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1 hour ago, Indy Techwisp said:


I they're a Unit of 3, then they're probably closer to the Exalted Eightbound than proper Terminators (in which case EC will probably get Regular Chaos Terminators as an import unit from Base CSM)

The description Valrak gave really made me think of the Blade-Slaves from 30k Word Bearers:

Zardu Layak and Blade Slaves


So maybe like this, but fancier? Former palatine blades who are so devoted that they've fused with their weapons?

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Potentially very exciting.


I've been a proponent of breaking up Noise Marines for awhile now. I'd have personally gone in the other direction - making the 10 Marine units the Noise Marines (with Sonic Weapons) and a 5 Marine dual kit (with Combat Blades + Doom Sirens or Accursed Weapons + Combat Drug Dispensers). But my secondary suggestion has been a 10 Marine "basic Noise Marine" unit and a 6 Marine "Sonic Weapons Noise Marines" unit.


So if it's like the latter, then I'll be happy.


It can be a bit hard to talk about Noise Marines. A lot of people seem to associate them entirely with their Sonic Weapons, but (except for the '99-01 codex) they've been able to take other options. So if these "EC Legionaries" are Noise Marines sans-Sonics, then cool.






If they do just look like 30k units instead, with some male-female runes and glitter sprinkled on top, I'll be disappointed. The description is a little confusing though - saying it'll be like the old EC art, but then saying that they'll be like the Heresy models... that's contradictory. 


Similarly, if the new Elite unit is just a 3-Marine Palatine Blade-esque unit, that'd be sad. But if they're like weird Slaaneshi Mutilators, with massive Combat Drugs dispensers, then... big grin. 


Also excited by the new Lord with lots of options. I already have a bunch, of course, so... it'd be nice if there was a Detachment that made Emperor's Children Lords into Battleline. :biggrin:



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1 hour ago, TheCelticRaven said:

I wouldn't trust this particular rumor as far as I could throw valrak, which ain't far.

I do not think they will break their current design philosophy for the god legions. Certainly not only for the last one.

What would be the break? Haven't had chance to sit down with the video yet so only going by what's posted here. Looks to be pretty samey release wise as World Eaters.

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Sounds awesome. Thanks for posting.


There are bound to be some disappointments and missed opportunities in a World Eaters-sized release (no Terminators would suck, no Sonic Dreadnought is a massive missed opportunity, Eidolon's super popular in the broader community and would have sold like hotcakes, and then there's things like Apothecaries/Fleshcrafters, unique cultist equivalent, etc), but I'm really enthusiastic about there being a distinction between the EC Legionnaires and the Noise Marines, and a generic EC Lord sounds great.


Can't wait and really hope we get to see a model or two this year

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2 hours ago, Special Officer Doofy said:

I would have thought they would have recieved the same as TS/WE: Fulgrim, Lucius, Noise Marines, new HQ, new cult elite and a type of cultist. 


Excited to see whatever they bring out. Magnus, Mortarion and Angron all look cool, I'm sure Fulgrim will too.


The brief seems similar to me, of course its just speculation ( I did previously assume it was terminators for each, but with new info it kind of changes.) but like always I like to visualize things ( now with more appropiate* placeholders for EC ) :




The first 3 are obvious, the Elites being cult variants of elite CSM units, we have had 2 cult terminators, EC sounds like cult "Havocs" and it might be that WE have cult equivalents to possessed or raptors as opposed to terminators, however where being held back for Killteam... I got more speculation there, but thats offtopic ( though Im half expecting it to be 8 models.)

Then we have the exalted wich so far seem to be following a similar brief as each other -> a unit variant of 3 that are very close to the champion and primarch original nature. Yes the sorcerers are seperate HQ entries and eightbound built 2 datasheets, but GWs designers dont meddle alot with the final release/role of the kits.


I think the mortals are a late addition to the "brief" hence why TS being the first have a simpler upgrade sprue solution, I think there is huge probability EC do have mortals too, but these will be used as a kill team release and as such evade the original source's list of what is released with the codex. Its always easy to think that the rumor sources are see the whole picture as we see it in hindsight, but it usually isnt anything like that.


