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Because of the debate in the new models thread in the news section, I thought it was significant to warrant its own topic here so we could stop cluttering that topic.


so I’ve busted out the 4 codexes/supplements that I own, and I’m going to look through the official artwork I have at hand and see how ornate the armor is, and if anyone has any examples of BA armor being absolutely strewn with baubles, icons, etc all over please share them here, because some adorning of armor happens in the lore, but most of the artistry of the blood angels is not them putting fancy things all over their armor.

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Because of the debate in the new models thread in the news section, I thought it was significant to warrant its own topic here so we could stop cluttering that topic.


so I’ve busted out the 4 codexes/supplements that I own, and I’m going to look through the official artwork I have at hand and see how ornate the armor is, and if anyone has any examples of BA armor being absolutely strewn with baubles, icons, etc all over please share them here, because some adorning of armor happens in the lore, but most of the artistry of the blood angels is not them putting fancy things all over their armor.

To do that justice, you need to also look at non blood angel art for comparison. The miniatures are never as ornate as the arts for any faction, let alone chapter - because most of the details would be too fine to show up nicely on plastic models at the scale (though there have been a few forgeworld resin ones that did a solid job)


To do that justice, you need to also look at non blood angel art for comparison. The miniatures are never as ornate as the arts for any faction, let alone chapter - because most of the details would be too fine to show up nicely on plastic models at the scale (though there have been a few forgeworld resin ones that did a solid job)

Honestly by and large the DC minis are more ornate than 99% of the brothers I’m seeing in the art.


the only marines that I’m seeing in art work with FBDC levels of adornment are heroes, and two depictions of DC marines that are clearly based on the latest kit.


i do notice that there’s a lot of stylized chapter badges that are up decorated on the shoulder pads.


i also looked at the models in general, and noticed that Tycho, and dante don’t really have much adornment at all. Same for old sanguinor. 

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven

Outside of bespoke kits and bits, BA would really benefit if they get some freehand painting; golden filigree swirlies, flames, checkers, feathers, wings, blood drops, marbling, or if one is really insane outright murals.




Because of the debate in the new models thread in the news section, I thought it was significant to warrant its own topic here so we could stop cluttering that topic.


so I’ve busted out the 4 codexes/supplements that I own, and I’m going to look through the official artwork I have at hand and see how ornate the armor is, and if anyone has any examples of BA armor being absolutely strewn with baubles, icons, etc all over please share them here, because some adorning of armor happens in the lore, but most of the artistry of the blood angels is not them putting fancy things all over their armor.


I love how you said you haven't done the research, and then immediately in your last sentence make a definitive statement about that same research. 



Edited by DemonGSides


I love how you said you haven't done the research, and then immediately in your last sentence make a definitive statement about that same research. 



If you have any evidence in the form of official artwork to support the idea that standard blood angels are bejeweled and bedazzled like the FBDC kit is please share it because in nearly 30 years of being involved in this hobby as a blood angel player/fan I have not seen any.

H'boy, I have done a lot of looking at pictures of Space Marines over the past hour. The long story short is that all Space Marine images fall somewhere along two axes:

  1. Artistic Detail - how much detail the artist includes
  2. Model Fidelity - how much the art is based on the models available at the time

You can find examples of the Big Four which fit anywhere on that plot. Certain artists lean certain ways. Here's three examples of high model fidelity as artistic detail increases:








They are distinctly recognizable as 2nd edition Space Marines, but by the time we reach the Blanche example (and he leaned heavy into detail) there's a level of detail near-impossible to actually manufacture and extremely difficult to free-hand given the size of the models.


Now let's looks at the other end of the model fidelity axis.









I've the key spectrum for the model fidelity axis is proportion; it's a moving target as models change. The Chaplain has the same details as a 2nd ed Chaplain model, but different proportions. The last image is classic Karl Kopinski (and if you ever want some interesting Raven Guard, look up his piece). He and Adrian Smith did a lot to represent more appropriately scaled Marines and they had to fill the empty space on the armor panels. Their art inspired sculptors and we start to get stuff like this


translated into 


The models don't have the same space and everything gets compressed. Similarly: Cato Sicarius.



Over-bling becomes the consequence and we see it a lot on miniatures during that time period. What makes the Blood Angel miniatures special is they're one of two Chapters to really benefit from that in their plastic options.


Next post, a look at Blood Angels.




7th ed codex;


Literally the cover; bespoke greives, bespokse jump pack, bespoke helmet, bespoke shoulderpads, blood vial keychain.

