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I will say, that despite all of this negativity, they did actually announce a Krieg box and refresh, and I think we’ll get proper hyped for that when it starts coming around. 


"We want roadmaps!"

*Given Roadmaps*

"No! Not like that!"


Ah NRBA, never change :laugh:


Honestly, snide comments about other people's disappointment really is par for the course on this subforum, but I don't think that is what you meant. :laugh:


I don't think anyone here would argue that slowing down a little is a bad thing.

The reason people are unhappy with this apparent slow down is because GW aren't communicating that in an appropriate way to us, their customers.

If this is actually a case that GW is intentionally slowing down in order to catch up, bring things back into stock, reorganize etc then they should say that!

If GW had said the following: "Hi all, we know it's been crazy busy over the last couple of years with the launch of a new edition of 40k and AoS and a lot of stuff people want has been out of stock for quite a while. As such, for the last 3 months of 2024 we're going to slow down on new releases to focus on restocking old products and getting prepped for an existing year of Warhammer in 2025" I don't think we'd have seen half as many complaints.

As a second point though, the fact that GW may be slowing down while 10th Edition is still only 50% complete (roughly 13 of 26 Codexes) is not a good way to handle things and just demonstrates that GW really needs to reconsider their model for releasing rules. Taking a break of several months while most of the Chaos factions are in a holding pattern for rules isn't the way things should be done.

This is the only thing that makes business sense.  Everything they put out on their channel gets a comment, usually angrily, asking where on earth is the Night Lords Kill Team.  Like you said, just explaining that “due to all the excitement for the new releases, we have gone out of stock on….and plan to catch up over the next few months” would probably have done a lot to calm the customer base.


They need to just hire Valrak to run their marketing department.

So the preview is, nothing for 4 months:ermm:


A 4 month pause, when the cycle is three years:ermm:


I'm sure that will go down well:facepalm:


Meaning codex's at the rear really get less play time this time round:ohmy:

If no 40k, maybe extra Kill Team?


I tend to think of KT releases as 40k releases, because more often than not the models involved are for both games. There's also potential for a new Warhammer quest game set in the 40k galaxy, but the new edition of LOTR might eat up the space for something like that.


Short tangent: LOTR always bothered me because it's not GW IP. It always felt like an insane and opportunistic cash grab that's inconsistent with GW's core business model, and I've always wondered how much more GW IP product we could have if GW had left it to someone else. The part of the show I was most looking forward to was the final teaser video: I had hoped for the aforementioned Warhammer Quest game. To find out that it was a) something we already knew was coming and had already been officially announced and b) it was someone else's IP was a let down.


And don't get me wrong- I'm not saying LOTR is a bad game; I've actually heard that it's one of GW's best. It's just not something I think of as a GW game, and I wish that it was that was managed and marketed independently of the products that GW actually did create themselves. I don't want it in my White Dwarf, I don't want it on my preview shows and most of all, I don't want it to slow down a 40k release by even a day, especially since GW has leaned so hard into games that exclude 40k's Xenos factions.  


So the preview is, nothing for 4 months:ermm:


A 4 month pause, when the cycle is three years:ermm:


I'm sure that will go down well:facepalm:


Meaning codex's at the rear really get less play time this time round:ohmy:

Or maybe, juuuust maybe GW has seen the light and will surprise us by delaying 11th to 2027..........................
*cue laugh track*



This has ever, post 3.5, been the lot of Chaos players. To make do with a fraction of the attention we deserve, worse rules, and taken advantage of at the end of release cycles.

Every time someone mentions that old codex, I get more depressed. The Golden Age of Chaos was 20 years ago and most of the current players missed the boat by a long shot. 


They need to just hire Valrak to run their marketing department.


In fact no. They should not: when your marketing strategy comes back being focussed on favouring rumours and hype only, you do not hire someone already doing it for you and for free... :biggrin:


Back to the sum of reactions on this topic. We should try to think more rationnaly I guess.

  • The Roadmaps are a deception? Yes? 
  • Did I wished something else? Yes?
  • Was it reasonnable thinking it could have been otherwise than what has been delivered? Frankly and honnestly, no, it is how it was supposed to be. (Westill haven´t understood how it works, lads?)