As for the solo HQs these might be complete seperate additions (and DG just have more), though both WE and TS, who are the last two solo releases heavily tie the marine to the daemon side. Its possible DG get one like that too come their next codex, and this is the kind of thing we see with EC as well. ( though there I have no clue what.)


The theory is made or broken soon enough ;)


* I used the AoS beastmen as placeholder, not because I think they will be beastmen ( though its a good example of mortals not always being the chaff unit in a cult army.)

But because what valrak described sounded like some older art Ive seen of very spindly and lithe Emperors children possessed(? I think), that have similar silhouettes to these. One very memorable one is a picture of one of those with a two handed sword fighting a grey knight from a couple of year back. Art doesnt equal miniature ofcourse, but I could still see it. Personally dont think they will be terminators.


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55 minutes ago, TheMawr said:


I think I speak for a number of TSons players that we wish Tzaangors would stop being our unique Mortal unit.



There's a theory I've had for a while that the single "Rockerboy" style Noise Marine you can still buy from the Webstore will be brought into the actual EC release as a new character option of soke kind.

Obviously it wouldn't be taking up a slot from any of the new stuff, but it's an option GW might choose.

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1 hour ago, TheMawr said:

* I used the AoS beastmen as placeholder, not because I think they will be beastmen ( though its a good example of mortals not always being the chaff unit in a cult army.)

But because what valrak described sounded like some older art Ive seen of very spindly and lithe Emperors children possessed(? I think), that have similar silhouettes to these. One very memorable one is a picture of one of those with a two handed sword fighting a grey knight from a couple of year back. Art doesnt equal miniature ofcourse, but I could still see it. Personally dont think they will be terminators.

For what it's worth, I think the Slaangors are a good pick. Obvious enough that it's a placeholder while having the same vibe as the unit we've been described, while not setting up any preconception of what the unit might end up being or looking like.

Also, I don't suppose you recall the source of that picture you're describing? I don't think I've seen it, but I'd love to.

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3 hours ago, ZeroWolf said:

What would be the break? Haven't had chance to sit down with the video yet so only going by what's posted here. Looks to be pretty samey release wise as World Eaters.

Rubrics plauge marines and berserker are all the base battle line units in their respective armies. To think that EC would have legionnaires as their battle line and then noise marines as a separate specialised unit is a massive departure from the past design philosophy.

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47 minutes ago, TheCelticRaven said:

Rubrics plauge marines and berserker are all the base battle line units in their respective armies. To think that EC would have legionnaires as their battle line and then noise marines as a separate specialised unit is a massive departure from the past design philosophy.

Right, I get you. Thanks for the clarification.

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1 hour ago, TheCelticRaven said:

Rubrics plauge marines and berserker are all the base battle line units in their respective armies. To think that EC would have legionnaires as their battle line and then noise marines as a separate specialised unit is a massive departure from the past design philosophy.


To be fair, Noise Marines aren't exactly equivalent to Rubrics, Plague Marines or Berserkers.

They were a separate subset of marines during the Heresy and remained a smaller group into 40k.


Yes, EC use Sonic Weapons a lot, but a Noise Marine was more than just a Marine with a Gun that plays Weezer or whatever.

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This sound great! I hope later on there are more news about daemonettes.


Are all Emperors Children noise marines? Because I was under the impression they were not, from reading some novels/books. I'm happy there will be a regular EC chaos space marine kit!

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1 hour ago, Mana said:

This sound great! I hope later on there are more news about daemonettes.


Are all Emperors Children noise marines? Because I was under the impression they were not, from reading some novels/books. I'm happy there will be a regular EC chaos space marine kit!


All/ most noise marines are Emperor's Children, not all Emperor's Children are noise marines.


There's also the Kakophoni too but that's a different beast that I don't expect to see.

3 hours ago, TheCelticRaven said:

Rubrics plauge marines and berserker are all the base battle line units in their respective armies. To think that EC would have legionnaires as their battle line and then noise marines as a separate specialised unit is a massive departure from the past design philosophy.


