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Returning from a while away

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Hi there!


I've been lost in the warp since 2016 (had to look up my account history, have an existential crisis, and then make this post)


Anybody in the Belco area of Canberra, Aus? Would love to connect with some real life people now that Nurgle's global pandemicous grasp is receeding :p


Been a Black Templar since Codex: Armageddon, and have finished my journey from nerdy warhammer kid to nerdy warhammer dad.


Recently lured back to the plasti-crack by the free Deathwing Knight earlier in the year - I've always been a firm believer that the best way to make interesting Templars is desecrating traitorous Dark Angels. (Pic for attention ;) 




Got a few potential projects on the go as I unbox my lil guys from when we moved house a couple years back.

- 60 Khorne Bloodletters and some oldschool Bloodthirster/Daemonprince models I inherited from a friend before he moved states that I'd love to refurbish now that I know how to thin paints.

- a bunch of necrons including an old school monolith that need some attention as they were never actually finished.

- what was once 5000 points of firstborn Templars around 6th or 7th edition that need a facelift.

- a small handful of Primaris gents that I need to come up with a plan for.


Hoping to get some WIP threads going to keep me motivated.


Anywho, glad to be back - did a bit of a Marie Condo experiment with my firstborn marines and decided that they absolutely bring me joy. 

Edited by nightwing1511
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