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Hail Brothers and Sisters,

                                               The wheels are in motion and the refresh is upon us. It's rare to see a army these days without some degree of customisation.


I've got a couple of questions but I'd also like to hear other people's ideas as to what they are planning to kitbash/customise.


I was thinking about buying the side panels from a DC dread (left and right of the sarcophagus and sticking them over the Brutalis dreads panels.


Maybe try and incorporate the skull. Is it just too small? Was thinking a bit more bulk (1mm plastic) over the top would look cool.


I accidentally put the rhino front on the Baal and had to double up and it just looks reinforced.


What do people think?


Also the jet packs. Those old SG jump packs might look a bit too small on the new SG and their non wing JPs might be too big for the old Lemartes?


I've seen the old sculp Lemartes done with the SG JP and black wings and it's very nice. Give him a blacked out SG banner too. Covers a 40mm easily and looks bigger.


Also I have a terminator SS and could put new SG JP on both the SP and Captain. Slamguinius returns and just pray for the SPJP datasheet to come out next edition.


I cannot find room for a foot SP especially with Mephiston now unleashed.


Again I'd love to hear about your kitbash ideas.

Edited by Brother Raul
Concurrent jetpacks.
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