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i wonder how cool they would look with this chap's jump pack... I bet they'd look amazing. Always thought he had the best wings. Now how to source 3 of this mfer affordably.... Edit: Or if you're feeling cheap, I suppose just do the Sarge for them, lol

Blood Angels Chaplain With Jump Pack

Edited by Wispy
  On 8/12/2024 at 5:50 PM, Wispy said:

i wonder how cool they would look with this chap's jump pack... I bet they'd look amazing. Always thought he had the best wings. Now how to source 3 of this mfer affordably....

Blood Angels Chaplain With Jump Pack



From FLGS.

It's the only model of a Jump Pack Chaplain avaliable now tho, so it sells pretty quickly.

  On 8/12/2024 at 5:45 PM, Kharn13 said:

Has anyone worked out Sanguinor base size yet? I’m guessing smaller than primarch 60mm? 40 or 50? Dante is 50 right?


99% sure it's a 40mm.


  On 8/12/2024 at 5:47 PM, Kharn13 said:

He did indeed! What could it be?


It's probably for heresy, and the great angel is actually the red angel in his transfigured form.

  On 8/12/2024 at 5:47 PM, Kharn13 said:

He did indeed! What could it be?


I wanna say 99% chance it was just a joke/troll but if they brought sanguinius back my retirement from the actual game would be very short lived, so I’m kinda hoping it’s that 1% chance that he’s not just teasing us and something amazing is still to come…especially since the sanguinor was such a let down.

  On 8/12/2024 at 5:25 PM, Wispy said:

the sanguinor's chine weirdness is a result of the NMM paint job. That's not the model, you can paint yours differently. 


I don't know if its because people have trouble differentiating texture from geometry or if some folks are just being especially zealous to bash something. 


Here's an alternate angle where you can see more of the sculpt





It's fine, just boring. People are dumb of course and think it has something to do with Primaris, but it's just a boring update.


Sanguinary Guard is where the anger should be. And after being told they'd be cool since we lost our bespoke Death Company. Such a buzz kill. 

  On 8/12/2024 at 1:35 PM, Indy Techwisp said:


People meme'd too hard when the cover art of one of the Ahriman Books gave him, quote, "Big Naturals", so to punish us they took all the Marine nipples away.


I hadn’t realised that this was a thing- in this instance nipples would have removed any confusion on my part. If placed appropriately, obvs.

  On 8/12/2024 at 5:50 PM, Wispy said:

i wonder how cool they would look with this chap's jump pack... I bet they'd look amazing. Always thought he had the best wings. Now how to source 3 of this mfer affordably.... Edit: Or if you're feeling cheap, I suppose just do the Sarge for them, lol




https://www.shapeways.com/product/FVPVDX8SW/winged-jetpacks-x1-x5-or-x6?optionId=305919478&li=shops get it before shapeways goes down.



To quote the article:

Tracing their heritage back to the Great Crusade, the Sanguinary Guard are the Chapter’s most elite warriors. Their dwindling supply of relic armour, Angelus boltguns, and unmistakable death masks have been retrofitted to work with new Tacticus Mark X armour. 


So it seems the lack of certain iconic parts of the kit are actually intentional in lore.

Probably because after the Devastation of Baal the BA were reduced to a single Sangy Guard and basically all the other wargear was lost.

Okay. So the face for the Sanguinor is hideous; just like the one they did for Dante. There was zero need for primaris ear flaps.

Second: You cannot fit the old wings on the new SG backs specifically because they used Jump Assault Intercessor backpacks. Had they used singe thruster packs then it would be fine but they went double and there is no gap for the old wings to fit.  Big L on that one.

That said, if I were to get these here is what I would do:

1) Do a helmet swap on the Sanguinor. Finecast versions of the old sculpt are still out there and then there is also 3d printing but I digress. Either way, that helmet has GOT to go
2) Find a way to get multiple copies of the new sanguinor pack and use them for the Sanguinary guard.

3) Replace the SG death masks with the old plastic ones. Lord knows I have a million of them already.

4) Probably swap out a spear or two for legacy SG weapons. The new Perdition kit for HH has cool new swords/axes and even a maul.

I was really looking forward to maybe buying in to the new stuff but it's been so "meh" that I've lost interest. Probably going to pick them up exclusively for stealing some bits but not for any serious army work.

