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As far as the model line goes, the beast snagga release seems weird to me.


iirc there were some jokes they’re just primaris orks, but their lore and aesthetic means they might as well just be labled snakebites. While I get in universe any kulture can be a beastie boi, bad moons and goffs just doesn’t make much sense.


so I’m wondering if they’re less of a pure range refresh attempt and more of GW finally giving ork sub factions some actual unique options. Then by the same token, they have more unique options than any of the big 4 for marines which also seems weird if GW is just trying to give orks some subfaction uniqueness.


so wut do uz brainy boiz think is Colin’ fer us in da future?

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven

I'm going to keep my expectations low - I think we'll get refreshed Tankbustas in the near-ish future, maybe a couple redone characters a la the new Big Mek.


The Ork line holds up well for me - but if I were in charge, I would consider a refresh for: 

  • stormboyz
  • trukks
  • killa kans
  • deff dreads
  • lootas
  • burna boyz
  • biker boyz (with options for Nob bikerz)

Plus, there's always the possibility of something new, like the Beast Snaggas or the Speed Freeks. It'll be interesting to see what comes, in any case.

  On 9/26/2024 at 12:02 PM, Brother Casman said:

I'm going to keep my expectations low - I think we'll get refreshed Tankbustas in the near-ish future, maybe a couple redone characters a la the new Big Mek.


The Ork line holds up well for me - but if I were in charge, I would consider a refresh for: 

  • stormboyz
  • trukks
  • killa kans
  • deff dreads
  • lootas
  • burna boyz
  • biker boyz (with options for Nob bikerz)

Plus, there's always the possibility of something new, like the Beast Snaggas or the Speed Freeks. It'll be interesting to see what comes, in any case.


Respectful (heavy emphasis there) disagree re: Dreads and Kans especially. They're really not that old and I don't really see what a new kit could do for them that the current one doesn't already do. They're decently poseable and customizable but don't have any obvious concessions to sculpt quality as a result. The most I can say for Kans is I wish there were the options to have more than one of each gun in the kit.


I can see where you're coming from with the others, even if personally I like them as is, but I don't think the walkers need redoing at all.


As for myself I'd mainly focus on returning characters to the fold that have been discontinued due to being stuck in resin/metal purgatory and GW's desire to only sell plastic for some reason (unless it's TOW). Zaggstrukk, Badrukk and Grotsnik would be nice to have back and an actual model for Wazdakka Gutsmek would be awesome. Nazdreg would be nice but I don't expect him.


If we were having a whole new subfaction I'd like to see either Freebootas or some Blood Axe love with an "Ork mercenary" subfaction. Perhaps use it as an excuse to refresh Stikkbommerz as a concept (orky grenadiers) and some sabotage specialists that aren't just kommandos.

That's entirely fair regarding the Kans and Dreads - trust me, I'm quite fond of mine! It's definitely possible that a modern redo to them would lose out on pose-ability, etc.


I think, of all the ones I listed, the bikers would be ones I'd most want a refresh of - ideally one that respects the modular nature of the current kit. Like I said - the Orks hold up well.


I really like the idea of Stikkbommerz; them, Tankbustas, and maybe some 'Ardboyz could be fun to see on the table



Joking aside I do think a weapon sprue for the Kans would be a good move, even if I love the Deff Dread and Killa Kan kits just as they are. 


I would like to see Ork armies more Klan identity, but I'm not sure how to go about it. I'm trying to see past my bias of Blood Axe and Dread Mob Orks but now I just want Evil Eye's suggestions. We have fighty Orks, shooty Orks, speedy Orks... maybe we could have some Dok-friendly units? I think Forge World had a unit entry for a Nobz squad heavily modified by bionics, even if they didn't provide models for them. Cyber Slasherz or something like that?


Obviously I want to see plastic Mega/Meka dreads but the Mek Orks are probably pretty well served at this point.

'Ard boyz are definitely conspicuous by their absence. New ones would be very cool. I'd also agree re: Cyborks getting a proper comeback, that'd be very fun.


I'd also like to see some more Orky tanks as most of the Ork vehicle fleet is currently buggies, walkers and whatever the Kill Rig is meant to be; a plastic Kill Krusha would be incredible but I fear the chances of it happening are close to zero.

  On 9/27/2024 at 3:17 PM, Evil Eye said:

'Ard boyz are definitely conspicuous by their absence. New ones would be very cool. I'd also agree re: Cyborks getting a proper comeback, that'd be very fun.


