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Building Better Worlds: A Terrain Progress Log

Go to solution Solved by hd3,

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6 hours ago, hd3 said:

The browns still don't look quite right. Maybe some highlights or a dry brush of gorthor brown?

Mix a bit of Zandri Dust into the base coat to lighten it and drybrush that on? (alternatively, you could use a light grey, instead Zandri Dust)

I quite like the brown you've currently got, so I don't think it needs anything more, strictly speaking.  That said, nothing wrong with continuing to search for a permutation you are truly happy with.

I did a very light dry brush of gorthor over the muscles to try and even the time out while still making it contrast with the carapace. Then I just applied my horn formula, Zandri with agrax, then ushabti then flayed one flesh towards the tip. I did have to use agrax again to even it out though.

The eyes were so stressful, my hand was shaking in terror trying to do the pupils on the eyes! I wanted a bright colour in the same section of the colour wheel so I went with averlabd sunset and Abaddon black for the pupil which I tried to do as a straight line down to look more inhuman.


Finally I did the rubble and girder debris in the base. I'm really happy with the hormagaunt base as the creep looks like it's starting to grow over the debris. I might do a tiny drybrush of dawnstone on the rockcrete debris to make it contrast more with the mucus creep.








Edited by hd3
6 hours ago, hd3 said:

I did a very light dry brush of gorthor over the muscles to try and even the time out while still making it contrast with the carapace. Then I just applied my horn formula, Zandri with agrax, then ushabti then flayed one flesh towards the tip. I did have to use agrax again to even it out though.

The eyes were so stressful, my hand was shaking in terror trying to do the pupils on the eyes! I wanted a bright colour in the same section of the colour wheel so I went with averlabd sunset and Abaddon black for the pupil which I tried to do as a straight line down to look more inhuman.


Finally I did the rubble and girder debris in the base. I'm really happy with the hormagaunt base as the creep looks like it's starting to grow over the debris. I might do a tiny drybrush of dawnstone on the rockcrete debris to make it contrast more with the mucus creep.









Looking at it now, I wish I had chosen a different colour for the base debris to stand out more against the creep.

6 hours ago, Tallarn Commander said:

It wouldn't take too long to repaint. :):confused:

I'm at a bit of a loss what to choose though. Browns are out because I need it to contrast with the model and the debris really looks like rockcrete

Finally finished the fleshborer on the termagant and did the tongue. I decided to make the little orb into another eye because it seemed appropriately gross. I think I might give it a wash of carroburg crimson to make it more bloodshot. 


Also, while I love most of tamiya's paints so far, the xs pink has really bad coverage but it's just for the tongue so it barely seems worth it. Think I might need to add a spot more pink to the base of the tongue too 


Now you may be asking, "Sure, but what does any of this have to do with terrain?" I thank you for your patience and the next post will be the answer.





Edited by hd3

Ok, I know I said the next post would explain the zerg/Tyranids but my dirty down rust finally came today for my STC-RYZA terrain. At first I was putting water on the models and thinning the paint down which I think might have been bad advice. Frustrated, I tried again disregarding all normal decorum and just threw a thick coat on after heating up the model with a hairdryer to help it adhere better. By the Emperor, this stuff is incredible. It's just perfect rust in a single use bottle, that you apply with a single coat! I've included a comparison of the biggest wall rubble piece with one side untouched by the rust and the other.




Ok, I can finally reveal why I'm doing Tyranids in my terrain log. The Tyranids are going to be mounted inside the Munitorium armory container,  one side of which is going to have written on the door in four quadrants, "Don't Open 'Nids Inside!" I'm not sure how best to apply this to get it to look like graffiti though. I printed some a4 text templates which I plan to cut out the letters, and then use the paper as a stencil to sponge on paint. I'm worried because the lettering is so small tough, it will be too difficult to cut out the letters nicely. 


Alternatively I could just try to freehand it. Can anyone suggest a good technique to make it look like this has been haphazardly sprayed onto the container door?


I also need to figure out how to mount the Tyranids inside so they don't move.



images (3).jpeg


So, I added a Vallejo rust wash to my STC-RYZA terrain to tint everything back to a slightly more consistent colour and added a bit more transparent orange on the bottom half of the yellow doors for more colour contrast. But I'm almost finally finished with the buildings now! Just a spray on of the matt varnish and I'm done.


One thing I don't get is why one side of the big building with the yellow door gave us such a nicer dirty down rust effect than everything else, especially since I did the same process. I thought it was because I used way more dirty down but even when I went heavy in the other pieces, it still didn't come out as nice.




















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