the Deathwatch with versatile veterans and airborne transports, while also granting access to the rest of the Space Marine armoury.

The Ordo Xenos and regular Space Marines can make use of the Deathwatch Legends datasheets in narrative games too. These include Kill Team Cassius and several highly adaptable Kill Team variants which mix and match a wide range of Space Marine units. These datasheets have the Deathwatch keyword – exactly like those in Codex: Imperial Agents – so they get full use out of the Ordo Xenos Detachment."



Deathwatch do already have Battleline, so I wouldn't be surprised if they retain that.


In regards to the "soup Deathwatch back into Space Marines" method of playing Deathwatch going forward, it's possible that we might be able to drag in more of then than we initially thought since the Voidsmen-at-Arms unit has a rule where the unit is ignored for "how many souped units" purposes if they're being led by a character with a specific Keyword and I don't think it's too much to speculate that Deathwatch Veterans might get a version of that rule that lets you bring an extra unit in alongside a Watch Captain and the Deathwatch Named guy (maybe the Ordo Xenos Inquisitor too, but probably not).

I’ve just added up the 3500 points of ‘primaris deathwatch I’ve collected and extensively converted and am left scratching my head. Reorganizing them from kill teams into individual units should be easy enough, but I guess the only option I have to field them now is to run as one of the codex SM Detachments. If only they had included the black spear task force in codex SM or as an online datasheet. What detachment are people using?

While I’m thrilled the firstborn kit didn’t get culled (to be fair the scale and modernness of the kit has aged well as one of the last pre-primaris marine kits) it makes things a bit odd as there’s now a disjunction if you wish to run them with more modern codex SM units. Unless of course one wishes to field just the models in the agents codex. Or use legends? 


I’ve just added up the 3500 points of ‘primaris deathwatch I’ve collected and extensively converted and am left scratching my head. Reorganizing them from kill teams into individual units should be easy enough, but I guess the only option I have to field them now is to run as one of the codex SM Detachments. If only they had included the black spear task force in codex SM or as an online datasheet. What detachment are people using?

While I’m thrilled the firstborn kit didn’t get culled (to be fair the scale and modernness of the kit has aged well as one of the last pre-primaris marine kits) it makes things a bit odd as there’s now a disjunction if you wish to run them with more modern codex SM units. Unless of course one wishes to field just the models in the agents codex. Or use legends? 


Detachment wise it's pretty flexible.

Tho considering the "meta way" to run DW as allies seems to be 1 or 2 melee bricks in a Rhino, you probably want a Detachment that supports that approach, even if DW don't get to benefit from the Detachment rule anymore.


In terms of in-codex usage, the Ordo Xenos Detachment is just Blackspear reprinted, pretty much.

Up to and including buffing DW and nothing else.

Other than 6 squads of DW, 3 Watchmasters and the Named guy (and maybe 3 Corvus Blackstars) you're pretty much done with viable units.

Inquisitor Draxia doesn't have the right keyword to benefit from much, but she helps shooting, as does Coteus with Melee.

That's... pretty much your viable in-codex list.

That said, the Navy Detachment is busted and DW really benefit from the stuff in it which isn't locked to Voidfarers (and that's not many things), so I wouldn't be surprised if we see former DW players running that Detachment at tourneys.

Luckily since I only play with friends, I'm going to just use the index and ignore the codex. 

This codex adds no value to a DW player, just restrictions and a clunky system that does not look fun, and that is all I want, a fun game.

Following up from my general disillusionment when Imperial Agents rules became more fully known, I think I'm closer to being 'okay' with the new Agents list restrictions.


As such, I'm essentially resigned to playing Deathwatch as a Space Marines Detachment with just the one actual 'Deathwatch hammer/shield squad'. I don't want more than one literal big hammer unit in the list anyway, so I'm coming around on just being free to choose any other Space Marines to represent 'Deathwatch'.


So my question today was what chapter, and critically what detachment makes best sense for the 'all veterans' style Marines list?


I've decided it may actually be a Dark Angels Inner Circle Detachment(?)(!). It actually feels pretty appropriate to the 'tactical flex and focus' that the 'Watch is known for, while also having special rules that can affect anyone in the list (other, strangely, than the hammer brick).


