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Sisters in 10th Edition - What Do?

Go to solution Solved by W.A.Rorie,

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In nomine Imperator, fellow Sorors!

I have a reasonably large all-infantry Argent Shroud force that's been being worked on since the new plastics came out, but due to a number of things I've not actually played any games of 9th or 10th edition, and I'd like that to change.


Bearing in mind that I know I need some more basic Sisters to bulk my original squad sizes of 7 up to 10, here's a rough list of what I have. What's good/bad/weird and worth thinking about?

Living Saint and Friends
Canoness - power sword, plasma pistol, rod of command
Palatine - power sword, bolt pistol



Paragon Squad - 3 Warsuits with multi-meltas, swords, grenade launchers

Canoness' Squad - Superior with bolter and chainsword, 2x storm bolters, Simulacrum Imperialis, Sister, Cherub
Palatine's Squad - Superior with combi-flamer and power maul, heavy flamer, flamer, Simulacrum Imperialis, Sister, Cherub

Dogmata's Squad - Celestian Sacresant Superior with power spear, 4 Sacresants with mauls, Cherub (I think)
Battle Sister Squad - Superior with combi-flamer and chainsword, 2x storm bolters, Simulacrum Imperialis, 6x Sisters, Cherub

Battle Sister Squad - Superior with combi-flamer and chainsword, 2x storm bolters, Simulacrum Imperialis, 6x Sisters, Cherub

Battle Sister Squad - Superior with combi-flamer and chainsword, 2x storm bolters, Simulacrum Imperialis, 6x Sisters, Cherub


Seraphim Squad - Superior with plasma pistol and power sword, 2x twin melta pistols, 7x Seraphim

Dominion Squad - Superior with combi-melta and chainsword, 4x meltas, Simulacrum Imperialis, Cherub


Retributor Squad - Superior with bolt pistol and chainsword, 4x heavy bolters, Cherub

Retributor Squad - Superior with hand flamer and chainsword, 4x heavy flamers, Cherub

Retributor Squad - Superior with melta pistol and chainsword, 4x multi-meltas, Cherub


I also have Ephrael Stern and Kyganil as well as a variety of Ecclesiarchy priests with different gear.

Tactical advice and list suggestions welcomed.

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Welcome to the Adepta Sororitas @The_Worker. I saw your Argent Shroud models and they are gorgeous. 


  • Unfortunately you will need to update your Battle Sister Squads and your Dominion Squads as well as they are both minimum 10 models. 
  • I would move the Sacresants to either the Canoness or Palatine and the Dialogus to their squad. 
  • Dogmata I would add to the Retributor Heavy bolter squad. 
  • Imagifier and Hospitaller to Battler Sisters Squads (Hospitaller with either Palatine or Canoness's squad that is not with Sacresants)
  • Exorcists and Castigators are nice
  • Priests with a large block of Repentia or Arco Flagellants 



Just as a warning I am far from a competitive player....but I do look at the Synergy of the units when it comes to Adepta Sororitas. 


But like @INKS said Throw dice have fun. 

Edited by WAR

This is what is winning. These are just examples so use them for what they are worth.


Adepta Sororitas
Bringers of Flame
Strike Force (2000 Points)


Canoness with Jump Pack 
• 1x Ministorum hand flamer
• 1x Power weapon


Morvenn Vahl 
• Warlord
• 1x Fidelis
• 1x Lance of Illumination
• 1x Paragon missile launcher


• 1x Palatine blade
• 1x Plasma pistol
• Enhancements: Righteous Rage

Saint Celestine (160 Points)
• 1x Celestine
◦ 1x The Ardent Blade
• 2x Geminae Superia
◦ 2x Bolt pistol
◦ 2x Power weapon


Triumph of Saint Katherine 
• 1x Bolt pistols
• 1x Relic weapons



• 1x Armoured tracks
• 1x Heavy bolter
• 1x Hunter-killer missile
• 1x Twin multi-melta


• 1x Armoured tracks
• 1x Heavy bolter
• 1x Hunter-killer missile
• 1x Twin multi-melta


• 1x Armoured tracks
• 1x Heavy bolter
• 1x Hunter-killer missile
• 1x Twin multi-melta



• 1x Armoured tracks
• 1x Castigator autocannons
• 3x Heavy bolter
• 1x Hunter-killer missile
• 1x Storm bolter


• 1x Armoured tracks
• 1x Castigator autocannons
• 3x Heavy bolter
• 1x Hunter-killer missile
• 1x Storm bolter


