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I've decided to build an Ork Army.


My self imposed rulez


The Army will be built using second hand modelz

The Army size Approx 2000 points plus characters

The Army will be a balanced army, so should be a medium level of competitiveness for a number of editionz.

Once the Army passed 2000 points (excluding characters) +/- 10% the army will be finished


So far I have bought -

Updated 06/10/24

Running total spent £445.69 : RRP Total £835.50

Running Pointz 2475 (Excluding Characters 1780) 





For £37 posted

20 Boyz Built/unpainted (new style) and 1 Trukk BNIB


For £55 Posted

5 Stormboyz (built unpainted) 1x Battlewagon Undercoated


For £20 Posted

10 beast Snaggaz (built unpainted)


For £20 Posted

Warboss in Mega Armour (undercoated) 10 Grots and Runt Herder (Built unpainted) 


for £16 Posted

OoP Warboss with Choppa and Shoota  (built)


For £20 Posted

1 Ork Trukk - (Built unpainted)


For £15 posted 

1 Beastboss - Built undercoated


For £60 Posted

Combat Patrol BNIB

20 Beast Snaggas

4 Squighog boyz

1 Beast Boss


For £19.69 (lolz)Posted

All Built and Undercoated

1 Warboss with Power Claw (Assault and black reach)

4 Loots with DeffGunz and 1 Spanner with Kustom Mega Blaster

1 Bunner boy (IDK)


For £50 Posted

6 Mega Nobz (Built Unpainted)

1 Big Mek in Mega Armour (Built Unpainted)


For £30 Posted

Warboss  Grukk NOS

5 Nobz Built/Unpainted

5 Nobz BNIB


For £25 Posted

5 Flash Gitz (BNIB)


Codex £22 posted

Vanity Herd Squigs £17 posted


For £45 posted

10 Flash Gitz Part assembled. 


Watch this space....



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Thingz have been arriving in the post all week thanks to facebay


I've opted to go with a Badmooz klan as I like the yellow and green contrast, also I played bad moon with the second edition box set.


I used a Green based on P3 Iosan Green highlighted with P3 Nercoite Green and Fantsay Games Goblin Flesh. I decided that I preferred bright luminous Greens so the fist 5 boyz got lighter and brigher as I went. I'm going to move to a base on Goblin Flesh for the next 5.


After a few experiments I'm going to be using runefang steel to add a metal effect to the yellow armour plates.


As for the of metal bits, I wanted a cartoonly look so i'm using celestial grey, null oil and praxeti white to create a cartoony metal style. 



Just need to finish basing the Nob and I'm 10% the way of painting the first 50 of "Git Scrapperz gitz" - My Warboss' new name. 

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That's a Great start :thumbsup: 

You can't go wrong with some Bad Moons (and they're close to your old skool heart by the sounds of it :tongue: ) Green looks good!, and I think it's a fun idea to go NMM / Cartoony on the weapons. so the Runefang is for armour chipping I'm gathering?...


Look forward to the next 45... :laugh:


Cheers, Mithril

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First squad of 10 done, minus one bit of basing.


After a bit of experimentation I've discovered a method of doing ork skin which i like. The first 10 I used a number of different methods. I found myself making the green brighter and brighter. See the dark green ork being probably the first and the other two in the close up being the last.


While dark colours seem to look more "realistic" I find bright colours pop more on the table top. Of my greater Daemons, the bright green GUO gets far more love than any of the other 3. The bloodthirster is very well painted but in dark colours and gets few complements compared to any of the other three.


I was at a game a few years back and my opponent, although trouncing me fairly substantially spoke at length about being a "better player". However I feel they are a number of ways of being good a 40k. I'd say having a well painted army wins more hearts than having a 90% plus win record. The point is there's more ways to be better at 40k than winning games. I feel that tournaments should have a "best painted" and "best themed" army as well as an "overall win rate" winner .   


I settles on a blend from Goblin Flesh washed in Biel-tan Green, to Nercotite Green to Flash Gitz Yellow using a wet brush to blend works well. Though it is a little time consuming.



I've opted to challenge myself a little bit so the guns contain more than one colour, which is not something i usually do and in some cases and I even managed to do my first check pattern. 


10 down. I've got around 40 to go!

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Well done on the First 10   :thumbsup:

I agree 40K is more about the greater picture of painting/playing/making friends...over the winning at all costs perspective.

and yes best painted armies should be a standard at all tournaments (it was always there as a thing when I used to compete in tournaments, not sure nowadays)


keep up the momentum, i love the bright skin colour too :cool:


Cheers, Mithril 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good Evening,


So i was in Ireland for a few days so the next batch took a bit longer.  10 Beast Snaggas now done.


I'm getting the hang of the skin, but blending is a bit inconsistent. With an army that at 2k points could have upwards of 75 figures I'm not looking for perfection on each individual and some green skins seem to look better than others.


I was also on Facebay and a chap was selling a combat patrol BNIB for £60 posted! Annoyingly I'd already bought a beast boss and the 10 snaggas shown. But the deal was too good to pass up. So I've elected to sell the beast boss only a week after buying it (I still even have the sellers box). The good news is i should lose less than £5 on it, so even with that loss £65 for a RRP £100 box is a great find. I'll have now a total of 30 beast Snaggas which is probably maxed out on those. Giving me 30 Snagga Boyz and 20 Ork Boyz as battleline/troops. 


I did consider keeping the Beast Noss so I can run two. I know that stacking Warbosses is a thing at the moment, However evaluating Ork unit "Tiers" from 6th through 10th, stacking HQ seems to be a "flavour of the month", a bit inconsistent in effectiveness and which are stacked, and I'm looking for a balanced list, so I'll probably get beast boss on Squigsaur and if they do a unique individual that too so if one becomes optimal i'll have one available.