Edited by Spagunk
  On 8/12/2024 at 5:50 PM, Wispy said:

i wonder how cool they would look with this chap's jump pack... I bet they'd look amazing. Always thought he had the best wings. Now how to source 3 of this mfer affordably.... Edit: Or if you're feeling cheap, I suppose just do the Sarge for them, lol

Blood Angels Chaplain With Jump Pack


You figure out how to do anything in this hobby affordable let me know 

DC moving to an upgrade kit I could stomach, if any kit could be said to be cluttered, it was that one. And the Lore for them has them repainting their armor, not getting bespoke detailing, but it was still an amazing source for BA bits thats now lost. 


But those SG? Pathetic.

I was gonna say they look like Stormcast, but no, the new stormcast models look a fair bit better. No wings, no two-handed weapons, chunky detail or plain armor where they should be ornate, straight up stormcast helmets rather than the old Deathmasks, bleh.


The character models have ranged from fine to good, but the infantry kits and dreadnought are massive disappointments compared to the old stuff. Sanguinor looks like the worst update imo, it isn't bad (minus the thanos chin) but if any model could've used a modern redesign to be fancier that was it. An AoS style overwrought flying base would've been perfect here, rather than the same akward Tpose over scrolls

  On 8/12/2024 at 6:09 PM, Spagunk said:

Second: You cannot fit the old wings on the new SG backs specifically because they used Jump Assault Intercessor backpacks. Had they used singe thruster packs then it would be fine but they went double and there is no gap for the old wings to fit.  Big L on that one.

2) Find a way to get multiple copies of the new sanguinor pack and use them for the Sanguinary guard.



Just use the classic sanguinary guard jump packs along with the wings, they look better anyway...problem solved (if you can find them)

  On 8/12/2024 at 5:50 PM, Wispy said:

i wonder how cool they would look with this chap's jump pack... I bet they'd look amazing. Always thought he had the best wings. Now how to source 3 of this mfer affordably.... Edit: Or if you're feeling cheap, I suppose just do the Sarge for them, lol

Blood Angels Chaplain With Jump Pack


I disagree, to me they're not angelic enough. I prefer the way angel's wings are usually portrayed in classic christianity artwork 

  On 8/12/2024 at 5:56 PM, DemonGSides said:


It's fine, just boring. People are dumb of course and think it has something to do with Primaris, but it's just a boring update.


Sanguinary Guard is where the anger should be. And after being told they'd be cool since we lost our bespoke Death Company. Such a buzz kill. 



The Sanguinor face is fine, although it does remind me of an orangutan after someone brushes its hair.


In my opinion, the biggest miss is the helmet itself. The Sanguinor should look like something approximating a Space Marine, but it is actually a Warp entity. There is no reason for its helmet to match the new Tacticus styling, or even for it to look like a helmet at all.


The old Sanguinor does a better job of this because its head looks like some kind of sculpture come to life.

  On 8/12/2024 at 6:12 PM, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

You figure out how to do anything in this hobby affordable let me know 


For years my secret was 'work at game developers making Warhammer video games.' My 7th edition Space Wolves army was built entirely from free models GW sent to our studio, they were contractually obligated by the licensing agreement to send 4 copies of every 40k product. 


Similar idea for my Stormcast army when I worked on Age of Sigmar: Stormground.

  On 8/12/2024 at 6:20 PM, Spagunk said:

The old ones are too small on primaris.


Nah, they're fine. Better they're on the small side so they look more subservient to the big winged HQs like Sanguinor and Astorath.

Another vote for "Sanguinor is fine, Sanguinary Guard not so much."


I can appreciate certain aspects about them: I like the heads, I think the armour has a decent amount of ornateness about it without going over the top, and I don't even really mind the primaris-ification since the SG always looked a bit different anyway. But something about the posing is just really off to me. They just look so awkward.

  On 8/12/2024 at 6:52 PM, Blindhamster said:

Interesting tidbit from the trailer.


i count at least 8 sanguinary guard around Dante 


I wouldn't read to much into it. Wasn't there a bunch of debate surrounding Inner Circle Companions squad size (I think it was them) because one picture looked like there was 5 of them together but they turned out to be squads of 3 anyway.

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