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Heresy Thursday - Mechanicum Battle Group

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Yeah, sadly I'm working on the assumption that LI will go the way of AI so am trying to buy everything I think I might want on release (and can afford at the time).


And if enough of us have this mindset (I'm also not taking chances and overbuying), the game will be a success and remains supported!


Though AI always seemed a response to Xwing, with an eventual folding into an epic scale battle game to me. 

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Specialist Games are always nearly always an area dependent thing. I've never seen a single Adeptus Titanicus game played locally, but in one town there's a massive MESBG scene - but the surrounding cities and towns none else plays it. Hell, even KT'21 was considered DOA for about a year after all the changes and compendium angered people.


I find with anything that's not advertised as a big 'mainline' game most people tend to get into it after a year or two, probably because of the self-fulfilling prophecy of "none else is starting it, so I won't start it either." 


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I wouldn't be surprised if the next book had exclusively Mechanicum units in it, particularly if it's set on Mars. Now it could be they slide some Marine/SA stuff in there to tempt others into buying it, but with how... frugal they've been with number of unit entries in the splat books thus far, I kind of doubt it. 


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Seeing as the 5th October Warhammer Day preview specifically lists an LI preview, I'm taking a not-so-wild guess that we'll see full details of this then. Will be interesting to see if any other Mechanicum kits are shown off, ones which won't be in the box. The other tanks maybe?



It would be nice if GW remembered actual HH existed and released anything for Space Marines. The faction that bankrolls everyone else. Sick of all this crap. 


Brother, this is so excellent fishing right here. Wouldn't be surprised if you wrote it from a trawler!


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I wouldn't be surprised if the next book had exclusively Mechanicum units in it, particularly if it's set on Mars. Now it could be they slide some Marine/SA stuff in there to tempt others into buying it, but with how... frugal they've been with number of unit entries in the splat books thus far, I kind of doubt it. 


It wouldn’t surprise me if this was part of the Martian Civil War: Epic scale. It would follow on the heels of the 28mm release and allow for larger thematic battles tying into the larger scale game. 


I hadn't really been too interested in LI, but this is making me reconsider. If only BFG would return, then think of the thematic narrative campaigns that could be had from space to ground. :cool:

I seem to recall an interview on YT with Jarvis Johnson concerning BFG and he had said something about BFG 30K at that point. Whether that was speculation or not, I don’t know. 

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It wouldn’t surprise me if this was part of the Martian Civil War: Epic scale. It would follow on the heels of the 28mm release and allow for larger thematic battles tying into the larger scale game. 

I seem to recall an interview on YT with Jarvis Johnson concerning BFG and he had said something about BFG 30K at that point. Whether that was speculation or not, I don’t know. 

Any rumours I've heard about bfg point to it being a HH spin off.

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I love to see GW support additional/side games; I love the idea of games like inquisitor 54, and I’ve been waiting for a BFG rerelease for a long time now. Also, while it will probably never happen, I’d love to see Marine infantry in other armor marks. Let me build my early Great Crusade Luna Wolves, darn it!

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As per titanicus and epic, I fear this is all we'll get, no xenos.

I used to be dead set against Xenos in 30K, but now I’ve started to warm up to the idea more, especially in AT. Seeing the fan made rules for Eldar has really opened my eyes to the possibility. 

No Tau though. They deserve nothing. 

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I wouldn't be surprised if the next book had exclusively Mechanicum units in it, particularly if it's set on Mars. Now it could be they slide some Marine/SA stuff in there to tempt others into buying it, but with how... frugal they've been with number of unit entries in the splat books thus far, I kind of doubt it. 



Does it seem very likely that this will come with a book?


I would love another Mars book, that could be tremendous. I suppose looking at "the Great Slaughter" and "Tallarn" supplements, they did come with some models right? There is just not that much info on the models in there I found , Solar Auxilia and Astartes stuff split over these 2 books. I would love a proper Mars book for these units from the box. Because those models look fantastic.

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Does it seem very likely that this will come with a book?


I would love another Mars book, that could be tremendous. I suppose looking at "the Great Slaughter" and "Tallarn" supplements, they did come with some models right? There is just not that much info on the models in there I found , Solar Auxilia and Astartes stuff split over these 2 books. I would love a proper Marks book for these units from the box. Because those models look fantastic.


Since we need to get the rules from somewhere and a free pdf seems unlikely with how GW handles this game a book is the only other option

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