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How do you write like an ork?

Brother Monty
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You probably wouldn't "write" anything. Ork's use Oral storytelling to retain their history, when they bother. If you can gain access to older GW material online you can find Ork glyphs. 


Even if they do, Orks with very few exceptions, don't attempt to build interpersonal relationships, they also tend not to really "listen" to what each other say, so the flow would be also very disjointed . 

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I fink 'E means ow'd you write Proppa Orky Dialog - if so, ya jus' try spell fings fo-net-er-call-ie, or 'owever you 'umies sez it.


Oh, an dun't forgit ter use lot's a dem 'postrophes an' all, fer short'nin' yer werdz wif, 'an it's useful TER SHOUT IMPORTINT WERDS when yer wanna really make yer point.


Yer aimin' fer Cockney Football 'Ooligan, 'coz fer wotever reason Orks is crude fugs from da East End. :tongue:

But Remembah - dere's no such fing as mistakes wiv Orky dialog, 'cos sum Boyz jus' talk weird anyway. :happy:

Edited by Ace Debonair
dere's no such fing as typos, neevah
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I fink 'E means ow'd you write Proppa Orky Dialog - if so, ya jus' try spell fings fo-net-er-call-ie, or 'owever you 'umies sez it.




If yer ain't krumpin, yous ain't makin' kon-ver-say-shun. Orky lang-wage is violence, and we's only got one fing ta to say...



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If yer ain't krumpin, yous ain't makin' kon-ver-say-shun. Orky lang-wage is violence, and we's only got one fing ta to say...




But In case ya boys are lukkin’ to be moa sophwiz.. soffizzi..,OH WHAT-THE-SOG,   y’a know  JUS’ SOGGIN’ PROPPA KLEWA, REMEMBA THAT Y’A CAN NEVER HAVE ‘NUFF DAKKA!



( also make sure y’er text is in RED - makes yer texts so much fasta! )


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The above is all correct, and I might actually remembered something that might help.


I talked with Mark Bedford, the GW sculptor (now with FW).  He designed the look of Orks (and Tyranids) in 3rd ed, still used today.  Before him, Orks looked kinda lanky; if you ever looked at AoS, 1st and 2nd ed Orks look more like the Kruleboyz, they're like skinnier versions of what we think of as Orks now.  Mark bulked them up.


What he talked about: gorillas.  If you look at an Ork now, big strong and long arms, short legs, like a gorilla.  As Mark continued talking about it, he dropped his voice an octave, started grunting, growling...he described an Ork by becoming an Ork.  An Ork is basically a big British Eastender gorilla, banter is done with fists.

Lots of short words, lots of slang because long words are for ponces.  Body language, chest thumping, so lots of emotes.:RTBBB:


(Thanks to Brother Neverborn for reminding me of glyphs.  That's like writing down body language, the equivalent of emotes today.)


As you saw from our proper Orky brothers above, there's also certain sounds Ork mouths can't make:


  • No soft sounds like "TH", replaced with "D" or "F": "the Boy" becomes "da Boy"
  • "S" is too soft, is replaced with "Z": "the Boys" become "da Boyz"
  • No "H" or "W": "humans" becomes "oomiez", "women" also becomes "oomiez"*


* Not a political statement or anything.  Orks don't have genders or sex.  They neither see nor care about the difference.



Yeah, so start by being a gorilla, short words, emotes, and there are certain sounds you simply can't make.



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The Ork "Language" we hear as customers in the animations/cutscenes is in heavily exaggerated cockney English, this is presented that way for our benefit to add a sense of levity. Orks in-universe speak very differently. To imperial citizens it sounds like a collection of Barks and Grunts  which is how it's described in prophet of Waaagh . I think I would be correct in saying cross species dialogue is always in conducted in either Low-Imperial gothic or the non-orks language, with a handful of named exceptions; Ghazghkull and Nazdreg who can speak high gothic if IIRC.  What i find interesting is this implies that Orks are more easily able to learn non-ork languages than non-orks can learn there's. But they don't always get the pronunciation correct.


