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After 12 years of not playing 40k, decided to pick up Kill team.

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  I have lots of armies I like.  Emperor's Children, loyalist Aquilas Peurlis or the Imperatoris Liberi scouts, Imperial Fist and Deathwatch Genestealers, Beastmen, Slaanesh Daemons, and what ever other models I have laying around for the last 12 years.  



I am not a great painter, so bear with me.  And I kind of work in spurts, so color theory isn't my thing.

I tried to follow some painting tutorials and learn contrast painting vs thick painting.  So a learning experience too.



I was doing multiple armies for Kill team, so each kill team is on another kill teams base.  i.e. Daemonettes on Beastmen bases, Genestealers on Scout ship bases.    Logical, nope.

Also everything is on a 32mm base.   If I play it will be with friends so it will all be good.


So lots of bases and different themes.  

Like Tyranid hive/bio-ship.  You can see the "chaos glowy green bases on the right".



First up I did some Daemonettes.  Had to do it, Slaanesh for the win!

Followed the GW painting tutorial, using the colors I had on hand.  Wanted them very "pale" or light.



The bases are using rollers from Greenstuff world.  Wanted cool bases and to try new things.  So Got some DAS got the rollers, and started making bases.image.thumb.jpeg.45cabfb9044f1bb18ca8e0be120552fa.jpeg


So the deamonette bases are suppose to be glowing chaos (with Cthulhu elder god signs to tie into the Delaque Gang).



Next up were Beastmen.  Using old beastmen models I had laying around after I did my beastman imperial guard for my Emperorchildren.net site.  I like them all to have the same heads, didn't work out 100% but close enough.


Their bases have "cthulhu" heads / genestealer cult themes.


You can see all of them here.






 Also, I was working with my Genestealers.

I am big into "pure strain" Genestealers with Patriarchs.  So digging through all the stuff I have saved for years, I took a look to see what I had.


A bit of a collector problem, lots of random bits.


So I have a bunch of Patriarchs that I bought.

From left to right 

  • Etsy Genestealer resin print.  Pretty cool, probably beyond my skill!
  • Some running old Genestealer Patriarchs.
  • A metal Broodlord painted to go with some Benestealers.
  • An Inquisitor scale Genestealer that was going to be a "hive tyrant" when I was doing 40k.
  • A sitting Genestealer Patriarch and more running ones in one of my color schemes.

I also have a bunch of blisters and more loose ones, so yeah, I bought lots of Genstealer Patriarchs (they were going to be warriors) when I was going to do a full 40k army of Genestealers and proxied Genestealers.


So years ago my Genestealers were going to be red.



Or purple with reddish heads, more traditional.  I can never decide.  (you can see on the right side).


I had been working on a large army, so I had about 1/2 of my minis assembled, with Space Hulk and other boxes still sitting around.



So I did the only logical thing, and started a new color scheme with a theme.  Cthulhu stealers (you saw the reference in the other bases).


So they all had to have Cthulhu heads!  And a Cthulhu (green) theme.  Again, I have to work on highlighting.




So now I have 2 Genestealer teams,  ready for Kill Team. They are based on some bases I had done years ago with meshing and other ideas for glowing (real light) bases.  I had to use some Greenstuff to get enough footing for them.image.thumb.jpeg.3e40e4ee6474610be970d81ef0a7de29.jpeg




Edited by refuse

Then there was the "hellraiser" army (proxy for Veteran Guard, so they have to have the equipment for veteran guard and be 14 minis.


I saw the Delaque gang and said, that would be a great Hellraiser/Matrix style army.  So I looked on Etsy for some cool figures.

So from left to right it is Etsy Openthroat , Delaque , Etsy Pinhead, Delaque



Also ordered a Cthulhu Statue (on the left) and picked up the Delaque doctor (who doesn't need another doctor).




And since I was buying from the Esty store I picked up a Hannible Lector, not sure if I will use it or not.


Original height comparison.



But I also saw the "Max Darth" black on Greenstuff World (super black) so the Delaque jackets would be super black.  I know, I should have focused on my skills but.


So they are work in progress, but now I have a Delaque gang for Necromunda and a Veteran Guard Kill team that looks interesting.


Still in progress are my scouts:image.thumb.png.e232f41a7b5ecc62621da281480ad4ca.png 

I have about 40 scouts from when I was going to do a Scout based army for the Imperatoris Liberi (Cmperor's Children).   So left to right we have an work, scout, scout without arms, new scout body, genestealer and older marine.


So the new scouts tower, so a box of new scout from Kill Team was the choice.


The paint scheme, owing to Emperor's Children, but kind of Raptor/current military style.  So subdued colors (holding back the pride), with green and brown colors.


Again I tried a new style of painting, and am working on shading, so started with black undercoat, then painted, then contrast paint and I still need to highlight to get the right look.



Got them mostly assembled and need arms and heads for them.  And to figure what bases.





So to tie it up.

Started again about 2 months ago, trying to paint an hour or so a night, trying not to rush, but that is normal for me.


Here is display case 1 of models, the red Genestealers are from years ago, everything else is freshly assembled and painted.




And my display case when I started (with the scouts) after digging up my minis:

So my Slaanesh Emperor's Children minis, and my Alien the game Minis.  I had pulled out some reference minis (old Primarch, red Genesteralers and some deep purple Space marine that were my last project before I took the 12 year hiatus).



And my pile of shame is now Aliens, which I hope to finish up the rest and use for the new Kill Team endless horde mode!  Marines vs aliens in the 41s Millenium!


And lastly, the team that I wanted to build.

Back when I used to play, you could almost field an army of Scouts, so I wanted an army of Imperatoris liberi (emperor's children).


I probably have 40+ of the older scouts, but with the new larger scouts why not start over?


So I looked at sizing, from an old work I had, to two scout models, a new scout model a Genestealer and an old Marine.



So the new scouts are giant, so going with new scouts (the old scouts will be come Arbites).


Color scheme:  I wanted kind of a "modern" color scheme with 



I really like what you are doing - your projects all look really interesting!


One thing, though, is you want to be careful with basing.  In particular, the pale colours of your demonettes are really overpowered by their vibrant bases - looking at them, the eye isn't drawn to the models, but the bases instead, which (IHMO) is kind of the opposite of what you want.  Instead, I think they would do better on a much more neutral coloured bases - for example, necromunda "mechanical" bases done in metal colours.  You could then use the violently green bases on models that have a similarly strong colour pallet.

Yeah, it is obvious after I did it.  I was doing bases separately from models, and was picking the "next" available ones.  i.e. I would do bases for a few days, then get bored, so painting.  What ever whacky thing I was doing for bases, went on the next set of models finished!


Like I said at the start, not great with color pallets.

I can always nuln oil it down to reduce the "glare".

Thank you though, it is something I have to work on.  

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