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2k Blackshields (World Eaters Panoply; Only in Death does Duty End)

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So we're starting a new Horus Heresy campaign around here, starting point size being 2k (Give or take a few points). I expect to see quite a few vehicles and walkers (I know one list has two las canon boxnaughts, another one has a contemptor and a deredeo as well as a land raider, and there'll be some Gal Vorbak and Terminators running around).


I was sorta going off of all the kits that I have in states of semi-assemblage, just to clear out the massive pile of shame.


Blackshields, Crusade Organization Chart, Oaths: Panoply of Old (World Eaters) & Only in Death does Duty end



Endryd Haar (Warlord) 650p

     Tartaros Command Squad

            -Legion Tartaros Standard Bearer (Grenade Harness; Thunder Hammer)

            -4x Legion Tartaros Chosen (Thunder Hammer)

            -Dedicated Transport: Land Raider Proteus (Hull Weapon: Twin-Linked Lascannon)




Apothecarion Detachment 110p

             -Apothecary (Art. Armor, Bolt Pistol, Chainaxe)

             -Apothecary (Art. Armor, Bolt Pistol, Chainaxe)


Contemptor Dreadnought Talon 355p

             -Contemptor Dreadnought (Gravis Melta Cannon, Gravis Power Fist + Combi-Bolter)

             -Contemptor Dreadnought (2x Gravis Power Fist + Combi + Bolter)


Techmarine Covenant 70p

             -Techmarine (Bolt Pistol, Cognis Signum, Power Axe)


Troops 485p

Scout Squad

              -Legion Scout Sergeant (Bolt Pistol, Nemesis Bolter)

              -4x Legion Scout (Bolt Pistol, Nemesis Bolter)


Tactical Squad

              -Dedicated Transport: Rhino

              -Legion Tactical Sergeant (Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainaxe, Power Armor)

              -9x Legionary (Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainaxe)


Tactical Squad

              -Dedicated Transport: Rhino

              -Legion Tactical Sergeant (Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainaxe, Power Armor)

              -9x Legionary (Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainaxe)


Fast Attack 190p

Seeker Squad

               -Legion Seeker Sergeant (Kraken Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Power Armor)

               -9x Legion Seeker (Bolt Pistol, Kraken Bolter)


Heavy Support 150p

Heavy Support Squad

               -Legion Support Sergeant (Bolt Pistol, Lascannon, Power Armor)

               -4x Legionary (Bolt Pistol, Lascannon)


Total Points 2000p


The battleplan is relatively simple: Apothecaries go with the Tacticals, Techmarine goes with the Heavy Support Squad to provide +1BS, Endryd and his lads cruise around in the Land Raider to dole out hurt. Seekers are pretty much just here because I like Seekers, and I had just about enough points left for a Nemesis Scout Squad (plus I need a way to use the old scout minis). Contemptors are fairly self explanatory. The chainaxes on the tacticals felt like a decent way to add some teeth to them, but I did also consider an alternative of using Despoilers with chainaxes and power spears (The marines will be built in a way where they could feasibly be used as either). If I went the Despoiler route, I'd probably replace Only in Death does Duty end with Broken Helix (Aberrants) for that +2S on the charge. Endryd grants up to three Infantry units scout, provided they do not have Bulky (X) - Seekers, HSS and one of the Tactical units. No idea what I'd expand to into the future. Maybe a Sicaran or two cause they look cool; Some Destroyers would be neat even if they sorta suck.


Open to any thoughts and criticisms :)

Edited by Dagoth Ur
  • 2 weeks later...

Sadly I think this List would be a lot better off just being loyalist WEs. That said:

-Endryd Haar and the Command Squad are a great unit, no notes

-Apothecaries in HotL troops are great too

-I would strongly suggest giving the second dread a meltacannon or chainfist. I'd also split up the Talon since you have the elites slot anyway and it gives you more flexibility in deployment 

-The techmarine is a good mini but I'm not sure it really has a place in this list (more later)

-tacticals (particularly in Rhinos) are awful at what you're trying to do and they pay a kings ransom for those chainaxes. These guys need to be despoilers.

-The lack of augury scanners on Scouts means you should always take Nemesis Recons instead

-If you want to use infiltrate+Scouts to hurl the Seekers at the enemy turn 1 give them combileltas to male that shot count 

-Lascannon Squads are obviously  good but at 5 guys you aren't getting a lot of value from your techmarine 



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