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Hello, all. 

I'm sorry for the month-long break, and I haven't much to make up for it. In the time between posts, I've destroyed the warsmith from earlier (wasn't that great anyway, I'll wait for the GW one to come out) and I've painted up a Contemptor Dreadnought in the IV legion scheme. I've also decided to make quite a large shift in what I want to make these miniatures for. I've been looking into the actual tabletop game for Horus heresy, and I think I want to run an IW Army, naturally. I've created a novice-built list of 3000 pts, which I'll detail here. Here's the dreadnought and the army list.



Edited by Imriy
text wrapping sucks

I second an Iron warriors subforum.


How would you go about kitbashing a czagra btw? Anyone of you IW fans have an idea? There exists only one based on abaddon I believe but that's rather expensive, you think a chaos lord would suffice? Or should I wait for a legit release? (I made the "mistake" before of kitbashing my own Snikkrot ork out of a ghoulchewer before --right before a plastic snikkrot was released-- heh.. but I did mail GW asking about wether they were considering a czagra release.. to which they said there was no news on any future releases whatsoever (secrecy -_-)


Kind regards, Iron within!!

I like your contemptor and look forward to seeing your army progress.


As for advice on your amry list, you are probably better off bringing it to the Heresy subforum as I don't know how many in the 40K CSM marines forum will be familiar with the rules and able to offer their opinion.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

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