Dominion Squad 
• 1x Dominion Superior
◦ 1x Bolt pistol
◦ 1x Close combat weapon
◦ 1x Inferno pistol
◦ 1x Power weapon
• 9x Dominion
◦ 9x Bolt pistol
◦ 5x Boltgun
◦ 9x Close combat weapon
◦ 4x Meltagun
◦ 1x Simulacrum Imperialis


Dominion Squad 
• 1x Dominion Superior
◦ 1x Bolt pistol
◦ 1x Close combat weapon
◦ 1x Inferno pistol
◦ 1x Power weapon
• 9x Dominion
◦ 9x Bolt pistol
◦ 5x Boltgun
◦ 9x Close combat weapon
◦ 4x Meltagun
◦ 1x Simulacrum Imperialis


Paragon Warsuits 
• 1x Paragon Superior
◦ 1x Bolt pistol
◦ 1x Multi-melta
◦ 1x Paragon grenade launchers
◦ 1x Paragon war blade
• 2x Paragon
◦ 2x Bolt pistol
◦ 2x Multi-melta
◦ 2x Paragon grenade launchers
◦ 2x Paragon war mace


Seraphim Squad 
• 1x Seraphim Superior
◦ 1x Close combat weapon
◦ 1x Plasma pistol
◦ 1x Power weapon
• 9x Seraphim
◦ 10x Bolt pistol
◦ 9x Close combat weapon
◦ 8x Ministorum hand flamer


Sisters Novitiate Squad 
• 1x Novitiate Superior
◦ 1x Close combat weapon
◦ 1x Plasma pistol
◦ 1x Power weapon
• 9x Sister Novitiate
◦ 5x Autogun
◦ 9x Autopistol
◦ 9x Close combat weapon
◦ 2x Ministorum flamer
◦ 1x Sacred Banner
◦ 1x Simulacrum Imperialis




Sister squads are sometimes taken and the look like this:


Battle Sisters Squad 
• 1x Sister Superior
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Condemnor boltgun
1x Power weapon
• 9x Battle Sister
• 9x Bolt pistol
7x Boltgun
9x Close combat weapon
1x Meltagun
1x Multi-melta
1x Simulacrum Imperialis


From what you have this is played: (Note: you can and should play whatever models you like, these are the power houses right now)


Canoness - power sword, plasma pistol, rod of command --these have Jump packs now...
Palatine - power sword, bolt pistol
Dialogus - I have seen these run from time to time


Paragon Squad - 3 Warsuits with multi-meltas, swords, grenade launchers - usually run as 3.
Battle Sister Squad - Superior with combi-flamer and chainsword, 2x storm bolters, Simulacrum Imperialis, 6x Sisters, Cherub - See above for config. usually only one squad of 10 though.


Battle Sister Squad - Superior with combi-flamer and chainsword, 2x storm bolters, Simulacrum Imperialis, 6x Sisters, Cherub

Battle Sister Squad - Superior with combi-flamer and chainsword, 2x storm bolters, Simulacrum Imperialis, 6x Sisters, Cherub


Seraphim Squad - Superior with plasma pistol and power sword, 2x twin melta pistols, 7x Seraphim -usually 1 squad, sometimes 2. see above for config.

Dominion Squad - Superior with combi-melta and chainsword, 4x meltas, Simulacrum Imperialis, Cherub - See above. people like to run 2 of these typically, sometimes with a sister squad as well.



Ooh, ok, significant changes to the meta since I last looked.

Dominions have to be 10 strong as well now? Awww sad face time. I do actually have the latest Codex so I should uhhhh look at the rules I guess :sweat:

I dug them out and I actually have the following units that need adding to:

Two 5 strong BSS that need 5 more figures each (these used to be Celestian Bodyguard squads you see)
One 6 strong Dominion squad that needs 4 more figures

I have absolutely no interest in "competitiveness" and "winning" but I am a big fan of the synergy suggestions from @WAR - I think the Sacresants would fit best thematically with the Canoness, which means I can stick the Palatine with a BSS squad with flamers.

Vehicle wise, I had originally intended for the army to be infantry only and make use of the (now two editions out of date) rules for Argent Shroud that made them better at moving and shooting. I don't actually know if that's still the case...

