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Just copying this here as well:


As stated in the WarCom article, there's a Lore reason for why they're less fancy:

Tracing their heritage back to the Great Crusade, the Sanguinary Guard are the Chapter’s most elite warriors. Their dwindling supply of relic armour, Angelus boltguns, and unmistakable death masks have been retrofitted to work with new Tacticus Mark X armour. 


I'd guess the supply is "dwindling" because after the Devastation of Baal the BA were left with one single Sangy Guard and almost no undamaged or repairable wargear to outfit new Sangy Guards with.

Posted this in News/Rumor section but here are my takes:


The Sanguinor is hideous; just like the one they did for Dante. There was zero need for primaris ear flaps.

That said, if I were to get these here is what I would do:

1) Do a helmet swap on the Sanguinor. Finecast versions of the old sculpt are still out there and then there is also 3d printing but I digress. Either way, that helmet has GOT to go
2) Find a way to get multiple copies of the new sanguinor pack and use them for the Sanguinary guard.

3) Replace the SG death masks with the old plastic ones. Lord knows I have a million of them already.

4) Probably swap out a spear or two for legacy SG weapons. The new Perdition kit for HH has cool new swords/axes and even a maul.

Where to start? lol.


The Sanguinor sculptor must be a huge fan of Ian Brown of the Stone Roses, because they used his face as inspiration for the new version. If possible I'd use the old Sanguinor head in lieu of Ian Brown's mug. This Sanguinor wants to be adored!


I'm very glad I still have a full tackle box of first born BA bits. I have tons! Because my Sanguinary Guard are going to get firstborn death masks! No two ways, hesitation, or second thoughts about it. They imported Stormcast Eternal heads for these new ones. Glad I have old banners, etc. Lazy sculpting screams from these models. Same with no angelus boltgun mount for inferno or plasma pistols like the older kit had.


Axes > gimpy short spears.


It appears the initial trepidation on the part of Blood Angel fans regarding the new primaris sanguinary guard models not having wings was indeed spot on! I was optimistic it would look okay without them, but combined with the other model shortcomings, I was wrong.


At age 52 (53 on the 15th this week!) I definitely have a healthy respect for nostalgia, lol, BUT it didn't pull out a win for the new Sanguinor! They had so much opportunity with this classic character of the 40k line. They failed by choosing to copy the old pose verbatim. Again, lazy sculpting is a strong vibe with these kits.


An overall lack of looking "Angelic."


I have a theory that the same GW sculptor that did Coteaz also did the new Sanguinor and Sanguinary Guard. They DID NOT do the recent Black Templar or Dark Angel re-sculpts, however. The new Sanguinary Priest and Blood Angel Captain are far superior to these shown today for example, and look to have been done by a different sculptor? My point in saying this is there needs to be better consistency among the end products.


Not impressed at all.




Edited by Helias_Tancred

Just copying this here as well:


As stated in the WarCom article, there's a Lore reason for why they're less fancy:

Tracing their heritage back to the Great Crusade, the Sanguinary Guard are the Chapter’s most elite warriors. Their dwindling supply of relic armour, Angelus boltguns, and unmistakable death masks have been retrofitted to work with new Tacticus Mark X armour. 


I'd guess the supply is "dwindling" because after the Devastation of Baal the BA were left with one single Sangy Guard and almost no undamaged or repairable wargear to outfit new Sangy Guards with.


Translation: "We know that we released lazy inferior sculpts of one of the most well-known and popular characters in our 40k line, and a core unit of one of our most popular factions, so we're gonna pull some serious CYA by writing some quick lore to excuse our real life production shortcomings!" .... ;)



Edited by Helias_Tancred


Translation: "We know that we released lazy inferior sculpts of one of the most well-known and popular characters in our 40k line, and a core unit of one of our most popular factions, so we're gonna pull some serious CYA by writing some quick lore to excuse our real life production shortcomings!" .... ;)




I'm not posting it to excuse them, I'm posting it because:

A) No-one else has.

