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Settlement Name Generator


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Hello again everyone.
I'm currently working on a co-op/light roleplay version of Necromunda and am currently in the process of creating a bunch of scenario and story generation tables. While I was doing this, I felt inspired to cook up a random name generator for settlements. I thought some of you might find it amusing and/or useful :smile:

I've gone for a sort of "wild west" feel, as well as adding what I felt were the most obvious Necromundan and/or industrial options I could think of.

Comments and suggestions are welcome - I've tried to give alternatives for most results, partly to ensure that a roll on each column will always generate meaningful results when combined (so no "Turbine Dream" for example). But I may have overlooked something or there may be obvious Necromundan concepts or words it would be a good idea to add, so let me know if there's anything you think I should add or change!

Edit: here's a link to the file (it's still pending approval but it should be usable soonish) https://bolterandchainsword.com/files/category/73-necromunda/


Edited by Antarius
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I was notified that people can't access the attached document (I can access it from the link in the thread myself, though), but I'm not sure what to do about it :confused:

I'm not super tech savvy, so there's probably something I've overlooked - anyone have any idea what?

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I can't access it either.  My suggestion would be to upload it to the "Downloads" section of B&C, then give the link to that page rather than the document itself.


And personally, I think "Turbine Dream" is a perfectly good Necromunda name... its kind of like the Necromundan version of 1960's hippy names.  At least in the original Necromunda, there was a strong frontier theme of folks fleeing to the wastes with a water generator and power rod for a better life, and that type of name definitely reflects that feel.  Kind of like the ironically cheerful names you see in westerns, such as Harmony, etc.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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Thanks very much for the suggestion - that was just the kind of thing I was looking for! It's up on the Necromunda file list now and pending approval, so hopefully you should be able to access it here shortly: https://bolterandchainsword.com/files/category/73-necromunda/

And yeah, some of the "nonsensical" names might actually be quite usable, I just got caught up in providing (lots of) alternatives.

As it stands the generator still generates names such as Turbine Dream, it just provides a couple of alternatives in parenthesis (so you can either choose one of those or randomise between them using a d6). For example, rolling a 45 on the first d66 gives you "Turbine" but could also give you Piston, Generator or Engine and  rolling 66 on the second d66 gives you Hope, Dream, Aspiration or Chamber.

So, assuming you'll ever get to actually download it, it should provide varied settlement names for years :cool:

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Or more x-rated. :tongue:


Anyway, glad to help Antarius - I've added your sheet to the Necromunda resources thread.


I really like your list, and how you've provided synonyms/options based on the theme in each box - I think that works really well and makes your chart much more versatile and useful.


I'm about to get real nit-picky here, because I think that's the kind of feedback you are looking for.  So feel free to ignore anything I may have to say.  For this purpose, I refer to the two columns as "A" (left) and "B" (right). 


The only real "necromunda" term I feel you have missed is "vents" - as that was an actual terrain type in 1st/2nd edition.  I'll suggest where I think it should go in my list of suggested changes below:


13B should include end. Death, disaster and calamity also fit, though are probably better in column A somewhere.

21B could probably be moved into 22B - both seem kind of narrow on their own.  The main reason for this is to make space for an additional/new box in column B.

25B should include bridge, toll, ford.

34B should include mine.

35B should include vent, cableway

41B should include river, creek, stream.

42A should include vent.

45B should include perch, heights

54B I think "quarters" should be its own box with squat, lodgings, bunk, barracks

56A should include slavers

61A Guilders is rather narrow and seems to fit in thematically with 56 and should probably be included there.  Not sure what you would put in its place - perhaps a box for a name making reference to the wider 40K universe?

62B "abode" doesn't really fit - perhaps moved to 54B or the box I suggested I should be created with "quarters"


On your final table, 4 should include Dirty as an example.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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