This is what a Retributor squad looks like currently:

Retributor Squad 
• 1x Retributor Superior
◦ 1x Bolt pistol
◦ 1x Close combat weapon
◦ 1x Inferno pistol
◦ 1x Power weapon
• 4x Retributor
◦ 4x Bolt pistol
◦ 4x Close combat weapon
◦ 4x Multi-melta


So you have some of those that could also see play.

This edition right now is very shooty. so lots of tanks, immolators and so on.

that doesn't mean you have to play like that but that is how people are playing. Competitive lists can look pretty boring because they find one unit that is good and use as many as they can get. I don't know if that is the best way for most of us to play the everyday game.

These just give you an outline to look at for how your squads should look now. 10 models strong and so on.


Also I did see someone using Hospitalliars (sp?) as well about a month ago. So they have some play as well. See @WAR post above.

Argent Shroud and the other orders lost their specific order rules :down: but that is the same for all armies in 40k


Closest is Bringers of the Flame that makes all shooting weapons assault, which is very popular along with Army of Faith. 

IMHO Acts of Faith being streamlined has been really helpful. 

The lack of Celestians bugs me, I like having a shooting elite squad. Especially small squads to bodyguard Palatines. 

Zephyrim are a fun unit. Power swords and jump packs what’s not like. 

And don’t feel bad @The_Worker I am having to do the same thing as you adding models to units. 

I play my sisters hyper aggressive, so I am torn between Army of Faith and Bringers of the Flame. Hospitallers are a must for my style of play but last edition I relied on my imagifier more than I expected. 


Vehicle wise, I had originally intended for the army to be infantry only and make use of the (now two editions out of date) rules for Argent Shroud that made them better at moving and shooting. I don't actually know if that's still the case...

 Regardless of rules support, mad props for going all infantry, that's always fun. Tanks! Who needs 'em?

So I pulled Codex: Adepta Sororitas (10th Ed) off my bookshelf and had a look and shockingly (not) what was a 2,000 point army in 8th is now a 1,605 point army in 10th. I went with Bringers of Flame as a detachment because it fits the original concept of moving-and-shooting Argent Shroud.

That is:

Canoness w/ Iron Surplice of Saint Istalela
Palatine w/ Fire and Fury

Imagifer, Dogmata w/ Manual of Saint Griselda, Hospitaller, Dialogus

5 strong Sacresant squad
3x Warsuits

5x Battle Sister Squads

10 strong Seraphim Squad
Dominion Squad

3x Retributors

This gives me 395 points to mess around with. I'm leaning towards either a Zephyrim (140) or Seraphim squad (130) with a jump pack Canoness (50) to really make the mobile portion a threat - that would be Celestine, a Canoness, and 20 jump pack troopers that could really move and threaten opposing gunlines and things. That still gives me 205 or 215 points, which on the high end is enough for another squad of Warsuits or, if I went with the Zephyrim, perhaps a second Dominion squad with a squad of Novitiates?

What's that sound like?


Double check the points. I think this is the latest points cost of things


Ah, silly me, I was just looking at the Codex old-school stylee... :facepalm:

EDIT: OK having looked at the updated points value that's 1,985 points which gives me 15 points to play with so uhhh on the bright side I don't have to buy as much new stuff; on the downside how do I add 15 points to an army these days!?

EDIT 2: I guess I could give the Palatine Righteous Rage as well? Or maybe put it on the Canoness? How many enhancements is a single figure allowed anyway?

EDIT 3: Nope, already have three enhancements and you can only have one per model anyway. OK, back to t' drawing board to try and squeeze in another 15 points...

Edited by The_Worker

with 15 points you usually add some sort of Enhancement. Like you listed.

However if you can't then I am not sure. You'd have to free up some more points somewhere to then try and buy another unit that costs a little more. For some armies it's not out of the questions to be at 1990 or 1995, something like that. 15 points is a little bit - I don't want to call it a lot - but play around with points until something works. :) 


Otherwise you are done. lol

Grumble grumble older editions better grumble mumble whinge moan

The only sensible thing seems to be to remove a BSS and the Manual of Saint Griselda, and that gives me 140, which is enough for

- A Seraphim squad
- A Zephyrim squad
- A Dominion squad and giving someone Righteous Rage



So I just went to the WarCom site and printed out the latest points values and noted that they are in fact different to the ones in the link above (because constant updates I guess lol):

The current up-to-date points are here.


Using those gets me a total points value of 1,995 (and all I need to do is add models to two BSS and the Dominions). Gnnngngngng this is the most confusion I've had thrashing out an army list in my life :blink:

Here, have a photo of some Argent Shroud to cheer us all up.



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