B) It shows that the lack of fanciness is an intentional design choice and not just sheer laziness.



I'm not posting it to excuse them, I'm posting it because:

A) No-one else has.

B) It shows that the lack of fanciness is an intentional design choice and not just sheer laziness.


I think your B is begging the question a bit. 


If you're using marketing language as a cover for the more simplistic design (you being GW), that's not good.


The Tyranids don't melt down everything as it dies, so collecting a lot of the dead BA should've been possible, including any surviving wargear.


It's a lame justification. If it were truth to that, then there's be one SG option for a completely non tacticus SG guy in the box, and there definitely isn't going to be. 


Also; these guys are the only SG for the next couple hundred years of time. There's no issue with letting them have their bespoke and fancy BA gear.


BA losing their artistic side is one of the gravest injuries to the faction identity so far. We were known as artisans. Now we are just Red Angry Marines. 

Edited by DemonGSides

BA losing their artistic side is one of the gravest injuries to the faction identity so far. We were known as artisans. Now we are just Red Ultra Marines. 


Fixed it for you.


It shows that the lack of fanciness is an intentional design choice and not just sheer laziness.

Well no, it shows that the community team is aware of the downgrade and came up with some half assed lore to justify it and to attempt to deflect criticism.



I'm not posting it to excuse them, I'm posting it because:

B) It shows that the lack of fanciness is an intentional design choice and not just sheer laziness.


OH, so you believe the chicken DID come before the egg? lol ;)




OH, so you believe the chicken DID come before the egg? lol ;)


No actually, egg laying predates what we would consider to the the "Avian" type of animal thus meaning that scientifically speaking the egg came first by a long shot.

ETA: Chickens had to wait until they evolved out from Dinosaurs, where as it is believed Egg laying was one of the first complex "spawning" methods developed by multi-cellular animals.

The egg literally wins by about 18 Epochs.



However, that is neither here nor there as we are not talking about chickens and eggs, but rather the "Meh" quality Sangy Guard GW showed off and the small Lore blurb in the WarCom article implying that this is an intentional Lore driven change and not sheer laziness or a "throw it out the door half finished" situation.

There may potentially be Codex lore as well which backs up the WarCom article.


I posted it primarily because no-one else had yet, but secondarily to show that the model, as bland and lacking as it seems, is a properly finished product and seemingly not an unfinished or thoughtless redesign.

I am, in a sense, removing Shields behind which people could argue GW could hide from blame by exposing the fact they themselves have posted lore explaining why they look like that.

Edited by Indy Techwisp

I'm not convinced the language is running cover for the models. I'm perfectly willing to believe the idea to have them be less ornate was consciously made as a design decision going into it. It may not have been the correct decision (though losing the wings was) but again, it's something I feel it was consciously made at the outset.


EDIT: That said, while I feel "lazy" doesn't really explain the decision to dress down the sanguinary guard, (like the decision go with bog standard Mk X thigh armor - they could just as easily have copied the new captains thigh armor design for instance) I can find no better explanation than "lazy" for the complete lack of variety in chest armor design.

Edited by Marshal Reinhard

I posted it primarily because no-one else had yet, but secondarily to show that the model, as bland and lacking as it seems, is a properly finished product and seemingly not an unfinished or thoughtless redesign.


The real question is, which came first? The crappy lore explanation or the crappy redesign. I'm leaning towards the lore being an afterthought.

10th edition really has killed any enthusiasm I had for 40k...



The real question is, which came first? The crappy lore explanation or the crappy redesign. I'm leaning towards the lore being an afterthought.


Probably what came first was the design pitch.

Someone had to get this idea greenlit in the first place.



Pitch for less ornate Sangy Guard was made > Lore was used as part of the justification for the design to the board > model was made and painted > Lore was used as a justification for the change via WarCom.

Personally, other then a few minor quibbles, I like the new sang guard better then the old ones. But I always felt they were a bit too busy before, for my tastes at least. I do agree the helmets are terrible, did they retcon the idea that the death masks were literally sculpted on/from sanguinius' face? 


