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I remember stumbling upon a GW shop when Gorkamorka was released. White dwarf was incredible at that time, i remember the original tale of four gamers. Their limited budget each month, mini battles, painting in a rush and then the inevitable four way show down. I could never decide whether I wanted to make a beatsmen, wood elf or skaven army more.  Fat Blokes White dwarf was what kept me interested in the hobby as a teenager. White dwarf nowadays is a pale comparison. 
This is terrible news for Paul and his family, I wish them all much love and long life, and a massive thank you to Paul for helping inspire in me a love of the hobby. 

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I got to chat to him at a Games Day many years ago when they had all the WD editors, past and present, available to talk to. He was lovely.


A lot of the GW old-guard have gone to Warlord or gone independent (I have a bunch of Perry Miniatures models for use with Warlord's Hail Caesar ruleset). That sense of fun, flexibility and enjoyment of a game that Paul epitomises seems to shine through in those rulesets and I am sure his having to step back from Warlord will be a huge loss.


I loved a lot of the White Dwarfs during his era - they were pretty inspirational in terms or the approach to conversion and collection.

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His White Scars army





There it is ! 

The reason I wanted to post. This was when White Dwarf was as big a part of the game as any other component of the hobby. White Dwarf would spin off powerful rules, and all of the sudden your eyes would be open to a very cool chapter that you really didn't know anything about.


For me this was one of those times, and I actually started a White Scars army that I have redone over and over for the years, and still have to this day. 


I do remember this article, and eventually buying those goofy metal add on kits to the boxy plastic bike kits. If you weren't careful they'd always tip because the curved metal blades would cause the bikes to tip over! 

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Some extra news, from Warlord Games official account in Twitter:


"Further to our recent post about our co-founder Paul Sawyer’s health, his wonderful and loving family have asked us to share this fundraising link https://bit.ly/3Xztrgq on his behalf. Please give generously if you are able – Paul is a legend of the wargaming industry and a truly excellent human being, and as a community, we look after our own.


Many thanks,

John Stallard, Warlord Games co-founder and CEO"



Please, donate. For Paul and his family.




Some extra news, from Warlord Games official account in Twitter:


"Further to our recent post about our co-founder Paul Sawyer’s health, his wonderful and loving family have asked us to share this fundraising link https://bit.ly/3Xztrgq on his behalf. Please give generously if you are able – Paul is a legend of the wargaming industry and a truly excellent human being, and as a community, we look after our own.


Many thanks,

John Stallard, Warlord Games co-founder and CEO"



Please, donate. For Paul and his family.


If you can't donor,please,share this message in your social media or RT it from Warlord Games official account.

Edited by Agramar_The_Luna_Wolf
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More news, from Warlord Games official account in Twitter:






This new model represents our illustrious and beloved co-founder, Paul Sawyer. Paul has sadly been forced to step away from Warlord Games due to a serious illness, but we wanted to commemorate and celebrate his incredible career and passion for our hobby with a special figure. Shown in British Airborne uniform, a nod to the many, many Red Devils he’s painted over the years, Sergeant Sawyer is our tribute to a man without whom Warlord Games would simply not exist, and our lives be far the poorer. 


All proceeds from the sale of this figure will go to The Brain Tumour Charity, an incredibly worthy cause chosen by Paul himself.


Order yours here - https://bit.ly/3TqeaMw"



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This is so saddening to hear. I loved his time on WD in my very late teens in the very late 90's. Loved seeing his White Scars in WD pages.

I wish the best for him and his family.

Thank you, Paul "Fat Bloke" Sawyer for all you have done for the hobby.


That being said, this year just sucks...

But as Paul has said "Make the most of your time while you have it!"

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"We’ve recently been informed of a FAKE Facebook account impersonating John Stallard. This account has been messaging people directly, asking for financial support for Paul Sawyer. Please be aware that this is NOT associated with Warlord Games. 


Do NOT send any money to this account or any other, and please report the account(s) immediately. 


Thank you for your time!"



Edited by Agramar_The_Luna_Wolf
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"We’ve recently been informed of a FAKE Facebook account impersonating John Stallard. This account has been messaging people directly, asking for financial support for Paul Sawyer. Please be aware that this is NOT associated with Warlord Games. 


Do NOT send any money to this account or any other, and please report the account(s) immediately. 


Thank you for your time!"



Just when you get some fleeting hope in humanity something like this happens. I know it's one bad actor out of a whole group of people offering genuine love and support, but it's still a bit demoralising.

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This is outrageous!! More scam attempts!





We have been made aware that more scam accounts have been popping up impersonating various people in the industry (including some who have sadly passed). We would like to stress that Warlord Games will NEVER directly message anyone and ask them for money. Unfortunately more of these accounts may keep appearing for the next while. Please be safe and do not send anyone any of your private information. Report and block!


Thank you for your time!"




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