So currently my 2000pt list looks like:


1x Captain with jump pack / thunder hammer+shield Leading:

1x5 Vanguard Vets


1x Jump Chaplain Leading:

1x5 Vanguard Vets (together these are my jump deathwatch - second unit of 5 is last one I'm doing)


1x Librarian - Leading:

1x 10 Sternguard (I'm okay with these being my 'shooty Deathwatch team'. My collection contains a solid number of guys with combis and nothing else, so Libby for 4++ make these a fun and fluffy infantry hunter)


1x Techmarine camping with:

1x Relic Deredeo dreadnought (because it's cool - I universally play in a Legends-friendly environment. It's )


2x 5 Terminator Squad (2 squads of Lamenters on their penitent crusade and just rescued from a Space Hulk ; ) - Keeps the number of deathwatch in the list to 30 + 4 characters + Corvus and single dreadnought) )




1x 10 Deathwatch (obligatory hammer / shield squad) in:

1x Corvus (These are the 2 legal Retinue units)


2x Inquisitor + 1x6 henchmen + 1x12 henchmen in:

2x Chimera (2 Allied Hero selections with 'free' retinues)


The Vowed Objective detachment rule actually seems relevant on all the chosen SM units here, and they are all actually 'veterans' and suitably 'oldmarines'.


I'm even considering just using the Lamenter Terminator Captain as Belial and then converting an 'Azrael' for the 10 sternguard, but I'd have to drop at least 6 more henchmen and the libby+chaplain to get there. Probably going to use a list that doesn't have 'Named Dark Angels' in it to start I guess lol.


My second choice is probably Raven Guard / Vanguard, and that may even be the better rule for this list because it actually increases defense across most of the list... But I can also see a good reasoning behind like Ventris and/or Sicarius for extra scouts/deep-strike whether in sneaky or flex detchament.


What other Chapters/detachments are people considering?




The Good Doctor.



I've decided it may actually be a Dark Angels Inner Circle Detachment(?)(!). It actually feels pretty appropriate to the 'tactical flex and focus' that the 'Watch is known for, while also having special rules that can affect anyone in the list (other, strangely, than the hammer brick).




The Vowed Objective detachment rule actually seems relevant on all the chosen SM units here, and they are all actually 'veterans' and suitably 'oldmarines'.


I'm even considering just using the Lamenter Terminator Captain as Belial and then converting an 'Azrael' for the 10 sternguard, but I'd have to drop at least 6 more henchmen and the libby+chaplain to get there. Probably going to use a list that doesn't have 'Named Dark Angels' in it to start I guess lol.


My second choice is probably Raven Guard / Vanguard, and that may even be the better rule for this list because it actually increases defense across most of the list... But I can also see a good reasoning behind like V

What other Chapters/detachments are people considering?




The Good Doctor.



Landed on the same conclusion as you did! Plan on using Inner Circle as well, to help focus down on the "Veterans" aspect. I was already running my DW Intercessors as Sternguard anyways, and used the Ravenwing Command Squad to make my Bike Vets. Knights would make the actual toughness that Terminators exhibit in lore, and use TH/SS for the loadouts. Plus, regular -Wing Terminators can run Plasma like we used to be able to.


Depending on overall Warlord and Army Composition, could also flex to different theme detachments... Similar to past editions where you could choose the Chapter benefit. So, if I have my Watch Fortresses Master of the Forge leading, run him as Iron Father Ferrios and let the Ancients and more relic vehicles (Leviathans, Sicarans, etc) from the Fortress Armory out to play. Use Ultramarines (or the Lion and Azrael) to have the Watch Command on the field for the in-extremis/hive fleet defense threat. 


All the while, still throw in a maxed Kill Team with a Keeper attached (Watch Master) and Blackstar to allow for a decent counter punch. Been planning on using an Alpha Legion Exodus (subtely converted to be like a DW Kill Marine) as a stand-in Vindicare, so at least the Agents rules help flex that in easier too. There's nothing that can fill the gap in my army's soul like the mixed Kill Teams did though.

  • 4 weeks later...