Inner Cover: Gorgeously overwrought bespoke armor on all three BA guys there.

Page 11; a BA version of the Crimson Fist style "pile of guys  defending from all angles", the Ancient with banner has a bespoke belt buckle but is mostly covered, guy below him has a very bespoke shoulder pad.

Page 14; Heraldy of the Host; this guy is pretty plain, but even then, his legs are completely bespoke, and even has a block out of text; "Armour Decoration: The blood Angels take great pride in the artistry of their wargear.  Some battle-brothers craft new adornments and decorations onto their own armour.  Others inherit suits already heavy with blood drops, golden wings, and other emblems.  Either way, these flourishes EMBODY THE NOBILITY TO WHICH ALL BLOOD ANGELS ASPIRE (Emphasis mine).

Page 17; little carve out picture on the bottom.  Each of these guys SCREAMS blood angels, and it has NOTHING to do with being colored red.

Page 20; Death Company with bespoke chest pieces, shoulder pads, LOWER LEG ARMOR THAT IS DISTINCT.  Special chest pieces.  On the next page, they even have one of those "Color your own chapter" type illustration, and even that DC has multiple accoutrements on his armor; regular BA from 3 pages earlier has LESS accoutrements, indicating that the Death Company is expected to be bedecked in bling.

Page 22; Glaive Encarmine, just to really stick it to our new SG swords.  Such a downgrade.

Pg 34-49; gorgeous examples of what we want in miniature form


9th Ed Codex (Didn't buy 8th supplement) (This codex has a LOT of re-used art from 7th, so I won't belabor too many repeats)


The front guy is the same guy as on 7th, including a bunch of Blood Angel artistry

Inside cover is the Deathstorm image, where you see one of the most blinged out Death Company to ever exist, as well as Karlaen, a terminator that's probably got 1 less movement due to the absolute panoply he carries into battle on his person.

pg 4-5; one of our earliest Primaris images.  DISTINCT LACK OF BA iconagraphy on everyone except for the Gravis guy, who's got a bespoke knee guard, a specialty sword (That has a much cooler looking blood drip and wings sword; why are the wings and the blood drop upside down on the new Sanguinary Guard?  Check out the Sanguinor; he's got the sword the correct way); this aggressor also has a sweet backpack topper, an awesome shoulderguard, as well as a sick lions cape.  They should release this guy as a Blood Angels Aggressor!

Couple of repeats from above, including smaller versions of stuff that was already hard to parse.

Pg 24-25; mostly impossible to pick out much individuality; Astorath's erelim ar eliterally black blobs around him and the BA are almost secondary to the Orks that are way more detailed.

Pg 27/28 are Dante and Sanguinor, not really the concern right now

Pg 29 features a REALLY bedecked Sanguinary Guard.  Just a grim reminder of how much we lost.  This guy is sweet, here's the full art;SG1.jpg

Look at that dope kneepad on the SG on the right?  I wish we got something cool like that.  Similarly, they all use Glaive Encarmine, y'know, the weapon Sanguinary Guard are known for.

Pg 37, pretty slick Death Company guy next to Lemartes on pg 36; Lemartes looks downright plain compared to our friend on the right, who's got the cool DC chest that has a little knave in the middle and 5 blood drops.  Super cool; now we've got Aquilla's.  Woo!

Pg 38; cool little captain with some artificer armor.  I think the only standard piece of kit on him is his upper leg armor.

Pg 39 is Seth, who looks pretty reserved comparatively, I still see at least 3 blood drops and 5 angel wings.

Pg 40, the driplord himself, Captain Tycho.  Good god is this picture just :cuss:ing awesome, and I don't even like Tycho that much!

pg 45 has a new pic with some Jump Assault guys.  These guys are downright PLAIN; they could be color-shifted to blue and have their shoulders scrubbed and you'd have no idea if these were Ultramarines or what.

Pg 48 has an aggressor with the background removed.  THis guy has a belt full of keychains, but also has a bespoke aquilla and knee pad

Pg 48 has a lil Devastator, I count 4 blood drops and 3 angel wings, but we can literally only see a quarter of him.

Pg 51 has a really cool Flesh Tearer Terminator.  The FT's are relatively plain compared to BA in lore, considering they don't take as much stock in the artistry or artifice like the BA do.  That being said, this terminator is outright drowning in drip compared to our recent releases.

