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tl;dr: What would you expect/want to see the new Blood Angels' Combat Patrol look like?




So far, every new Codex release has seen the release of a new Combat Patrol. They seem to be maintaining the form of 1 Hero and 3 units, though things fluctuate. (ie. the GSC doubled up one of the units, Imperial Agents have a second small Hero, etc)


Most notable, perhaps, as a point of comparison, is the Dark Angel 'patrol, which contains:

  • Gravis Captain
  • 3 Bladeguard
  • 5 Hellblasters
  • 10 Intercessors
  • 2 Primaris Upgrade sprues (ie the old ones)


As can be seen, it does appear that they tried to keep to theme, with the Hellblasters and the Bladeguard. It did replace an old 'patrol of: a Chaplain, Redemptor, 3 Inceptors, and 5 Intercessors (plus upgrades). On the other hand, it didn't contain any of the new models added to the range alongside it, and is (minus the upgrades) fairly generic.


Current (former, I suppose) Blood Angels patrol is:

  • Librarian
  • 3 Agressors
  • 5 Incursors
  • 5 Intercessors
  • Impulsor
  • 2 Primaris Upgrade sprues


IIRC, Valrak has said that he's heard:

  • BA Captain
  • 3 Sanguinary Guard 
  • 10 Assault Intercessors

And then speculated that it had seemed light to him, and that maybe the Sanguinary Priest would be in it as well. I assume it will also have two of the old Primaris Upgrades.


That certainly seems nice enough to me (if the 'Priest, or one other unit, is present). Before going back and checking Valrak's videos however, I was thinking of something along the lines of:

  • Captain with Jump Pack
  • 5 Jump Pack Intercessors
  • 5 Assault Intercessors
  • Brutalis Dreadnought
  • 2 Primaris Upgrade sprues


Something like the Terminator Chaplain could also be a fun option, while matching the way the Dark Angels' Gravis Captain doesn't go with any of the units.

  • Terminator Chaplain
  • 5 Jump Pack Intercessors
  • 5 Reivers
  • Brutalis Dreadnought
  • new Upgrades



This will probably soon be moot, but it might create a couple days of conversation.


Edited by LSM
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IIRC, Valrak has said that he's heard:

  • BA Captain
  • 3 Sanguinary Guard (3)
  • 10 Assault Intercessors

And then speculated that it had seemed light to him, and that maybe the Sanguinary Priest would be in it as well. I assume it will also have two of the old Primaris Upgrades.


I  would be kinda surprised to get so many of our new units in a CP. Although I agree the list above seems like it is missing a unit.

I’m intrigued by the whole idea of so many new models being in combat patrol. 

not really sure what to do personally though!


I have 20 assault intercessors and 15 jump assault intercessors already haha.


i know I want the captain (probably 2 for bits), I want the priest, I want lemartes, astorath and sanguinor and I also want a few copies of the upgrade sprue and a couple sets of sanguinary guard.


trouble is if rumours are accurate I’d have a whole lot of bonus intercessors. I guess I can make them all death company? 

Edited by Blindhamster

There is 0 chance of SG being in the box.  They're already a limited buy for most BA players to begin with just by the fact of how few you would probably use. 


Our special captain is about the most expensive BA specific unit I could see in the combat patrol. MAYBE a 5 man of foot DC.



Edited by DemonGSides

There is 0 chance of SG being in the box.  They're already a limited buy for most BA players to begin with just by the fact of how few you would probably use. 


I'd agree, but Valrak has been pretty on target this release.


(Though his mention of the Combat Patrol was a little hazier, and even he noted that it seemed "light" to him, causing him to start to speculate...)



I'd agree, but Valrak has been pretty on target this release.


(Though his mention of the Combat Patrol was a little hazier, and even he noted that it seemed "light" to him, causing him to start to speculate...)


Sure, but he's not always right and 6 x SG (which was the rumor he was talking about) is legit not going to happen. 

between the bits we've seen we know though that the combat patrol does indeed include:

- captain

- assault intercessors

- sanguinary guard


we also know its only 3 datasheets in the combat patrol.


the captain leads the assault intercessors, those two combined is about 250 points, I cant see 3 sanguinary guard being 125 points honestly (but could be wrong...), meaning even if we get 6 of them, we're going to be on the low end of points for combat patrols. And that assumes 6 sanguinary guard as originally rumoured.

Ok, so we go with the New Combat Patrol containing the following;


Blood Angels Captain    £28

Sanguinary Guard          £37

10 Assault Intercessors  £40

2x Old Upgrade Sprue   £22

Total                              £127


Saving at £100 is £27  about a 21% saving. :eek::wallbash:


With 2 new upgrade sprues its £148 which is about a 32% saving.

Edited by Vardus
Clarified my upgrade sprues!

Yeah, I think it has to be 6 SG or two of the new sprue to even approach value.




Current set:

  • Librarian - £25.00
  • 3 Agressors - £37.00
  • 5 Incursors - ~£20.00
  • 5 Intercessors - ~£20.00
  • Impulsor - £52.50
  • 2 Primaris Upgrade sprues - ~£18.00


Total - £172.50


Edited by LSM

Yeah, I think it has to be 6 SG or two of the new sprue to even approach value.




Current set:

  • Librarian - £25.00
  • 3 Agressors - £37.00
  • 5 Incursors - ~£20.00
  • 5 Intercessors - ~£20.00
  • Impulsor - £52.50
  • 2 Primaris Upgrade sprues - ~£18.00


Total - £172.50



Our upgrade sprue where £11 after the price rise! So even more of a price reduction. :down:



Our upgrade sprue where £11 after the price rise! So even more of a price reduction. :down:


Aye, but the other Chapters' doubled-up sprues are at £18.00, so I knocked off three quid.





Maybe it’s 6 SG and maybe just maybe they have great rules, and as such are expensive point wise… :blink:


With the custom game rules, I imagine that they don't consider points too much when putting these boxes together. Just price (aiming for that ~33% value, it seems).


Edited by LSM

The current DA combat patrol is £145, and 19 models.


Ours with 2 new sprues and 1 Sang Guard would be £148 and 14 models or with no sprues and 2 Sang Guard it would be £142 and 17 models.


So we either get screwed on model count and the DA really got screwed on new things in their combat patrol or we have an ok model count and DA just got screwed with their combat patrol! I don't know which way I want it to go!

Edited by Vardus

I may be missing something, but isn't lance just +1 to wound on the charge? why would I ever want that at the cost of one less attack and one worse AP - if we assume they are equal points because 10th?


Should've had the same amount of attacks, then the choice becomes more consistent wounding or stronger wounding.

Right now I think it's just always smart to go for the swords, even though I think the spears are a lot cooler.


Encarmine Blades seem like the better choice, for sure. It takes a lot to beat out ‘more attacks’.


Agreed, especially as you can still get Lance from Red Rampage strat (assuming that still exists in the new Codex).

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