About the dates on Roadmaps, it is  guess , to be remembered that 2025 is likely to mean only Q1-part of Q2. I would not bet further away. So there is plenty of room

And Why for chaos gods´ sakeshould the cycle of editions be 3 years? Based on the past trends? Couldn´t it be a false 11th Ed like a 10.2? Some of us weep about no codex before end of cycle while some other are already feeding post in subforums on how should 11th look like. Aren´t we a little bit schizophrenic here? Just to ask...


And contrary to what is marked in some comments, no, 40k is not compensing losses of other games. Each product line should get its internal turnover and  balance, otherwise you quit the game from the catalog. It is a rationnal way of managing stuff and GW takes rationnal decisions. That we, as customers and geeks, are frustrated and disagree, based on our not always so  representative personnal life and work experiences, is rather pointless. Most of the participants on this forum (myself especially), are not into the customer target. I accepted it and my life as a hobbyist is better since.  

40k is participating to the GW global net income in big propotions, probably. And in that case it looks like being a pause in the release schedule might be the way to reboost the sales pipe. Too much / everytime is sometimes counterproductive. And also remmber that the current step is oriented "Combat Patrol", to hike up new players. NOt give feed for though to already enlisted gamers.

And frankly, who cares if Admech, Votann or space elfes of all any colors do not have so much new stuff in the next quarters (I play 2oo3 of these)? Some factions have already been poorly served recently and some others are waiting for eons already; a few months more is not that critical. We still have the Indexes and it might be sufficient eventually, as codices released so far did not really touched the datsheet in the Indexes. They added Campaign and some extra detachments. But are these features really that important that it turns out being dramatic not getting them? Well, not at all, We still can play. And the holy Balance dataslate is there to save our day  [Insert Ironic smile] - and maintain in the run armies not served by the new or forecoming releases.


We are all junkies and the overreactions to this NOVA session are a clear demo, if needed, that if we do not have our daily dose we turn up frantic...:cry:


I have thousands of points of Warhammer Old World, KT and 40k to paint. I´ll do that... instead of crying out loud.:oops:


That said, I hope noone will feel offended. 



In fact no. They should not: when your marketing strategy comes back being focussed on favouring rumours and hype only, you do not hire someone already doing it for you and for free... :biggrin:


Back to the sum of reactions on this topic. We should try to think more rationnaly I guess.

  • The Roadmaps are a deception? Yes? 
  • Did I wished something else? Yes?
  • Was it reasonnable thinking it could have been otherwise than what has been delivered? Frankly and honnestly, no, it is how it was supposed to be. (Westill haven´t understood how it works, lads?)

About the dates on Roadmaps, it is  guess , to be remembered that 2025 is likely to mean only Q1-part of Q2. I would not bet further away. So there is plenty of room

And Why for chaos gods´ sakeshould the cycle of editions be 3 years? Based on the past trends? Couldn´t it be a false 11th Ed like a 10.2? Some of us weep about no codex before end of cycle while some other are already feeding post in subforums on how should 11th look like. Aren´t we a little bit schizophrenic here? Just to ask...


And contrary to what is marked in some comments, no, 40k is not compensing losses of other games. Each product line should get its internal turnover and  balance, otherwise you quit the game from the catalog. It is a rationnal way of managing stuff and GW takes rationnal decisions. That we, as customers and geeks, are frustrated and disagree, based on our not always so  representative personnal life and work experiences, is rather pointless. Most of the participants on this forum (myself especially), are not into the customer target. I accepted it and my life as a hobbyist is better since.  

40k is participating to the GW global net income in big propotions, probably. And in that case it looks like being a pause in the release schedule might be the way to reboost the sales pipe. Too much / everytime is sometimes counterproductive. And also remmber that the current step is oriented "Combat Patrol", to hike up new players. NOt give feed for though to already enlisted gamers.

And frankly, who cares if Admech, Votann or space elfes of all any colors do not have so much new stuff in the next quarters (I play 2oo3 of these)? Some factions have already been poorly served recently and some others are waiting for eons already; a few months more is not that critical. We still have the Indexes and it might be sufficient eventually, as codices released so far did not really touched the datsheet in the Indexes. They added Campaign and some extra detachments. But are these features really that important that it turns out being dramatic not getting them? Well, not at all, We still can play. And the holy Balance dataslate is there to save our day  [Insert Ironic smile] - and maintain in the run armies not served by the new or forecoming releases.


