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Blood Angels band wagon

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Almost done with the final highlights on the red. Sorry slow going. Don’t have a lot of time to paint. It is not as clean as I would hope for but it is the first time I have really tried to do an edge highlight. I usually dry brush my highlights on but really wanted to get better at the so called heavy medal paint job.




It is hard to tell on my phone but did you push all the way to yellow on the highlight in a few places such as the kneepad?

It looks really, really good.

Sorry, I am trying to do better pics but no. It is an orange. Fire dragon bright I think.?

my next post will have my recipe of paints


That is some great work. Would you mind sharing your recipe?

If you refer to photo below-reds on the left of the null Ohioans yellows on the right. The brushes are pointing to my base colors and highlights to the right. I always start with a slight darker color than my base hence the darker red and darker yellow to the left of my brush pointer. I also use those darker colors to shade my base to get a good transition after I paint on my base color. The null oil is for black lining.

I did find a guy on YouTube that has a great video that explains how to paint Blood Angels. Just trying to figure out how to share it.


Ok, hit my final highlight on the red and started working on the blacks.

also was definitely working on trying to take some better pictures. This picture is not bad but is definitely more in focus


He looks great - not much more I can say! :biggrin: 


P.S. You can just copy-and-paste the URL/address for the video into the editor and it'll turn it into a link (or render it as a video) - I added it to your post.


He looks great - not much more I can say! :biggrin: 


P.S. You can just copy-and-paste the URL/address for the video into the editor and it'll turn it into a link (or render it as a video) - I added it to your post.

Lol thank you I was wondering how they got there.

i did try that-I think!?? I probably just did it wrong and thought It wouldn’t work.

but definitely appreciate the help


Are you able to estimate how much time you spent painting this guy?

So far, I’m probably spend about 16 hours. I mean that’s just a rough estimate. And of course, I’m not trying to go fast. I’m more using him as a test model.

but on most of my figs, I usually put anywhere from 15 to 30 hours in all on each fig

I always try to do my best paint job on every fig just how I started out painting. I don’t like doing assembly line painting because I don’t enjoy it. I would rather take one and just have fun with it. I am trying to get done. I will assembly in line some items of a squad, but when it comes to armor, I usually do model model . and I have a real job and family so just finding time to pay some time it gets real hard.

Thanks for the response and sharing your painting philosophy.


Phew, okay! That's great to hear. I was worried that you spent way less than that. I'm currently also in the process of doing test models to a standard that I'd call "my reasonable bestTM," meaning I want to push myself but I don't feel I can devote too much time to reach 'pro-levels.' Right now, I think, I'm around a 4/5 hour mark per model but my models are nowhere near as good as yours. Apparently, quality must takes time. And in your case all that effort really pays off.


I also completely understand your approach - working on batches of models can be straining. I think that if you're into painting (and you clearly have a knack for it!), it's paramount that you do it in a way that's enjoyable. I sort of regret that I can't get into a mindset as yours, but my primary army and many mistakes of the past made me, perhaps, overly wary; as such, I want to set more realistic goals and focus on finishing squads of models.

Painting is painting! Just keep painting no matter the out come. I stop playing the on the tabletop a long time ago for two reasons. 1. By the time I actually have a painted and playable army there is a whole new model refresh. 2. Every person I played had not one model that was painted.  I will only play against painted models. I started painting just like everyone else. Speed paint or one at a time makes no difference to me. As long as you’re painting those models u will always improve on your technique. YouTube has tons of influencers that speed paint and they look amazing . I will sit there and watch videos on YouTube on painting for hours and pic up all kinds of ideas and techniques. Just don’t give up on a technique because it didn’t work on one guy.  U have to do it for an entire squad.  Sorry lol I’ve had a couple of drinks but to get back to the point. U will always improve as long as you’re painting. You say u don’t paint to my quality. Screw that!  You have all my respect as long as you try. There will always be people that can paint better than you but there also will be people that paint worse than you. Help the ones that paint worse and ask the ones that paint better questions .  That’s why I love bolterandchainsword. Everyone one here are trying to better themselves at what they love to do. It’s a great community. Brother Cristopher, 

I have been painting space marines for like thirty years off and on. And I still push myself to be better. That will never change. Games change, rules change, and models change. Just keep painting.
OK, rant done. Sorry all.

Cheers, and get painting 

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