Pg 55 has a really slick BA Terminator; not super bling'd out, this image is just freaking sweet and full of malice.  EVen still, his shoulder pads come with intricate artistry as well as his lower legs.


And that's the balance of both of those codexes.  There's a lot of what I like to refer to as "technical drawings", such as just a drawing of a RHino or a Predator or a Land Raider or whatever vehicle from the side.  I mostly ignored all vehicles including dreadnoughts (Though there's a really cool Castefarum dread in the 9th codex)


7th ed codex;


Literally the cover; bespoke greives, bespokse jump pack, bespoke helmet, bespoke shoulderpads, blood vial keychain.

Inner Cover: Gorgeously overwrought bespoke armor on all three BA guys there.

Page 11; a BA version of the Crimson Fist style "pile of guys  defending from all angles", the Ancient with banner has a bespoke belt buckle but is mostly covered, guy below him has a very bespoke shoulder pad.

Page 14; Heraldy of the Host; this guy is pretty plain, but even then, his legs are completely bespoke, and even has a block out of text; "Armour Decoration: The blood Angels take great pride in the artistry of their wargear.  Some battle-brothers craft new adornments and decorations onto their own armour.  Others inherit suits already heavy with blood drops, golden wings, and other emblems.  Either way, these flourishes EMBODY THE NOBILITY TO WHICH ALL BLOOD ANGELS ASPIRE (Emphasis mine).

Page 17; little carve out picture on the bottom.  Each of these guys SCREAMS blood angels, and it has NOTHING to do with being colored red.

Page 20; Death Company with bespoke chest pieces, shoulder pads, LOWER LEG ARMOR THAT IS DISTINCT.  Special chest pieces.  On the next page, they even have one of those "Color your own chapter" type illustration, and even that DC has multiple accoutrements on his armor; regular BA from 3 pages earlier has LESS accoutrements, indicating that the Death Company is expected to be bedecked in bling.

Page 22; Glaive Encarmine, just to really stick it to our new SG swords.  Such a downgrade.

Pg 34-49; gorgeous examples of what we want in miniature form


9th Ed Codex (Didn't buy 8th supplement) (This codex has a LOT of re-used art from 7th, so I won't belabor too many repeats)


The front guy is the same guy as on 7th, including a bunch of Blood Angel artistry

Inside cover is the Deathstorm image, where you see one of the most blinged out Death Company to ever exist, as well as Karlaen, a terminator that's probably got 1 less movement due to the absolute panoply he carries into battle on his person.

pg 4-5; one of our earliest Primaris images.  DISTINCT LACK OF BA iconagraphy on everyone except for the Gravis guy, who's got a bespoke knee guard, a specialty sword (That has a much cooler looking blood drip and wings sword; why are the wings and the blood drop upside down on the new Sanguinary Guard?  Check out the Sanguinor; he's got the sword the correct way); this aggressor also has a sweet backpack topper, an awesome shoulderguard, as well as a sick lions cape.  They should release this guy as a Blood Angels Aggressor!

Couple of repeats from above, including smaller versions of stuff that was already hard to parse.

Pg 24-25; mostly impossible to pick out much individuality; Astorath's erelim ar eliterally black blobs around him and the BA are almost secondary to the Orks that are way more detailed.

Pg 27/28 are Dante and Sanguinor, not really the concern right now

Pg 29 features a REALLY bedecked Sanguinary Guard.  Just a grim reminder of how much we lost.  This guy is sweet, here's the full art;SG1.jpg

Look at that dope kneepad on the SG on the right?  I wish we got something cool like that.  Similarly, they all use Glaive Encarmine, y'know, the weapon Sanguinary Guard are known for.

Pg 37, pretty slick Death Company guy next to Lemartes on pg 36; Lemartes looks downright plain compared to our friend on the right, who's got the cool DC chest that has a little knave in the middle and 5 blood drops.  Super cool; now we've got Aquilla's.  Woo!

Pg 38; cool little captain with some artificer armor.  I think the only standard piece of kit on him is his upper leg armor.

Pg 39 is Seth, who looks pretty reserved comparatively, I still see at least 3 blood drops and 5 angel wings.

Pg 40, the driplord himself, Captain Tycho.  Good god is this picture just :cuss:ing awesome, and I don't even like Tycho that much!

pg 45 has a new pic with some Jump Assault guys.  These guys are downright PLAIN; they could be color-shifted to blue and have their shoulders scrubbed and you'd have no idea if these were Ultramarines or what.

