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He came to Calgary GT back in 2002, but I never really talked to him much. A friend of mine used to be in regular correspondence with him, but I haven't heard from Jonathan in a long time either. 

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Another reminder that life is actually really short.


I'm so glad I was able to see my sister and sister-in-law for the first time in years last month, because you never know.


I'm going to give my mum a call at a more reasonable time (currently 3AM). We talk a lot and I visit her most of my Annual Leave (and I HATE having my photo taken but appreciate one day she'll be gone) but I just want to talk to her, so I guess, thanks Paul?


I hope he's able to find peace in his last days with his family.



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Another reminder that life is actually really short.


I'm so glad I was able to see my sister and sister-in-law for the first time in years last month, because you never know.


I'm going to give my mum a call at a more reasonable time (currently 3AM). We talk a lot and I visit her most of my Annual Leave (and I HATE having my photo taken but appreciate one day she'll be gone) but I just want to talk to her, so I guess, thanks Paul?


I hope he's able to find peace in his last days with his family.




I lost my mum in 2006, definitely give her a ring and get some photos. Mine never met my wife or children, life can suck but if some positives can come out of all of this, that's something. 

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Mournful news indeed; fond memories of White Dwarf under his stewardship, and his armies were always very imaginative, thematic and beautifully built. I wish him and his family all the best while he's still with us. He comes across as a cheerful, encouraging and enthusiastic fella, and his statement looks like he's facing this with his trademark positivity and good humour in a dreadful situation. Good on you, Fat Bloke!

Edited by apologist
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This is indeed terrible news. I remember his time with White Dwarf was a fun time, am I misremembering or did he help the Citadel Journal for a while as well? I don't think that was as long or as well known as his time at White Dwarf, but it rings a bell with me. I hope he can make the best of the time he has with his family and his friends. 

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I can't remember all the battle reports he participate in, but I seem to remember he wasn't always winning but he always had a good time! So perhaps he always won?


Love your memory. 

I’ll always remember the first Tale of Four Gamers, when he had leftover money one month so bought a bacon butty that was listed as an army purchase. 

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One thing I'll always remember, and something I've often wondered about, but in the issue where they introduced 3rd edition 40k, they talk about the new tactical squad at the time, and specifically the amount of extra heads, with one being mk VI. Paul added a cheeky note saying if folks didn't want them, they'd have a home in his white scars army. So I'm left wondering, did anyone actually send him some beaky heads?

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One thing I'll always remember, and something I've often wondered about, but in the issue where they introduced 3rd edition 40k, they talk about the new tactical squad at the time, and specifically the amount of extra heads, with one being mk VI. Paul added a cheeky note saying if folks didn't want them, they'd have a home in his white scars army. So I'm left wondering, did anyone actually send him some beaky heads?

Most probably,yes. It was a quite strange petition from someone like him, but I'm sure someone sent some to him.

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His White Scars army




I know this may sound silly and i can only speak for myself,  but Gaming then seemed easier/less of a hassle and more fun... I kinda wish we had todays quality of models around back then when rules and fluff were more on point than nowadays.

anyways Thanks to @Agramar_The_Luna_Wolf for sharing the pic and the nostalgic trip back in time, I must definitely finish off my white scars Killteam and add a tribute character called captain Paulus Rotundi :tongue:


Cheers, M 

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His work brought me such fun as a kid. He pioneered a lot of stuff that people still do today. He came across in White Dwarf as someone really fun to be around. Anyone who goes by "Fat Bloke" doesnt take life to seriously. I dont think his work has been equalled since. I'd loved to have met him. I hope that he gets the maximum amount of love and pleasure out of his remaining time. 

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His work brought me such fun as a kid. He pioneered a lot of stuff that people still do today. He came across in White Dwarf as someone really fun to be around. Anyone who goes by "Fat Bloke" doesnt take life to seriously. I dont think his work has been equalled since. I'd loved to have met him. I hope that he gets the maximum amount of love and pleasure out of his remaining time. 


I echo that. I always got the feeling he was a normal bloke who enjoyed games and was lucky enough to have a job/career in it.


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Absolutely awful news. :sad: I have many happy memories from his time at White Dwarf, and he seemed like a great chap in the magazine.


I hope that worst effects of his condition stay away for as long as possible.

Edited by Firedrake Cordova
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