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New Paint Range, Dropper Bottles and Rogal Dorn Rumours

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Courtesy of some strange northerner - wasn't certain if this was worth popping into the other thread. I think the summary below is accurate?


The Horus Heresy

  • heard that Rogal Dorn is receiving a new model; more action-posed, featuring a shield and another weapon.
  • heard that the "new edition" will potentially drop around Spring 2025. May shift due to production / distribution issues.


Warhammer 40,000

  • heard that the Swooping Hawks will not be part of Kill Team, but rather part of the second wave of Aeldari.
  • reiterated previous rumours regarding Baharroth and Fuegan, updated Fire Dragons, Warp Spiders and related Phoenix Lord for the Warp Spiders.
  • heard that Aeldari Corsairs will receive a "big release" at the same time.
  • reiterated previous Krieg range expansion rumours in terms of a similar number of kits to the Cadian range. Still heard nothing regarding new tank/s.
  • general Space Marine-related stuff; reiterated Emperor's Children in 2025, Space Wolves possibly 2025 / towards end of 10e.


Paint Ranges

  • allegedly a brand new paint range is coming aimed at professional painters. "Warhammer Pro's" has been bandied around as a term.
  • investment into dropper bottles is apparently tied to the new paint range.
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Not holding my breath on those Warp Spiders, but will be pleased if they arrive! 


HH3.0 in 2025 fits the idea of it being their 3rd tentpole game, and was predicted as it was released in June 2022 - The spring prediction seems off, I'd say it'll be more preview in May, preorder June, release July, like the rest. 

Edited by Xenith
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I was wondering if and when GW would jump the "NEW REFORMULATED SUPER OPAQUE AND MATTE PAINTS APPROVED BY YOUR FAVOURITE INFLUENCERS!" wagon that seemingly every single paintline is now on (except Tamiya, god bless 'em). Pleased to hear that, if the rumour is true, it's not upending and replacing the current line and will just be new additions (for now).


Edited by Lord Marshal
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GW really is taking advantage of the fact people will pay for rules every few years. 


That's not really a new thing though as it's been the same way with most editions, but I think some people are hopefully growing weary of it.


My ideal would be a bit of tweaking of the current edition in a similar way to 3rd edition 40k becoming 4th.

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They have so many of the older primarchs that could use updated sculpts, or change form during the Heresy.


But they choose Dorn.


I don't know why I'm surprised given the IF/SoH love train but still.


I bet Val is happy though


The paint range just sounds like a "everyone else is doing it" kind of thing


The new range of Eldar sounds cool though, they're not really my thing but I'm always happy for the Xenos folks to get some stuff

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I'm still seriously hoping Khan is the next Primarch, because he needs his bike.


Not a Scars collector myself (yet, wouldn't mind a small force of them) but I would personally say they 'need' their alternative Primarch the most.


I hope the Russ re-do is with the spear (I'm aware of the lore of him hating it, but it's iconic).

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Corsairs getting a 'big' release is pretty interesting, I really wouldn't have expected it. If they are part of the Craftworlds release that will be a nice chunky set of stuff. Considering Harlequins got folded into Craftwords I wouldn't have imagined Corsairs would get their own book but GW does some crazy stuff sometimes,we could always see an Aeldari Agents book as some people mentioned in another thread.


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I was wondering if and when GW would jump the "NEW REFORMULATED SUPER OPAQUE AND MATTE PAINTS APPROVED BY YOUR FAVOURITE INFLUENCERS!" wagon that seemingly every single paintline is now on (except Tamiya, god bless 'em). Pleased to hear that, if the rumour is true, it's not upending and replacing the current line and will just be new additions (for now).



Maybe they walked into my local game store and saw how many racks of Army Painter Warpaints there are. Their new Fanatic line is incredible!

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"Pro" paints in dropper bottles...so we're looking at what, $10 a bottle?


They'd be foolish; their paint is one of the few things that actually feels worth the money spent, though with dropper bottles I would probably be willing to break the $5 a pot barrier, if only to save myself the time of transferring it to a dropper bottle on my own.

Currently do that and it's great, relatively easy, and very little paint is loss in the transition if you do it right.  Not having that loss would save money on two sides, so I'm definitely interested, just not at an egregious price point.

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Is the new paint range already out?

went to get some more iron warriors and the closest thing I could find was iron hands steel.



They'd be foolish; their paint is one of the few things that actually feels worth the money spent, though with dropper bottles I would probably be willing to break the $5 a pot barrier, if only to save myself the time of transferring it to a dropper bottle on my own.

Currently do that and it's great, relatively easy, and very little paint is loss in the transition if you do it right.  Not having that loss would save money on two sides, so I'm definitely interested, just not at an egregious price point.

Do they though?

army painter is 20¢ cheaper.

though I don’t know the volume of each company’s bottles.

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New paints could be very interesting, though I am happy with my current selection. 



Is the new paint range already out?

went to get some more iron warriors and the closest thing I could find was iron hands steel.

Iron Warriors is still around as far as I can tell. I hope it doesn't go away, I love it.

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A new model for Rogal Dorn. That sounds be beyond incredible. I will give GW a million pounds for one. I really, really, really want this to be true. 


Dorn is the best Primarch so clearly he is the logical choice for a new model. Imperial Fists are also the best Legion. So it makes sense. 


If a new edition of HH is arriving next year I hope it is more a 2.5 and not a reset. I also really hope they don't take anything from 40k into HH as 40k is vastly inferior. 


Aeldari and Krieg are not Imperial Fists and as such are irrelevant. 



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reiterated Emperor's Children in 2025, Space Wolves possibly 2025 / towards end of 10e.

I stand by my belief that 10th Ed will culminate with the return of Russ; the two previous Loyalist Primarch returns have given us (narratively speaking) confrontations between those that didn't face off in the Heresy (Guilliman against Magnus then Mortarion; the Lion v Angron in Arks of Omen), and (as far as I remember) Russ never fought Fulgrim during the Heresy. 


So I've a strong feeling that the end of 10th will have a narrative that features Fulgrim involved in some shenanigans, and Russ will turn up and put a (temporary) stop to it. 


I hope it's true, only in part as it'll make all the Space Wolves fans happy, but mainly because if I've got that right, then I should also hopefully be right that Perturabo and Dorn will be brought back during 11th :sweat::laugh:

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Corsairs getting a 'big' release is pretty interesting, I really wouldn't have expected it. If they are part of the Craftworlds release that will be a nice chunky set of stuff. Considering Harlequins got folded into Craftwords I wouldn't have imagined Corsairs would get their own book but GW does some crazy stuff sometimes,we could always see an Aeldari Agents book as some people mentioned in another thread.



I doubt Corsairs are getting their own book, but I could see the Aeldari "Hanger-On" Factions getting some collective love in some way (Still hoping for Exodites in some form, tho).

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A new model for Rogal Dorn. That sounds be beyond incredible. I will give GW a million pounds for one. I really, really, really want this to be true. 


Dorn is the best Primarch so clearly he is the logical choice for a new model. Imperial Fists are also the best Legion. So it makes sense. 



I think that given the Fists and Sons of Horus are the current poster boys for Heresy it's extremely plausible that he would get a resculpt first.

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Is the new paint range already out?

went to get some more iron warriors and the closest thing I could find was iron hands steel.

Do they though?

army painter is 20¢ cheaper.

though I don’t know the volume of each company’s bottles.


GW doesn't have a dropper bottle range, yet.


Army Painter is all 18 ml per bottle, same as GW's contrast paint flip-tops. The regular paint flip-tops from GW are 12 ml, I think.

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