We are all junkies and the overreactions to this NOVA session are a clear demo, if needed, that if we do not have our daily dose we turn up frantic...:cry:


I have thousands of points of Warhammer Old World, KT and 40k to paint. I´ll do that... instead of crying out loud.:oops:


That said, I hope noone will feel offended. 

Whilst I understand what message you bring, there is no comment or reassurance that the roadmap relates to Q1 or 2. If it even goes as far as Q2 then that's up to June. 


Other than that, I don't care about my factions getting new stuff per-se, what I care about is I play in rolling crusades and my forces have 0 crusade content compared to the other players. I am the peasant in this game system because of the chance release timings.

Edited by Mogger351

If no 40k, maybe extra Kill Team?


I tend to think of KT releases as 40k releases, because more often than not the models involved are for both games. There's also potential for a new Warhammer quest game set in the 40k galaxy, but the new edition of LOTR might eat up the space for something like that.


Short tangent: LOTR always bothered me because it's not GW IP. It always felt like an insane and opportunistic cash grab that's inconsistent with GW's core business model, and I've always wondered how much more GW IP product we could have if GW had left it to someone else. The part of the show I was most looking forward to was the final teaser video: I had hoped for the aforementioned Warhammer Quest game. To find out that it was a) something we already knew was coming and had already been officially announced and b) it was someone else's IP was a let down.


And don't get me wrong- I'm not saying LOTR is a bad game; I've actually heard that it's one of GW's best. It's just not something I think of as a GW game, and I wish that it was that was managed and marketed independently of the products that GW actually did create themselves. I don't want it in my White Dwarf, I don't want it on my preview shows and most of all, I don't want it to slow down a 40k release by even a day, especially since GW has leaned so hard into games that exclude 40k's Xenos factions.  

The LotR game brought in a lot of cash back in the early 2000s for GW (so much so that they had a mini panic in 07ish when sales started declining due to no more films...at that time anyway). I don't think the game existing would have actually changed what else got released mind, especially in the first couple of years, it might have meant some plans got scaled back.

The fact they were saying that 2025 is fast approaching really bugged me. There's a 3rd of the year left yet! That's a fair heft of time for zero 40k releases.


As such:


Kill team

Skaven/ stormcast round 1



Heresy plastic melee weapons (optimism)

Skaven/ stormcast round 2

AoS chaos warriors 



Christmas boxes 

Mesbg new ed



Christmas... More MESBG?

Assuming they don't tell us why it took so long for the HH Melee Weapons, I wonder if it'll be obvious why when we see them, is it a substantial upgrade sprue which even has Terminator weapons in it etc, did they end up just making a Despoiler Squad along with it...

All I know, is after all this wait, I hope GW knows we're expecting something worthwhile.


I will say, that despite all of this negativity, they did actually announce a Krieg box and refresh, and I think we’ll get proper hyped for that when it starts coming around. 

Cautiously optimistic.

I'd like some stuff to add on to my huge OG krieg army.  Hope whatever they do isn't "wild reworks that perform some character-assassination on the aesthetic of the faction."

I wasn't the biggest fan of the KT's design changes, but I didn't hate it.

Edited by Dark Legionnare

If they did Death Riders, Engineers, a Command Squad, and Heavy Weapons I think most people would be pretty pleased even if we don’t the Mortar/Thudd Gun and Grenadiers. At least tiny legend will keep pumping out great upgrades. 


"We want roadmaps!"

*Given Roadmaps*

"No! Not like that!"


Ah NRBA, never change :laugh:


Confirmation on Krieg and Aspect Warriors (Hawks specifically) is much more than I expected to see for a roadmap to be honest. AoS truly stays winning and doesn't miss :wub:

At least there's some ace conversion potential in the Lord Relictor and the Terminos, undoubtedly some mad folks will convert the Morrgrpyhs too :biggrin:

Was this a serious post? I can't tell sometimes. 

I didn't expect anything in special, but still the "roadmaps" are incredibly disappointing, nearly to the point of being annoying, at least for me.

Wasted time, in few words.

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