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Deathwatch. Had bespoke rules and codex for multiple editions, but no longer. They do count.


Ultramarines also lost more than half of their unique units.


And if you're a Crimson Fist fan you can't even buy the one model associated with the chapter.

I didn’t realize the UM had lost so much… and Pedro Kantor had completely slipped from my mind.



Space Marines are Primaris now.
That's it.
We can't do anything about that, GW certainly aren't and it was people demanding a lore reason for what should have just been a normal upscaling that caused this entire thing.


It has been 6 years since they introduced them and what does it say about our community that we're still ripping out each other's throats and ruining people's discussions over it?


The very first person who brought up the Primaris debate, in this thread, was you saying that was the basis for people's dislike. So if you'd like that topic to go away, step one would  be not talking about it personally.


Hmm, while I liked the Death Company these are a bit of a miss for me. The Sanguinary Guard feel a bit bland and not that different from regular jump pack assault troops. I think it's the lack of wings that breaks it for me and they feel like a bit of a wasted opportunity to go all out 40k.


If anyone should scream 'His Angels' from a design point of view it should be these guys.


Lack of wings, and (most importantly) lack of nipples.


I think these are worse than the GW ones in just about every way, honestly.



ive had time to stew on the sanguinary guard and I think they aren’t a win, but they’re definitely good enough I can work with to get what I want out of them.


for me the pros:

- bare heads are lovely

- death masks are good imo, and importantly they look like they can turn their heads properly lol.

- swords are far nicer than the old ones

- spears are cool, and I’m interested to see what they equate to rule wise.

- the muscle armour is pretty good, and broadly inline with the new captain

- I like the jump packs, they fit nicely with Dante and I didn’t like the wings over much (my own unit from way back didn’t have the wings on them, in part because I didn’t like how they looked beside my Dante)

- I love that they have loin cloth things.


For me the cons:

- I don’t like the abs on one of them (far right one), I’ll see if I can fix that with some cutting.

- I don’t like the thigh design, I’m pretty confident I can fix that with a knife and a bit of green stuff/miliput 

- I don’t like how the upper part of the pectorals look (the only issue I also had with the new captain), I think a bit of smoothing out can probably fix this, and make the pecs generally a bit less bulky.

- I’d have liked at least a little bit of variety in the chest piece. Maybe one with a winged skull and one with a winged blood drop. I think I can probably pull that off though tbh.


it may also be that if I see them in person I think some or all of the above negative things don’t look bad on the actual models.





This is an opinion. That it differs from that of others does not make it a fact.

It is a fact that the Sanguinary Guard models are solid, though it looks like many people would be perfectly happy to heat them up until they turn into a liquid. :laugh:


I just find them bland. I thought the old slabs of metal that they called wings would only hinder them in combat and replacing them with wing-embellished control surfaces makes a lot more sense to me... but I can't help but think that they look so bland.... The death masks seem to lack detail and the bald appearance they have looks a bit unflattering to me, I'm not entirely sold on the poses (though a bodyguard unit looking like they are guarding a model rather than diving all over the place does make sense to me). I don't hate them, but they don't inspire me at all.


I dearly hope the fanny packs on the sides are optional, without the actually beat the allegations of hoarding rations.


Fanny packs? You mean the cylindrical grenade pouch? All of marine models have them.. Here's one one that goes on an Inner Circle Companions.




Fanny packs? You mean the cylindrical grenade pouch? All of marine models have them.. Here's one one that goes on an Inner Circle Companions.




One of the models does have an actual handbag looking pouch on their hip tho.

Those being in place do make the Sangy Guard look a bit fat, when they should only look as wide as an Intercessor

the sanguinor's chine weirdness is a result of the NMM paint job. That's not the model, you can paint yours differently. 


I don't know if its because people have trouble differentiating texture from geometry or if some folks are just being especially zealous to bash something. 


Here's an alternate angle where you can see more of the sculpt




I don't know if its because people have trouble differentiating texture

99% of the time it's down to that, yes. Almost always there is one person commenting how much better a model looks once they get their hands on it.

*Turns to Skatros*
"hey buddy maybe I was a little too harsh"

meme's aside, nothing I want to say hasn't already been typed here, too me they seem too wide and not ostentatious enough for SG but they do fit with Dante's rework and you can't have bodyguards out blinging the chapter master.

I dunno on first glance my brain immediately started picking out things that remind me of first gen stormcast, and some of those poses seem..weird


The "fanny pack" looks to me like its a half-circle magazine pouch for the new half-circle magazines of the new angelus boltguns.

That makes sense.

i hate it, lol.


The very first person who brought up the Primaris debate, in this thread, was you saying that was the basis for people's dislike. So if you'd like that topic to go away, step one would  be not talking about it personally.


It is the usual pattern. Bring up controversial topic, people respond to said topic.


Invariably followed up with "Surely we cannot still be discussing this after sooooo many years. Ugh, what a terrible community. :verymad:"


As the great Michael Scott would say: "'Be the change you wish to see in the world.' - Gandhi"



I think it was just one of those guesses based on 40k Blood Angels not having a Primarch they can bring back, so people theorised they'd roid up the Sanguinor to functionally be a 'Primarch-esq' centrepiece. Then I suppose the theorising got Chinese Whisperer'ed enough for some to take it as an actual rumour, rather than a discussion. 

This might have just been valrak trolling but he did mention in his video today something about the great angel and to just wait until tomorrow (or maybe it was next week)



It is the usual pattern. Bring up controversial topic, people respond to said topic.


Invariably followed up with "Surely we cannot still be discussing this after sooooo many years. Ugh, what a terrible community. :verymad:"


As the great Michael Scott would say: "'Be the change you wish to see in the world.' - Gandhi"


I brought it up initially because I (at the time erroneously) assumed that some other users were against the new model simply because it was new.

When corrected otherwise, I dropped that line of thinking until another, different user brought up Primaris as the issues several pages later.

ok the more I look at them the more I get slight more upset.

No more wings on the back. No Axes? what the heck... plain chest armor. heads look less impressive. and down to 3 models from 5... but we all know they are going to charge us the same price if not more than what they charged for 5. I am not going to go into a deeper rant on that but I dislike it, it doesn't feel right. And I know, this isn't new or the first time they've done this. But giving you less and charging more is just... not good.


We now get less models, so it feels like you could not be bothered to make 2 more models. You took away the wings because... well who knows. too much plastic or too hard to sculpt or who knows. And you took away Axes because... too lazy? I hate to use that word but I lack a better one.


The models are ok. they aren't super horrible or anything but compared to the old ones, they are less. not an upgrade. and a new release should look and feel like an upgrade. these do not.

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