"Nobz" is actually the Ork for "Nobles", that is to say an Ork attempting to say "Nobles" or the equivalent in Imperial Gothic will say "Nobz". This occurs when they are speaking to imitate human speech, based on what they see as a like-for-like. The true Ork for "Nobz" in their own language would sound like a dog barking.  



Edited by The Neverborn
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19 hours ago, Ace Debonair said:

I fink 'E means ow'd you write Proppa Orky Dialog - if so, ya jus' try spell fings fo-net-er-call-ie, or 'owever you 'umies sez it.


Oh, an dun't forgit ter use lot's a dem 'postrophes an' all, fer short'nin' yer werdz wif, 'an it's useful TER SHOUT IMPORTINT WERDS when yer wanna really make yer point.


Yer aimin' fer Cockney Football 'Ooligan, 'coz fer wotever reason Orks is crude fugs from da East End. :tongue:

But Remembah - dere's no such fing as mistakes wiv Orky dialog, 'cos sum Boyz jus' talk weird anyway. :happy:

So I jus’ gots to speak like dis then? I fink I can do jus’ dat den. I will sho’ da humies dat da Orkz are da best speakas in da univerze.

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Well, yer see, da boyz 'n' I run da Offisshul Lingwiztikkz Orkaddemmy on Armageddon! We'll get ya talkin' like a roight proppa ork! We'll kuvva da basikz first, should take a few lessunz before we get ter advansed shoutin', yellin' fundymentulz an' da finer pointz uv punch-tyooashun! Wiv any lukk we'll getcha fully kwollified ta WAAAGH! in a munf or two!

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15 minutes ago, Evil Eye said:

Wiv any lukk we'll getcha fully kwollified ta WAAAGH! in a munf or two!

Wat good Git ain’t going to WAAAGH! fo’ too munfs! Dat is no Gud! ‘Ho else is gunna shoot all dat Dakka! Da fish-‘eads? Dey don’t ’now a good scrap if it hit dem on da ‘ead!

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21 hours ago, Brother Monty said:

Wat good Git ain’t going to WAAAGH! fo’ too munfs! Dat is no Gud! ‘Ho else is gunna shoot all dat Dakka! Da fish-‘eads? Dey don’t ’now a good scrap if it hit dem on da ‘ead!


Now's ya talkin' roight! Time to give dem stunties a proppa slap!


One fing ya gotta know bout Orks is, dat we's is a proud and rockin' Mob - an' so we gotz us a nasho-nal anfem, goes wot like this:




When yous get to the red bit, you crump a git! Even if it's you mate Grashnob! E's a slug anyhoo, an' yous needs de TEEF when ye's gotta scrap!

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12 hours ago, MithrilForge said:

@Brother Monty- well it looks like you got the big D from  OrkU :thumbsup:

now you’ve graduated , start building that army !! So you can speak Orky whilst krumpin da enemi :cool:

Iz gunna build da biggestest WAAAGH! dat der eva’ waz. Iz Gunna take da shiny chair for me self. Den I’m gonna take da tin’eads big chair for me self as well.

2 hours ago, Mazer Rackham said:

When yous get to the red bit, you crump a git! Even if it's you mate Grashnob! E's a slug anyhoo, an' yous needs de TEEF when ye's gotta scrap!

Krump da biggest git ‘round ya. Den you da biggest git, da Nashunal anfum is da best der Iz! 

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On 10/9/2024 at 4:02 PM, Brother Monty said:

So I jus’ gots to speak like dis then? I fink I can do jus’ dat den. I will sho’ da humies dat da Orkz are da best speakas in da univerze.


By Gork, I fink 'E's Got it! :biggrin:


Orkz is best at lotsa fings, an' talkin' proppa is jus' one of 'em.

Gud werk, ya big 'ard green git, now gerrout dere an' keep krumpin' gitz. :thumbsup:


'Oomies lissen betta wen you bop 'em on the noggin', well, 'cept da one ya just krumped! :laugh:

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