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Hey Everyone,

Thanks for having me!

I'm British, and I've been interested in 40k and the setting since I played the Fire Warrior Game, and then got into Tau, but soon found the Greenskins! Around 2014, I fell away from playing and collecting, but during Covid I got back into it! 

I play 30k mostly, and collect Iron Hands, Iron Warriors, Dark Angels, and Mechanicum. 

I'm also debating starting my own Chapter, so currently trying to get all the bits together for that 


Once again, cheers. 

Edited by Gorgon_Cultist
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10 hours ago, Bouargh said:

Welcome. Any inspiration source for your chapter?

So, the rough idea came to me as I was trying to make a fancy Devastator Marine with a Conversion Beamer (I had one spare from Mechanicum Archmagos tinkering).


From there, my mind went to a chapter that would be able to field squads armed with them, albeit in a limited manner, and so I began making the lore, etc, for my Homebrew Chapter; the Extirpators

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