Homebrew (2000 points)

CHARACTERS 5(470 points) 

Watch Captain Tor Garadon(90 points)
• Warlord - Tor Garadon(90 points)

Librarian In Phobos Armor(70 points)

Watch Captain (80 points)
Heavy Bolt Pistol, Master Crafted Power Weapon and Relic Shield
  • Enhancement: Thief Of Secrets

Apothecary Biologist(85 points) on
• Enhancement: Fire Discipline(30 points) 

Watch Master (105 points)
• Enhancement: Tome of Ectoclades(40 points)

BATTLELINE(1510 points)
Deathwatch Veterans(200 points)
Sgt with Long Vigil Ranged Weapon and Xenophase Blade
1 Astartes Shield and 1 Long Vigil Melee Weapon
4 Deathwatch Thunder Hammers
4 Infernus Heavy Bolter and 1 close combat weapon

Fortis Kill Team(230 points) Led By Watch Captain
5 Intercessors 2 Long Vigil Range Weapons, 2 Long Vigil Melee, and 3 Bolt Rifles
3 Hell blasters Plasma Pistol 3
2 Outrider 2

Spectrus Kill Team(180 points) led by Librarian In Phobos Armor
5 Infiltrators
2 Eliminator
2 Suppressor
1 Incursor with Heywire Mine

Indominator Kill Team(270 points) led by Apothecary Biologist
Kraken Rounds
Heavy Intercessors 5 two heavy bolters
Bolt storm Aggressors 2
Bolter Interceptors 2
Multi-Melta Eradicators 1

Indominator Kill Team(270 points) led by Tor Garadon
Kraken Rounds
Heavy Intercessors 5 two heavy bolters
Bolt storm Aggressors 2
Bolter Interceptors 2
Multi-Melta Eradicators 1

Proteus Kill Team(360 points) Led by Watch Master
5 Kill Team Veterans 3 with Four Infernus Heavy Bolters and 2 with Astartes Shield and Long Vigil Melee weapon
1 Kill Team Bikers
4 Death Watch Terminator 1 Terminators with Stormshild and Thunder Hammer  2 Cyclone Missle Launcher 1 AutoCannon


Edited by Zelhart

... no more kill teams....


Space Marines
Strike Force (2000 points)
Gladius Task Force


Apothecary (50 points)
    1x Absolvor bolt pistol
    1x Close combat weapon
    1x Reductor pistol 

Apothecary Biologis (85 points)
    1x Absolvor bolt pistol
    1x Close combat weapon
  • Enhancement: Fire Discipline 

Captain in Gravis Armor (100 points)
    1x Master-crafted heavy bolt rifle
    1x Master-crafted power weapon
  • Enhancement: Artificer Armor

Watch Captain Tor Garadon (90 points)
  • Warlord
    1x Artificer grav-gun
    1x Hand of Defiance 

Eradicator Squad (190 points) 
Heavy Intercessors Squad(200) Led by Apothecary
Aggressor Squad (240 points)  Led by Tor Garadon 
Aggressor Squad (240 points)  Led by Captain in Gravis
Aggressor Squad (240 points)  Led by Apothecary Biologist 
Inceptor Squad (260 points) 

Deathwatch Kill Team (200 points) Led by Watch Master
Violent Acquisition Stratagem
Watch Master (105 points)

Well - I finally got the last 5 Vanguard and 2 jump characters painted, so I'm running DW as Vanguard Spearhead with Knight ally on Sunday (2085pts for narrative reasons):


Jump Hammer Captain +5 Van

Jump Chaplain +5 Van


Librarian (Blade Driven Deep) + 10 Sternguard






2x5 Terminators (Lamenters)



Draxus + 10x Kill Team (Max Hammers / Shields + 2 frag cannons)


Knight Errant


Will start a new thread for game reporting. I'm actually still pretty stoked to run this, as majority of jump bois and Deredeo haven't event taken the field yet.




The Good Doctor.

  • 2 weeks later...

The News thread contains alot of Fraters' thoughts on this just now I think:


'real and complete' to me just means 'Kill Team and Characters get 'Adeptus Astartes' Keyword so they can be included in Astartes Detachments'. I'll still use Imperial Agents in such a list most of the time (aiming for 2x Inq chimera and 2x Subductor rhinos as an 800pt utility allied force so that 1200pts of marines can get stuck in), but at least it means we get access to the conventional marine arsenal / armory and army rules. Codex Marines are just generally below average right now in any case, however, so it's still going to be a bit of an uphill battle.


Bonus point for Making Xeno Hunters detachment available as a Space Marines detachment, but I do not expect it. I'm going to try a 6x5 Killteam list at some point, but I'm building away from marines and toward more Navy assets to run that detachment next year some time (kinda just need 20 or so more Breachers for that, but they are AWOL in store rn. Ho hum.


Mixed units are just kinda bad for the game, so I probably won't use them even if they do come back (doubtful IMO) - my DW are 100% oldmarines and though I do have Killteam Cassius I'm okay if I don't have a strong use case for the terminator and bike most of the time.




The Good Doctor.



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