Pg 48 has an aggressor with the background removed.  THis guy has a belt full of keychains, but also has a bespoke aquilla and knee pad

Pg 48 has a lil Devastator, I count 4 blood drops and 3 angel wings, but we can literally only see a quarter of him.

Pg 51 has a really cool Flesh Tearer Terminator.  The FT's are relatively plain compared to BA in lore, considering they don't take as much stock in the artistry or artifice like the BA do.  That being said, this terminator is outright drowning in drip compared to our recent releases.

Pg 55 has a really slick BA Terminator; not super bling'd out, this image is just freaking sweet and full of malice.  EVen still, his shoulder pads come with intricate artistry as well as his lower legs.


And that's the balance of both of those codexes.  There's a lot of what I like to refer to as "technical drawings", such as just a drawing of a RHino or a Predator or a Land Raider or whatever vehicle from the side.  I mostly ignored all vehicles including dreadnoughts (Though there's a really cool Castefarum dread in the 9th codex)

So now you’re changing your tune.


None of those examples are remotely close to the level of bling we see from the FBDC kit.


fancy Aquilas and a single fancy knee pad, is not remotely the same level of bedazzling you were trying to justify previously.


also you ignored this part

Some battle-brothers” in order add emphasis to another part.


you cherry pick what you read and move goal posts.


and I don’t recall if it was you or someone else, who claimed these new kits are just alternately color UMs but in case it was you that’s again plainly false as has been shown via artwork above because other chapters bling themselves up as well.

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven

So now you’re changing your tune.


I have been consistent from the beginning.  Let us watch as you move the goalposts.



None of those examples are remotely close to the level of bling we see from the FBDC kit.


I literally referenced multiple art pieces that feature DC from the FBDC kit.  You should read posts.



also you ignored this part

Some battle-brothers” in order add emphasis to another part.

What's the VERY NEXT sentence?



you cherry pick what you read and move goal posts.


Are you talking to me or a mirror?



and I don’t recall if it was you or someone else, who claimed these new kits are just alternately color UMs but in case it was you that’s again plainly false as has been shown via artwork above because other chapters bling themselves up as well.


I've never said other chapters don't bling themselves out.  Now you're just making things up to be mad at me about.

Get this brother a blood vial, he's cranky.



Edit; Not to mention this whole thing has gotten away from the original point; these new kits are significantly lacking in that Blood Angels flair that we've come to expect.  None of the two new troop kits are standard troops anyways, so using that as some shield is weird (Especially since, once again, BA Tacticals existed).  The heroes have been mostly good in the way of feeling Blood Angel-y, but the troops as shown are; an regular SM unit so not any more special bling than anyone else, with some very middling upgrades that aren't very "flair-y" for either DC OR regular BA.


Edited by DemonGSides

I have thesis, I have the pictures, but I am too tired to write it up at the whole thing at moment. Thesis: there are two key points in model releases that led to Blood Angle glow up even as they are represented relatively the same as other chapters in art. The model turning points helped reinforce the high detail representation of Blood Angels in art as what was remembered compared to other chapters.

Edited by jaxom


I have been consistent from the beginning.  Let us watch as you move the goalposts.



I literally referenced multiple art pieces that feature DC from the FBDC kit.  You should read posts.


What's the VERY NEXT sentence?



Are you talking to me or a mirror?



I've never said other chapters don't bling themselves out.  Now you're just making things up to be mad at me about.

Get this brother a blood vial, he's cranky.



Edit; Not to mention this whole thing has gotten away from the original point; these new kits are significantly lacking in that Blood Angels flair that we've come to expect.  None of the two new troop kits are standard troops anyways, so using that as some shield is weird (Especially since, once again, BA Tacticals existed).  The heroes have been mostly good in the way of feeling Blood Angel-y, but the troops as shown are; an regular SM unit so not any more special bling than anyone else, with some very middling upgrades that aren't very "flair-y" for either DC OR regular BA.


Flair you’ve come to expect for your own reasons.


Flair I've come to expect from 10+ years of buying the BA tactical kit and the BA DC kit.


Sorry, I'm sure models aren't definitive enough for you :ermm:

How blinged out are BA devastators? Or RAS?

the model situation isn’t on your side.



Anyway, here's wonderwall:


Blood Angels has a unique Captain model prior to the launch of WH40K 2nd edition, sculpted by Jes Goodwin, circa 1991.