I am finding bargain hunting part of the fun now 



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I've always had a soft spot for Orks, bought my mates Speed Frewk army when he was getting rid. Some really interesting lore, very simple and arguably most creative army to build.


I'm really liking how you are setting a goal for when the army will be called 'done'.

Also good use of second hand deals to build it too. You can't go wrong with Bad Moons, nice paint so far. Looking forward to your progress and see how your Waaagh! Builds.

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A dead brush


As pappa Nurgle teaches us death, decay and entropy is a constant, no matter how permeant something may seem.  


After 24 painted models, my Army painter regiment brush is now done. They retail between £6 and £7 and I used it for around 85% of each model so I feel that just about an okay length of  service. 


But as Gork and Mork teaches us, be cunning and brutal. The former workhorse brush will now be relegated to basing block colours and it's exact replacement will pick up the burden.






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10 More boyz done.


I managed to do something rare. I had to throw away a paint pot as i'd used all the paint in it! I think this is the first time I've ever done that. Celestial Grey, you served me well for a number of years. You have been replaced, but you will always be my first. 

Something I've noticed. Orks are an ideal 3rd, 4th or later army. This is due to their lack of uniform colours. Got a pot of evil suns red? - Red shirt it is (he'll die soon anyway), bestial brown - brown trousers, ultramarine blue - he's in denim jeans, flayed one flesh - wash it with a shade and you've got a hide made garment. And I've got an entire shoe box to work through. 


I think the skin should be the same colour, even though mine aren't. And that a "Klan" colour should be present on all the models, mine is flash gitz yellow and it's soon to be joining the aforementioned celestial grey. 


I've noticed that my painting is improving, you can see from 2 feet away which are the first 10 boyz (see above) and the second painted with 20 models worth of practice(below). And they are getting greener! I'm not really bothering to do much highlighting or blending for anything other than the skin. The war bosses/characters will be done last will have full blending. After my skills have been practiced they will be the final boss (no pun intended) testing my skills learnt so far. 


Next second set of 10 Snaggas!











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  • 2 weeks later...

10 More beast Snagga Boyz done, that's 40 Greenskins done and I'm 40% of the way through my (and formally) others pile(s) of plastic shame. I've opted to keep the second Beast Boss, leaving me fairly HQ stacked. On top of the 2 Beast bosses I have: 4 War bosses including 1 mega and 3 regular but I have no double sculps, which is nice. I can see there may be times where I may want to run all 3 regular war bosses as I have 10 Nobz now. I also got a some squig herds from AOS (again second hand - add £17) So i can but some squigs here and there and add one to each of the two warboss kits that don't have them on the sculpt but do have them in the rules.


Also picked up a codex for £22 posted with an unused code!


Next up 10 Grots !




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P3 Paints! 

So I didn't know this but privateer press stopped making P3 paints at a point early this year, they are due back via a Kickstarter but who knows when they will be available in the UK. So I was left with 2 options, either buy up the rest of the UK market of Nercotie Green (which is 3 pots) or search for an alternative. 


I opted to balance my last Necrotie green pot on it's head to finish these, but GW's moot green is claimed to me almost the same, and I happen to have a pot 1/3 full. So I'll be trying that. I was going to paint my Nobz but as i'm using a new paint i'm going for my last squad of Beast Snaggas. 




I'm 51 models, half way there - living on a prayer 


Next up last 10 beast Snaggas 


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  • 4 weeks later...

I hit the wall. 


60 Models in I'm past the Halfway point. But these last 10 Snagga Boyz was a bit of a slog. 

I've been doing the "core" units first as I want the last units I do to be the best painted, and more experience painting should equal a better paint job. I've also done these in "lots", 10 Boyz, 10 Beast Snaggas then back to 10 Boyz and so on. 

I'm not into the more interesting models, but also harder to paint models. Flash gitz and Beast boss look especially hard, and Trukks look awkward. Especially as I'm buying 2nd hand and the models are in different states of assembly. 


I've also noted that the ferrous sheets i bought back in 2019 are being sold in 2024 with a much weaker pull, so I may need to use a stronger magnet. 


Finally I bought out the UKs market of Nerortie Green, moot green is a bit too "sickly" for me. 


Next up 5 Nobz! 



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  • 4 months later...

Guess who's back, back again!?


After a 3, nearly 4 month break I'm back at the table. It was so long I actually forgot how I did the green skin and had to come back here to get the steps I used to create it.

I probably won't be moving at the pace I was in Autumn 2024, I do have some of the more interesting models to paint. Next Up will probably be the Flash Gitz, they are not fully built (guns off). I'm in two minds on if I will build them or not.


I'm also starting to work on my Warband Lore. I like the colour scheme of the Mad Moons, but in terms or Lore moreso the Deathskulls. 



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Little WIP Update

Spore of a Grot! There's a lot of detail in Flash Gitz!

I've opted to paint them with the Gun arm off, I would definitely recommend this. 

I think i'm about 3/5 of the way there with these TWO gitz. Probably around 10-12 hours of painting so far. Definitely getting  my money's worth here. I had to by a 3rd pot of Celestial Grey (after buying the wrong Dawnstone grey) at a Warhammer shop. I told the clerk about my project of using 2nd hand models, which he seemed to think was really cool. I mentioned that I have either lost (or wasn't sent) 4 bases, he went out back to see if he could find a few for FREE, sadly he couldn't. It was a nice gesture! 



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