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All look good and also thematic. 

I like the look of the stratagems. Across the board they look like they let you lean into both gameplay and themes associated with blood angels.



dare I say it? There’s a lot of our character/flavour represented there!


All look good and also thematic. 

I like the look of the stratagems. Across the board they look like they let you lean into both gameplay and themes associated with blood angels.



dare I say it? There’s a lot of our character/flavour represented there!

Our supplement has flavour. 

but what did it cost? The flavour of our models!

Obviously we're only seeing a small sliver right now but I like what I'm seeing. All the detachment rules seem fluffy but varying degrees of useful and I really like the mechanics in the Liberator Assault Group and Lost Brethren detachments. 


I'm genuinely torn between both the LAG and Angelic Host detachments now as looks like both can benefit the units I want to bring with some intresting gameplay. Can't wait to see the rest of the rules now.

I think the LAG will be where the spears shine. Sine they already have lance no need to battleshock yourself, and with the extra attack, hitting at S8 SG with spears will be shredding a lot of very tough units they shouldn’t otherwise be able to.


Descent of angels allowing a 3” deep strike but no charge is upsetting. Why tease me like that? 3D6 charge back in the day was goated.

Inceptors will probably get the most use out of it.



Am I the only one who finds the angelic host rule a bit underwhelming?

the DC rule I in the middle for me, and the liberator group seems the best imho.

I’m reserving judgment until we see the full rules. Proper unit rules and strats can make mobility shenanigans like it very good.

Yup, Liberator Assault Group looks the strongest on paper but there are still some Stratagems and Enhancements we have not seen for the other two that may change the balance.


Death Company looks very fluffy and reasonably competitive. I think you will want a Captain or two in there to help power stratagems as Lost to Rage looks pretty strong.


Angelic Host is all about movement shenanigans. It is a shame that nothing shown so far boosts charges out of Deep Strike but maybe GW felt this was abused too much in 8th/9th. Dropping in a squad of Van Vets with inferno pistols at 3" range may have some play.



Inceptors will probably get the most use out of it.


Inceptors already get DS within 3" as a basic rule thanks to their Meteoric Descent ability.

Edited by Karhedron

Yup, Liberator Assault Group looks the strongest on paper but there are still some Stratagems and Enhancements we have not seen for the other two that may change the balance.


Death Company looks very fluffy and reasonably competitive. I think you will want a Captain or two in there to help power stratagems as Lost to Rage looks pretty strong.


Angelic Host is all about movement shenanigans. It is a shame that nothing shown so far boosts charges out of Deep Strike but maybe GW felt this was abused too much in 8th/9th. Dropping in a squad of Van Vets with inferno pistols at 3" range may have some play.



Inceptors already get DS within 3" as a basic rule thanks to their Meteoric Descent ability.

If Inceptors could take a character I can see some serious plays with Angelic host using them

I think shooty jump pack units, like Inceptors and Pistol wielding VVs (and maybe even Suppressors) are going to really like "On Wings of Fire".... basically, two shooting units every turn doing "uppy-downy"... you could use two squads of 6 Inceptors, with their built in 3" DS ability, to bounce around the board all game long, nuking a big unit (or two) every time they come down, then basically "teleporting" somewhere else every Battle Round. If the Librarian Dread still exists in the new Codex, then you can combine them with another "teleporting" infantry unit (like Hellblasters or Centurions) to really provide overwhelming firepower where you want it every turn.


Not very "Blood Angel-y" in terms of being close combat focused, but quite potent in the hands of a skilled player, I think.


Death Company looks very fluffy but core rule/buff is a bit weak

It's absolutely the weakest detachment in the supplement, and maybe even the weakest Marine linked detachment. 99% of the time those buffs to your unit being weakened or near death aren't helpful and the detachment's Strats seem to be linked to needing a Chaplain around to get better benefit. 


Their Hypercrypt detachment though is going to be good, full stop. Jump Intercessors, Death Company, Sanguine Guard, Inceptors, and even Suppressors will love the extra mobility and aren't going to be a bad army in totality. Just for sure need to add extra firepower for big models and you're good to go. 

Edited by HeadlessCross

Those seem fluffy and cool. Hopefully you blood angels players like the rules you get. Following the other few threads recently about blood angels, I can tell you guys are passionate people. Sanguinius would be proud haha.

LAG is still good I guess and I welcome the improved Strat. On top of that I really like the mechanic to go full berserk for greater reward. 

Golden Host seems like something tourney players will make great use of whilst I will struggle to get the full mileage out of it :angel:.

The DC one however is underwhelming. Reading the text I was under the impression reroll 1s to wound is always on and full rerolls comes into play beneath half strength, but seeing in the rules you need to have a casualty to even trigger the reroll 1s is meh. What's the big point with battleline? You can take the unit 6 times and it can participate in some actions in paria nexus missions. Something else? 

I actually really like the mechanic of battleshocking yourself for an extra benefit, but battleshock seems so toothless I don’t really see many people opting to only take one bonus.


if battleshock had more teeth, it would be better balanced imho.


I actually really like the mechanic of battleshocking yourself for an extra benefit, but battleshock seems so toothless I don’t really see many people opting to only take one bonus.


if battleshock had more teeth, it would be better balanced imho.

Tyranid, “Night Lord” detachment, and Chaos Knights may become spoiler armies.


Regarding battleshock: whilst red rampage can have some negative effect (OC0 at enemy command phase, no defensive strats in enemy turn) savage echos seems to be a no brainer to activate both effects. 

I like how even LAG will benefit from a Chaplain (for un-battleshocking once per game). Very fluffy.

Another thought on the detachments. How do nonLAG detachments handle big stuff? The change from +1 to +2 S was a big changing point for BA because fists and similar went to S10 while charging, giving a tool to handle bigger tanks and monsters in close combat. Now the ability to spam fists already has dwindled significantly but I see other detachments struggling even more without the +2 S. Guess they have to rely on heavy fire support? 


Another thought on the detachments. How do nonLAG detachments handle big stuff? The change from +1 to +2 S was a big changing point for BA because fists and similar went to S10 while charging, giving a tool to handle bigger tanks and monsters in close combat. Now the ability to spam fists already has dwindled significantly but I see other detachments struggling even more without the +2 S. Guess they have to rely on heavy fire support? 


They expect you to bring Dreads or Tanks, I guess.
DC or otherwise.

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