This model will retroactively become Captain Tycho or is Captain Tycho depending on semantics. Regardless, it is the first example I could find of a unique Blood Angel miniature. We see the features that will become iconic for Blood Angel commanders: musculature on the torso (including nipples), the cross indentations on knees, and the indented crescents on the shins. The helmet is also sculpted to resemble a face. I don't know if Jes Goodwin ever talked about the inspiration for this miniature, but collectively it reads to me as a Greek amphora heroic nudity thing mixed with Renaissance masters like Michelangelo and Bernini, except y'know, armour. 


Comparatively, the Blood Angel Captain has less ornamentation than other Captains of the time.


However, most of that is because of the replacement of torso ornamentation with the cleaner, dare I say, more graceful look of the sculpted musculature.


Second edition launches in 1993 with the Blood Angels as the box art boys:


Per my last post, the art is high on model fidelity and decently far along a detail. Very low ornamentation, but a good amount of heraldry and armor/weapon markings. A 'eavy Metal painter could replicate the paint schemes and the models existed for a table top version of those exact Blood Angels. Similarly, the OG Blood Angel dreadnought pride picture and it's physical counter-part:



At the same time there is also art like this:


The Blanche art is just that: Blanche art. It doesn't matter the Chapter, the Marines will be very embellished. See below for Blanche Ultramarines and Dark Angels.






I think this is the first benchmark - that prior to and by the start of 2nd edition there was no sustentative difference in art between Blood Angel portrayal and other Space Marines (reference my prior post to more about this). Angels of Death gives the fandom it's first dive into the post-Rogue Trader Blood Angels.



The cover continues what I mentally refer to as the "This Could Be Yours On The Table!" art style. The model fidelity is extremely high and the details could be achieved at miniature scale. It sells what your minis could look like, while interior art would include what they might look like beyond what was possible on the table top and more TCBYOTT style.

AD_4nXct6nNRM3DVA1pOzF3iYLcF9q87gaIkQ51Csjynn5VzWt5oIpkpZJkhNtqpgpHfnsOtOqhiEtx0GD6T_rW4AefMZL0xWOvbbb2KrsGM7K4l9BgeBdAMYsbvQLtLKsI2QVdzN6VIVY9aHyuDWuc9nZOw9H8?key=7bNlWhFeU_NI3VCmKo0dww AD_4nXfQmZk5VlbMLwew8ZdVm1tJ0aYMhAj7PW4UQGSfP_1s-Da2T-T1Yrz-y0ps1yCfVUPwQHfabLSLxjwGYXXSVULEFdDyOH99nkFnS9Djy_0k9VufyOD2_iiMziHNi2B0DwZS26YAw4QdQA4bAYUfSWA_x892?key=7bNlWhFeU_NI3VCmKo0dwwAD_4nXcgpGjroffUAIs_AVXOokRsD8RxaeM4abSiEXVF_UkVNmP_kLghPvZZGA36P8Jtvn_ZtDkUHwd8IdjRDK6brDHy6DfA0RyZIm6e4sIAyX2ql55bIn6n6tyL11xJGCKdiUuy1XBahEPWEbJuyqIhYA-qa5s?key=7bNlWhFeU_NI3VCmKo0dww


Angels of Death brings more unique Blood Angels models (many of whom would see service for twenty years and some still do). Let's start with Captain Tycho's glow up.


This is the most subdued Blanche piece I've ever seen. And I think it's because he was forced to stick to certain absolutes of the original model's armor: not a lot of ornamentation, but graceful. It's carried through on the actual sculpt:


There's an additional blood drop on the on left vambrace and there's the necklace, but the models are otherwise near-identical in terms of armour.



Dante's armour takes its design cues from the OG Captain and Tycho, assuming the original design was inspired by something like "Greek amphora heroic nudity thing mixed with Renaissance masters like Michelangelo and Bernini."


The greaves, thigh plates, vambraces are more sculpted. The face-helmet is now an actual death-mask. There's some more ornamentation, too; fitting for the Chapter Master compared to a Captain. Dante sets the standard for what becomes part of the Bloods Angel iconic look. And it's not as ostentatious compared to his peers, just like how the OG Captain was less ornamented.


Azrael is plainer because of the robe, but every exposed surface is ripe with detail. Calgar is bedecked in ornamentation. I think this reinforces that at this time period, the idea was Blood Angel artifice as graceful, but not overwrought.


