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Good Day fraters!


I have been in and around these forums since about 2004 time under a few different names and log ins... But I haven't posted anything really in about a decade.


I took the plunge with the Leviathan box and have been ticking along with the nids for a while and very slowly playing around with Blood Angels. BA were my first proper marine army. In fac they were angels sanguine inspired by Owlandmoonguy way back in the day! But I am going vanilla BA and with the new release ramping up some work.


Life is very different, married, busy job, 3 yr old... so painting time is snatched here and there. But here is the current state of play. I have 5 intercessors which I keep telling myself are done then keep going back and tweaking! Painting skills are slowly coming back.


Then it's thee WIP desk consisting of temrinators, the next 5 marines and the terminator captain.


Hoepfully this blog/topic will keep me going!




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Edited by Secret_Minis
Pics added

any chance you can upload the images in a supported format, I can't see them currently.


But regardless, welcome back brother!


also congrats on the marriage/job and family. I am in a similar situation (though mine are 8 and 10 :D)

  • 2 weeks later...

Well bit of a lag, not through lack of work being done but more just uploading to here plus a holiday for a week.


Fair bit of progress been made though. You can kind of see the way these come together with the terminators. They look awful right now due to the gloss varnish. But it makes the transfers easier and they are about to have their oil recess wash applied.


Then they will get the matt varnish and edge highlighting will start which is where the 5 next intercessors are at. Couple have the amroud highlighted and the next 3 are on desk.


Made a start on astoraph as well. Base coats nearly done, then some touches ups needed before moving onto washing.


And finally the ballistus which again looks dire, because it's only had the coat of red applied over the grey scale drybrush. I will drbrush up som additional red, basecoat then it's varnish and transfers, washed etc.

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Then they will get the matt varnish and edge highlighting will start which is where the 5 next intercessors are at. Couple have the amroud highlighted and the next 3 are on desk.


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Made a start on astoraph as well. Base coats nearly done, then some touches ups needed before moving onto washing.


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And then the ballistus which again looks dire, because it's only had the coat of red applied over the grey scale drybrush. I will drbrush up som additional red, basecoat then it's varnish and transfers, washed etc.

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Also have a DC marine test which is at armour stage... quite like this look for them.




Edited by Secret_Minis

Cheers both.


I am sneaking like 15 min here and there at the moment but can make decent strides with the way they are being painted... The DC marine took about 20 min to base the grey scale and about 5 to apply the thinned black so I reckon I can get them knocked out pretty quick.


I just dunno how I want to paint the gun casings. Plus I then need to free hand some crosses which I am dreading.

Fair bit more work done... my photography leaves a lot to be desired but you get the gist!


Highliting started across intercessors and terminators. Got 2 more intercessors and 3 terminators to highlight the red, then it will be metallics and guns etc.


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Dread has all the base colours in, will get a gloss varnish, then transfers and some washing.


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Astoraph is needing gold and black hihglts and face then basic touch up bits and finishing some details.


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DC test is nearly there, just need to highlight the red a little more and chest eagle!


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Edited by Secret_Minis
  • 2 weeks later...

More updates... very close to having terminators and 5 more intercessors finished now.


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The terminator captain is also close although the pic is fairly dreadful! Nee to paint the nid on his base still and I cannot decide on power swords... I like the idea of a purple style colour and then make the las weapons that same type of colour but not sure.


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Same deal for Asti... can't decide on how to paint the face or the axe. Need to highlight the gold and the jump pack but he's getting there.


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And finally the next real early WIP is the addition 4 DC.


They have the initial black armour done, will just need to edge a few key spots and then start blocking in the chests, red and metallics. But they will move relatively fast from here. 


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Had to pack a lot away as we are having the house photographed and it's a mad work week this week so we will see how we get on. The dread is now fully blocked in as well but not a lot of change from last update. Need to dry brush up some more highlights on it then give it the oil wash and then I can get close to finishing.


I think once this lot is completed it will be another 5 DC to round them out to 10 plus Lemartes.


Then it's either some infernus marnies that are half started or another 5 intercessors.




Edited by Secret_Minis
  • 3 months later...

OK been a while... 


I have been plugging away, just an insanely busy life but I am hoping to get my first game in probably 15 years sometime in April so need to ramp up.


First 5 JPI are taking shape, look a bit shiny due to some gloss used to get transfers on and when I re hit with the matt I just give them a quick blast so I can finish the painting. Then they will get a final coat. Plus we have my JP Captain in there as well.


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Next up the continued WIP on DC marines... need to add the crosses on some, highlight some red parts, then it will be gloss, wash and transfers, then finish off.


Lemartes is coming a long nicely as well. Need to brighten the chest pieces, want to make them almost copper with silver scratches type look, but dunno what I am doing really. Everything else is more or less base coated. Black nearly there.

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Then we have the dread... pretty close to done, few areas to highlight but this is a gaming force, so I don't want to keep going back to stuff! Want 1k fully painted if possible.


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Finally a current group shot (poorly taken in a rush)


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Intercessors done

Termies 95% done

Dread 85% done

Astoraph 70% done


Then we have the WIP above.


I also have 5 hellblasters primed alongside the next 5 JPI primed. So I will begin getting them to the red stage over the next week or so and try complete the above.


For the 1k I am basically thinking:


JP Captain

10 JP Intercessors


10 JP DC

10 Intercessors split into 2 units of 5


5 Hell blasters


I can squeeze that to 1k I think with bare bones on JPC. If not I will shoot for 1500points and have the termies added plus Mephiston who arrived today.



Edited by Secret_Minis
Added note

Some more WIP… plasma fun 


Basecoats basically all done. Then gloss varnish, oil wash, transfers and then back in for Matt varnish and highlighting to go. 

Starting to pick up the speed with these now I’ve got my slapchop under painting down!


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