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Formatting Bar has entirely vanished after becoming +FRATER DOOMUS+

Indy Techwisp

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As seen in the image below, the formatting bar has entirely vanished from the Body box of both Topic Creation and Commenting.


Edited by Indy Techwisp
FRATER DOOMUS being in capitals was changed to normal text by autocorrect. This has been corrected.
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No emojis:O


I haven't figured out how to get the formatting toolbar back. We think it may be related to the other UI problems since the last update. In the meantime, however, I have created an Emoji Cheat Sheet in the B&C 101 for those that want to use emojis until I fix the toolbar problem.


You can click on the image a few times to see a larger version that is (hopefully) legible/usable. I'll work on a more user-friendly version.

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