Angels of Death introduces the Mephiston and the Death Company. Mephiston is interesting to me because I think his armour supports the idea that OG Captain, Tycho, and Dante armour's are supposed to be Greek heroic nudity. Peel back the 'skin' and reveal the raw, red substance which is in every blood angel... and/or maybe Mark Gibbons watched too much Bram Stoker's Dracula (released one year before Mephiston). 


Gibbon's art has nowhere near the ornamentation as Blanche's, but more than one would be used to seeing on a miniature. I think it's a testament to Jes Goodwin's skill and the growing technical ability of GW that they pulled off a model so close to it.



Break time. Next up: Death Company in 2nd edition.







Edited by jaxom
Grammar and spelling

Another great read.


and I suspect this may be where differing opinions on how ostentatious blood angels should be possibly comes from, as the stuff was what I started with 



Me too, except I didn’t learn about OG captain until like the 2010s lol


How blinged out are BA devastators? Or RAS?

the model situation isn’t on your side.


Are they sold as Blood Angels Devastators?  Or Blood Angels Assault squad?  No?  Weird!


The models literally support my side but whatever dude. Keep pushing them goal posts. 



It's also kinda crazy to not consider flayed skin armor or ab armor, things that have only shown up on BA, as not BA drip. A weird distinction. 

But… the new sanguinary guard have ab armour and somehow don’t have the BA flair? 

I’ve never said it wasn’t BA flair, in fact for characters I said it is THE BA flair (which as it turns out from the thesis above, makes sense being my view as someone from that era, it also makes sense if you came to BA later with Matt ward edition that you’d favour the bling as the models of that era are indeed more blinged up (blood angel or otherwise))



just for clarity, I’m not trying to be rude or derisive, the above is just genuine confusion because (with the exception of nipples and I guess thighs) the sanguinary guard I felt were fairly bling precisely because they have very BA looking armour.

Edited by Blindhamster


Are they sold as Blood Angels Devastators?  Or Blood Angels Assault squad?  No?  Weird!


The models literally support my side but whatever dude. Keep pushing them goal posts. 



It's also kinda crazy to not consider flayed skin armor or ab armor, things that have only shown up on BA, as not BA drip. A weird distinction. 

Doesn’t matter.


however I also notice in the crying about lack of bling everyone seems to over look the jump pack bling.

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven

But… the new sanguinary guard have ab armour and somehow don’t have the BA flair? 

I’ve never said it wasn’t BA flair, in fact for characters I said it is THE BA flair (which as it turns out from the thesis above, makes sense being my view as someone from that era, it also makes sense if you came to BA later with Matt ward edition that you’d favour the bling as the models of that era are indeed more blinged up (blood angel or otherwise))


I told you I wouldn't argue you with you about this I was directly responding to Lensoven about this stuff, sorry for the miscommunication.



Doesn’t matter.


however I also notice in the crying about lack of bling everyone seems to over look the jump pack bling.


It does matter.  One kit is usable for all space Marines as a base, the other was released as a specific kit for a specific faction.

Alright, I'm going to skip ahead to 5th edition because as much as I love the full academic set up and break down, it's the crux of the matter. 5th edition is the first major range expansion of Space Marines since 2nd edition. Space Marines got a host of new units (primarily veterans) in metal. There was also specific chapter support interesting because the Ultramarines got a lot of special character models, but other chapters got - what I think matters in the long run - more plastic infantry support. The Ultramarine infantry, as Codex poster boys, were not given anything other than their special characters.


The Dark Angels and Black Templars got their iconic upgrade sprues.


The bits are similar to what we saw with Azrael. Much of the armour surfaces are covered with cloth, but the exposed areas are covered in ornamentation. We see all the design motifs that have carried forward ever since. The use of these two sprue in combination with other kits (Tactical, Assault, Devastator) by kitbashers reinforced those motifs among units that would otherwise be "Ultramarines of another color." The Blood Angels did not get an upgrade sprue in 5th edition. They got two plastic infantry kits: the new Sanguinary Guard and a revamped Death Company.


The previous Death Company kits were as ornate as regular marines available at the time.





The sculptors put details on knee pads, shins, and helmet crests. The Death Company details were in the same locations, and were the sorts of details we'd start to expect: crossed bones, chains, skulls, and blood drops. Much of the heavy lifting was the paint scheme and their own bespoke decal sheet.



The 3rd edition kit was very similar. We see the same types of ornamentation on metal bodies matching the updated Marine design. The arms are plastic and universal.




Okay, I was wrong. I had to lay that all out so the next part makes sense with context. But first, killing a world boss



Edited by jaxom

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