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Hi Guys, 


Wanted to introduce myself, I'm Dave, from the UK. Been painting various Warhammer minis for over 20 years but I've never ventured in to the gaming side of things.


A gaming store recently opened up in my town which has made the possibility of playing the game much more accessible and can fit around work/child care etc. so I figured now was a good time with 10th Ed being new


Hoping to be able to pick everyones brains on the best way to get going, what I'd need for a small army to start learning (I know in the old days you had to have an HQ and so many troop options to start) not sure if this is still valid, I want to start with Eldar (Aeldari) but what would everyone reccomend to buy to start off, the combat patrol box? Also looking for some ideas on basing, I don't want the generic soil/rubble style base...want to use some colourful glass tufts so what would work with that style? 


Thanks in advance for any help



Welcome. Aeldarii are a nice faction to start, yet atm, the patrol box is maybe living its ultimate days before being replaced. It is however a good start, even if not the most representative of the faction IMO. But it gives a solid core.


Welcome. Aeldarii are a nice faction to start, yet atm, the patrol box is maybe living its ultimate days before being replaced. It is however a good start, even if not the most representative of the faction IMO. But it gives a solid core.


I didn't realise it was being replaced, although I did notice today that the Aeldari models still look the same as they did many years ago....think we might see a lot of new Aeldari sculpts coming soon?

Welcome to the B&C @Khaos


There is some newer sculpts. I believe the Striking Scorpions in the Kill Team Blades of Khaine may be the newest kits. With 10th edition you need an HQ then pretty much whatever you want, 

From a stylistic point of view, they did not change much. Yet some kits have 30 years (vyper, falcon chassis), others 20 ( dire avengers) while dome are more recents (banshees, scorps and all rangers). We expect a big renovation of the range in the coming quarters, with aeldari being 2oo3 on the road maps.


And when a new codex is released, the recent trend show that the patrol box is changed, which mean new unit cocktail slthough said units do not have to be new ones/revamped kits...


If a big wave of release is coming soon, starting with aeldari may make sense but models bought should preferably be from recent boxes in order to avoid being too affected by sprue changes and the associated rule adjustment. Selecting older kits may expise you getting models not strictly fitting to rules if these change. But probably cheaper as rerelease come always with price hike too.


So it is a balance between getting some new fancy stuff vs. Old cheaper (?). A bet somehow.


Hoping to be able to pick everyones brains on the best way to get going, what I'd need for a small army to start learning (I know in the old days you had to have an HQ and so many troop options to start) not sure if this is still valid, I want to start with Eldar (Aeldari) but what would everyone reccomend to buy to start off, the combat patrol box? Also looking for some ideas on basing, I don't want the generic soil/rubble style base...want to use some colourful glass tufts so what would work with that style? 



Welcome to the B&C @Khaos


There is some newer sculpts. I believe the Striking Scorpions in the Kill Team Blades of Khaine may be the newest kits. With 10th edition you need an HQ then pretty much whatever you want, 


Welcome, Brother.


Knowing you're a painter 1st, just want to highlight you don't need to worry about a "Troops tax" this edition, like Brother War said.  It's like you've heard of the Troops requirement from previous editions, and they used to do things like "securing Objectives", while this edition gives everyone an "Objective Control" stat, just to show how flexible it is.


I also want to mention this is a very Monster- and Vehicle-friendly edition.  Monsters and Vehicles have just been more popular than previously, so people either take them, or lots of anti-Tank weapons, and often both.  Like for Space Marines, they like their new Dreadnoughts with really big guns.  I've noticed new players coming in 10th not realising that, they buy a starter box and spend a lot of effort painting lots of infantry, when they could've been better served with more Tanks or big Monstrous units (which can be more fun to paint).


Just letting you know in advance that, you have options.  Like...say...if you want your mandatory HQ to be that legendary Avatar of Khaine model you surely want to paint anyway or the new Eldar god the Yncarne is mayhaps pretty good, mayhaps, then maybe some Wraith Lords which are those big wraithbone constructs.  Just saying this so you aren't limited to just the combat patrol box.



Just letting you know in advance that, you have options.  Like...say...if you want your mandatory HQ to be that legendary Avatar of Khaine model you surely want to paint anyway or the new Eldar god the Yncarne is mayhaps pretty good, mayhaps, then maybe some Wraith Lords which are those big wraithbone constructs.  Just saying this so you aren't limited to just the combat patrol box.


You just have to know that there is a max number of units of the same entry. 3 in general, 6 for battleline/former troops type. And of course dramatis personnae 1 only. Mainly.


Si do not go crazy buying 4 wraithlords o 5 vypers... say someone with 4 landraiders and 6 predators...

Thanks everyone for your replies, seems they're working on making the game more accessible by taking away the mandatory units and basically letting you go all vehicle if you wanted to. Aeldari certainly have some good looking vehicles and the flying units so I'd enjoy painting them up too. My painting head always comes first so when I was looking at starting an army to play with i immediately looked at what I think would be fun to paint too, then I'll have a sense of pride in them while I play with them....just going to need a good varnish to protect those paint jobs from grubby fingers :laugh:

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