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Hello, all, if you've followed me around or if you read my introductory post, you'd know I absolutely LOVE the iron warriors and the Horus Heresy. This thread is dedicated to the documentation of my development of my own little army of Perturabo's sons from 30k.


My plan is as follows: 

Vehicles: Kratos battle tank, Dreadnought of some sort (debating on deredeo, leviathan, or contemptor).


Assault squad: 10x Mk III Astartes, 10x Mk VI Astartes, and x5 cataphractii terminators.


Command squad: 1x Mk VI praetor with chain axe, ?x Mk III commanders, (I haven't decided how big I want my command squad)


Centerpiece: The Lord of iron himself, Perturabo (maybe hopefully)


I should probably clarify this is for a diorama, so if it's not game legal then that's why.


This project will take a long time. With me being in marching band and with drama coming up soon, it may take longer. And with my lack of employment and steady income, acquiring all of the aforementioned units will be a challenge.


But, I have faith in me and my planning skills that I can get it done, no matter the amount of time it takes. 


With all that out of the way, the cataphractii's had shipped finally and arrived at my house not too long ago. So, that will be my first step in my journey to this giant fever dream of a project.



(Also, please make an iron warriors sub forum, I'm begging you.)17250652456869157310958866901518.thumb.jpg.1b80c8105f16cfca94aaac86e04b51a7.jpg




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I look forward to watching your progress.


It's not an Iron Warriors yellow, but here is the yellow recipe for The Warpborn,  my homebrew Chaos Marines warband. If you don't want to use burnt sienna oils as a wash you coukd try Agrax Earthshade or Gryphon Sepia.


■ Undercoat: Leadbelcher drybrush over a black basecoat
■ Basecoat/Chipcoat: Averland Sunset
■ Wash:  Burnt Sienna oil wash
■ Highlight 1: Yriel Yellow
■ Highlight 2: Flash Gitz Yellow



Here's a photo



Edited by Tallarn Commander

Never considered Iron Warriors before in my life, but I bagged a huge job lot of heresy stuff recently with a bunch of the models already half painted as Iron Warriors and all the shoulder pads, so I kinda “had” to do them. Now I’ve got about 2000 points painted up I love them. So quick and easy to paint so you can get a decent force up and running in no time at all. Personally I didn’t bother with the hazard stripes as I didn’t feel they were needed and I wanted to keep the painting process to a minimum.


Followed this thread before I posted because I want to see how you get on. Can’t get enough of HH recently so looking forward to your project progressing.

Nice start. Iron Warriors are amazing, been collecting and painting them for a while. Even my Cult marines are in Iron Warriors colours. I have experimented quite a lot getting the right shade of "Iron" on their armour, trying to make the look old and worn, but still in good condition. My recipe for iron is Rune lord brass, Coelia green shade, Vallejo Natural Steel, Nuln oil, and cleaned up with Natural Steel. I am happy with how that comes out, some may think the two first colours are not necessary, but I have found when not using them, the armour looks flatter, and a bit cleaner. Here is an example how it the armour looks on a "possessed".





Edited by Cpt.Danjou
Forgot to say that it is not done in these pictures.

The brothers of iron are basecoated. My scheme plan is as follows:

Basecoat: Iron warriors (of course) 

Armor Trim: Runelord brass (forgot to get some when I went to the hobby shop :P)

Weapons: army painter gun metal

 Hazard stripes: Corvus black/Averland sunset

Wash: Nuln oil

Under arm fabrics: Unsure yet, perhaps Vallejo black brown or pale brown



Edited by Imriy

Update: Grandfather nurgle has blessed me with his gifts, so I'm stuck at home and decided to make the most of my time by painting the hazard stripes on my cataphractii. They could be a lot worse, but I definitely need to practice my technique. I'll probably get a finer brush to make them better. 



Major update: 

Minus weathering, Terminators are done. I decided to use mournfang brown as the fabric color, and in the midst of painting, I realized I forgot the loincloth hangy parts for the crotch while building but honestly I'll probably just get some green stuff and fill the places in where the holes are and play it off as some sort of belt. 


Also, the Mk IIIs came in so those will be underway shortly.


IMG_20240903_210034079_HDR.thumb.jpg.de9c59ec3f44a91c8b32fb9129b6c5ea.jpgThank you all for the support on my project, it means the world to me. 



  On 9/4/2024 at 7:01 AM, INKS said:

helms, shoulder pads. some bodies. nothing too serious but it's a lot of little extras.


Yeah it adds up… I was gonna say there’s a seller adjmgee on eBay who does shoulder pads super cheap, like a fiver for 50. I’ve just checked back though and he only seems to have loyalist chapters, which is a shame.

Started on the Mk IIIs, but am getting tired so here's one for a teaser. It's headless and all after this shall be until I get the old heads mailed to me. So far I'm actually quite enjoying the build process of these newer armor sculpts. I've always preferred the look of the new armor compared to the old ones, especially in terms of the backpack and the pauldrons. 


Edited by Imriy

Hello all, apologies for little development in the terms of progress, but I still have things working behind the scenes. The package of Mk III heads has arrived in the mail, and subsequent posts will be underway shortly regarding their development. I'm excited to continue to build and paint and all I ask is that you hold out for me. I'm still at my dad's house, so I need to wait until I'm at my mom's to get the heads and finish up the minis I had started to build.

Hello, all. I return to you with a WIP Image. I was mailed a bunch of bits from the very nice crimsondave, and he had supplied me with the old Mk III heads and some extra goodies including Iron Warriors shoulderpads and other bits. I've been working on those for the last few hours and I have about 2 or 3 left before I'm ready to prime and paint. I'm very happy with how the old heads work with the new bodies and the printing on the resin shoulderpads and heads and other bits is superb. IMG_20240914_170608439.thumb.jpg.65aedfb61fd86ac7761c2b13068a01b8.jpg

  • 2 weeks later...


Hello, all, I apologize for a drought in content but I've been on a mental decline and haven't been getting much painting done and added onto the fact that my palette got ruined, I haven't been able to paint much recently. I have this old WIP Image I forgot to send so here it is. 17278711335421745708015597901824.thumb.jpg.c5c96fdc285da164cc802bc9c0d99bc1.jpg

Edited by Imriy

Sorry to hear about your painting woes - hopefully you can get back to it soon!


Your photo of your minis looks great.  I noticed that all your minis are on plain black bases - is that there finished state, or do you intend to base them more fully at some point?

  On 10/2/2024 at 2:36 PM, Dr_Ruminahui said:

Sorry to hear about your painting woes - hopefully you can get back to it soon!


Your photo of your minis looks great.  I noticed that all your minis are on plain black bases - is that there finished state, or do you intend to base them more fully at some point?


I plan on to eventually make a base from some sort of craft foam or XPS foam and cut the plastic bases off of the minis and put them on the foam as their final resting spot. I plan on making some sort of battlefield scene with perturabo leading the charge and all of the iron warriors leading behind him.

  • 4 weeks later...

Hello all. 

After a long wait, I return with a finished image of the MK III squad. My band season has ended so I have more time for painting and hobbying. Thank you for all of your support and your patience. IMG_20241027_183407179.thumb.jpg.d6973d3fd72fc8cf279763fb35063c11.jpg

  • 5 weeks later...

I decided to cobble together a warsmith from et cetera bits that I had laying around. His name is Warsmith Kalron, bearer of the iron warriors legion vexilla. Also, Mk VI beakies. I tried two different types of striping on these ones, C&C welcome 



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