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Guns are done. Unfortunately it was all I had time for tonight. Next is the gold details like the chest Aquila and shoulder trim. Then I've got leather, then purity seals and grenades. Finally, I will finalize the sergeant's face and hair. I guess not finally, because they're still basing after that. 





Looks like good progress :thumbsup:


Slow and steady!



Really bright and vibrant colour scheme for that guys.


Thanks. That's partly due to the blue. Dark blue basecoat with Talassar blue, then a drybrush with a 1-1 mix of Vallejo Turquoise and dead white.

I will be painting 5 more assault intercessors this upcoming week, to top up the half squad that started this army. They will be interspersed with other projects so expect updates every other day.


I do a lot of fantasy and historical models. The Brotherhood of Heraclius is my return to painting imperials. 


After them, I have my chaplain and Honored Brother Diogenes. 


I've also made a trade for a leviathan terminator captain, the indomitus chaplain (always wanted to paint him) and 5 leviathan terminators, so they will be joining the brotherhood soon. 

Honored brother Diogenes is primed.


My reinforcements arrived. Unfortunately I do not have the Terminator captain. That was a miscommunication error. So currently I have five Leviathan terminators and the chaplain from indomitus which was a goal model of mine to paint.


Finally, I have built and primed five assault ogryn for my Force themed around NATO peacekeepers. These are War Games Atlantic Les grognard ogres from their digital line, with heads from the plastic ogre set they do and arms from makers cult, because they're the only ones that I really liked the look of.


And after an hour's work, roughly, I have base coats applied. The ogryn with the gun it's from my original batch of these, and I will be taking the paint scheme one step further with some highlights this time.



  • 3 months later...

Hey everyone. The Brotherhood is not dead, just inactive. I've been busy with work, life, and other projects.


For example, the Bactrian 88th Guard Regiment. Flamers Galore for these Ultramarian defenders.


Also, my first successful attempt at muzzle burn.





The full box of spacenam, painted as my my Bactrian 88th assault infantry.
Next up is some more models for the guild, and maybe some D&D stuff, and then I'll probably tackle the second box of these. 


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