I like the idea of the pennant, but it's the one thing they made too plain in my opinion. The jetpacks definitely feel lacking without the wings, but I think putting the wings on them would have ruined the asthetic I think they were trying for. I do agree that the inferno pistol being handheld makes no sense.


As for the sanguinor I was hoping for a more dynamic pose not a rehash of the "i'm-a-golden-god-worship-me-you-peons" thing he has going on now.


As for the blood angels are artists where's our bling thing, if that's your thing I lament with you brothers because these clearly fall way short of that mark, but for myself, I've always preferred the beauty in things simply but expertly crafted, and those deathmasks aside, that's the vibe I'm getting from these.

Edited by Adorondak
Auto correct

After soul searching and comparing new and old kit images… I broadly speaking prefer the new sanguinary guard. A bit part of that is that I never liked the wings on the sanguinary guard, and I like most of the new details more.




i will be looking to add detail to some of the chests and “slim down” the pectoral muscles on them. 

I never bought the old sanguinor, my reason was simple: it never looked like he was wearing power armour and it was too small even compared to firstborn kits. The new one is much better in both regards. I think the face is done a disservice by the paint job (something I also felt was true of Dante). The only thing I’m not convinced about, is his wings, much like astorath

I don't like the new scrolls on the Sanguinor, looks like they're doing the lifting instead of him landing angelically.


Otherwise he's fine just boring and a bad paint job from GW.


Sanguinary Guard are a huge disappointment. The helmets are awful. Man did GW screw up the heads for BA. Some fine Vampire heads but literally only the Captain has a good helmet out of this entire release. Kinda crazy.

The basic one on the upgrade isn’t a bad one, just not a super exciting one. 

imo the sanguinary guard helms are good, the details are crisper than the old ones, the head ring things are no longer comically large (actually closer to most of their art for relative size), and sanguinary guard have always been bald from the front.


i also think we have easily some of the best bare heads for any marine release in this lineup. 



totally agree on sanguinius scrolls, i might look at removing them and doing something different there. Not sure what though.


The basic one on the upgrade isn’t a bad one, just not a super exciting one. 

imo the sanguinary guard helms are good, the details are crisper than the old ones, the head ring things are no longer comically large (actually closer to most of their art for relative size), and sanguinary guard have always been bald from the front.


i also think we have easily some of the best bare heads for any marine release in this lineup. 


totally agree on sanguinius scrolls, i might look at removing them and doing something different there. Not sure what though.


Yeah, understandably a single very plain blood drop mk 10 helmet for our entire range is a bummer.  One might say it's :cuss:ing ridiculous but hey, different strokes.


Sanguinary helms suck. They're ugly and poorly proportioned. The death masks have always been ugly, but these somehow got uglier. If they don't have regular Marine helmet options still it'll be a literal crime.




I don't like the new scrolls on the Sanguinor, looks like they're doing the lifting instead of him landing angelically.


Otherwise he's fine just boring and a bad paint job from GW.


Sanguinary Guard are a huge disappointment. The helmets are awful. Man did GW screw up the heads for BA. Some fine Vampire heads but literally only the Captain has a good helmet out of this entire release. Kinda crazy.

Yeah the face is rough on the Sanguinor. Honestly the bare vampire heads are the best thing we received from this release. They really are stellar. Like you said though, the only other head they even tried on was the captain, unfortunately.


Yeah the face is rough on the Sanguinor. Honestly the bare vampire heads are the best thing we received from this release. They really are stellar. Like you said though, the only other head they even tried on was the captain, unfortunately.


Sanguinor face will be fine with a Non GW paint job. They just hit their NMM so weird.


I think having a bare head for anything other than DC makes 0 sense. It's a freaking war zone. Protect your head.


DC being snarling mad men I can at least understand it. I just wish our FACTION UPGRADE SPRUE  wasn't actually just a DC upgrade sprue. Then we might've seen some actually interesting bits. 

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