I'd also like to see some more Orky tanks as most of the Ork vehicle fleet is currently buggies, walkers and whatever the Kill Rig is meant to be; a plastic Kill Krusha would be incredible but I fear the chances of it happening are close to zero.


There is a rumour of 'Ard Boys in KT this edition (rumour from CMV)

  On 9/26/2024 at 6:24 PM, Evil Eye said:

Respectful (heavy emphasis there) disagree re: Dreads and Kans especially. They're really not that old and I don't really see what a new kit could do for them that the current one doesn't already do. They're decently poseable and customizable but don't have any obvious concessions to sculpt quality as a result. The most I can say for Kans is I wish there were the options to have more than one of each gun in the kit.


I can see where you're coming from with the others, even if personally I like them as is, but I don't think the walkers need redoing at all.


As for myself I'd mainly focus on returning characters to the fold that have been discontinued due to being stuck in resin/metal purgatory and GW's desire to only sell plastic for some reason (unless it's TOW). Zaggstrukk, Badrukk and Grotsnik would be nice to have back and an actual model for Wazdakka Gutsmek would be awesome. Nazdreg would be nice but I don't expect him.


If we were having a whole new subfaction I'd like to see either Freebootas or some Blood Axe love with an "Ork mercenary" subfaction. Perhaps use it as an excuse to refresh Stikkbommerz as a concept (orky grenadiers) and some sabotage specialists that aren't just kommandos.


I think the freebootas would be the best for subfaction specific kits, since they have an actual theme to actually sculpt.


snakebites have already essentially been done via beast snaggas.


  On 9/28/2024 at 7:07 PM, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

I think the freebootas would be the best for subfaction specific kits, since they have an actual theme to actually sculpt.


snakebites have already essentially been done via beast snaggas.



Are they? Snakebites should be feral and low-tech, while beast snaggas are high-tech (at least for Orks) beast hunters

Edited by Madao

Ork's haven't been in a starter set as the antagonists of Space Marines for sometime. I think they are due to a go sometime soon.


Typically there's some new models in those  So think you'll get :


1)A couple squads of Basic Infantry - Boyz are new and already push to fit so they slide right in.

2)A Leader - A Warboss that's a no brainer, so a new push to fit one

3)Something Big - Either a reimaged Deff Dread or something that is not currently in the Codex

4)Something that is elite - I'd go with a new Nobz unit to with the updated boyz

5)(In the "Premium" edition) A Single lone unit maybe a new Weird Boy  


I think I covered the categories GW goes for 

Some of the missing FW stuff should make a come back but in plastic.




Battle fortress

Big Trakk 

The Kill Bursta and the other 2 variants. 

Lifta wagon

So much awesome models all gone, for me the Orks need some of the 'fun' wagons etc.

Then just a few range refreshes.

  On 9/29/2024 at 9:01 PM, calgar101 said:

Some of the missing FW stuff should make a come back but in plastic.




Battle fortress

Big Trakk 

The Kill Bursta and the other 2 variants. 

Lifta wagon


I'd add the Fightabommer & Flakkawagon to the list, plus bring back the looted wagon as well.

  On 9/28/2024 at 7:27 PM, Madao said:

Are they? Snakebites should be feral and low-tech, while beast snaggas are high-tech (at least for Orks) beast hunters


They’re not really very high tech…they have cybernetics sure, but they don’t use any sort of engines or anything, their ‘battle wagon’  is just a giant chariot pulled by a giant squig.

they don’t have bikes, their cavalry are squighogs.

what is so high tech about the beastsnaggas to you?

  On 9/30/2024 at 4:42 PM, Gnasher said:

I'd add the Fightabommer & Flakkawagon to the list, plus bring back the looted wagon as well.


Looted wagon is all I want to see for orks now lol.

  On 9/28/2024 at 8:05 PM, The Neverborn said:

Ork's haven't been in a starter set as the antagonists of Space Marines for sometime. I think they are due to a go sometime soon.


Typically there's some new models in those  So think you'll get :


1)A couple squads of Basic Infantry - Boyz are new and already push to fit so they slide right in.

2)A Leader - A Warboss that's a no brainer, so a new push to fit one

3)Something Big - Either a reimaged Deff Dread or something that is not currently in the Codex

4)Something that is elite - I'd go with a new Nobz unit to with the updated boyz

5)(In the "Premium" edition) A Single lone unit maybe a new Weird Boy  


I think I covered the categories GW goes for 


New mega boss is push fit, so leader could be him, and elites could be a new push fit mega nob kit. (You gotta admit the current one is pretty bad.)

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