I'd disagree with that to be honest. Noise marines have always been 'cult troops' but there are plenty of Emperor's Children knocking about that aren't sonic oriented.

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6 hours ago, Mana said:

Are all Emperors Children noise marines? Because I was under the impression they were not, from reading some novels/books. I'm happy there will be a regular EC chaos space marine kit!


In the Black Library books of the last decade, very much no. Noise Marines are a small, serene, lofty cult, who keep themselves apart from the rest of the Emperor's Children and have to be coaxed to battle. They exclusively use Sonic Weapons.


In past Codexes, Noise Marines are Slaanesh's Cult Troops, and the Emperor's Children are Slaanesh's Cult Legion, made up of its Cult Troops. Noise Marines are pleasure addicted, twitchy, howling maniacs, jonesing for battle as one of the few things that can momentarily satisfy them. They use Sonic Weapons, Bolters, and Bolt Pistols + Close Combat Weapons.


"...we made the four Legions already detailed [in Realms of Chaos, ie EC, WE, DG, TS] the ones which had become completely dedicated to Chaos Gods... the most deranged and fanatical individuals from all of the Legions would dedicate themselves entirely to the Chaos Gods and so Khorne Berzerkers, Plague Marines, Noise Marines, and Tzeentchian Sorcerers were spawned..." - Codex: Chaos' Designer Notes (1996)


"...the Emperor's Children are a savage fighting force. Like many of Slaanesh's followers they have become what are known as Noise Marines..." - Codex: Chaos (1996)


"The Emperor's Children, now leaderless, continued to pursue ultimate pleasure, finding solace for the loss of their Legion in the horror of battle, joining with other corrupted Space Marines devoted to Slaanesh in vile crusades. Most became Noise Marines, twisted creatures addicted to fury and tempest, only satisfied by the roar of explosions and the screams of the dying." - Index Astartes: Emperor's Children (2001)


In the 2002 Codex, to play Emperor's Children all of your units had to be marked by Slaanesh. The Mark of Slaanesh did three things: made the unit Fearless, gave them the Warp Scream ability, and gave access to Sonic Weapons/the Slaanesh armory/Slaanesh Minor Psyker Powers. There were no Cult Troops as unique unit entries in the codex - to make Noise Marines you marked CSMs Slaanesh, to make Khorne Berzerkers you marked CSMs Khorne, etc. Thus, the Emperor's Children armies were made up of vehicles, Slaanesh Daemons, Noise Marines, Noise Marine Bikers, Noise Marine Havocs, Noise Marine Chosen (in TDA), and Noise Marine characters.


That 2002 release (the Emperor's Children's last release) had an Emperor's Children Lord. It looked like this:






2015 Slaanesh Painting Guide:



Edited by LSM
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1 hour ago, LSM said:


In the Black Library books of the last decade, very much no. Noise Marines are a small, serene, lofty cult, who keep themselves apart from the rest of the Emperor's Children and have to be coaxed to battle. They exclusively use Sonic Weapons.


In past Codexes, Noise Marines are Slaanesh's Cult Troops, and the Emperor's Children are Slaanesh's Cult Legion, made up of its Cult Troops. Noise Marines are pleasure addicted, twitchy, howling maniacs, jonesing for battle as one of the few things that can momentarily satisfy them. They use Sonic Weapons, Bolters, and Bolt Pistols + Close Combat Weapons.


"...we made the four Legions already detailed [in Realms of Chaos, ie EC, WE, DG, TS] the ones which had become completely dedicated to Chaos Gods... the most deranged and fanatical individuals from all of the Legions would dedicate themselves entirely to the Chaos Gods and so Khorne Berzerkers, Plague Marines, Noise Marines, and Tzeentchian Sorcerers were spawned..." - Codex: Chaos' Designer Notes (1996)


"...the Emperor's Children are a savage fighting force. Like many of Slaanesh's followers they have become what are known as Noise Marines..." - Codex: Chaos (1996)


"The Emperor's Children, now leaderless, continued to pursue ultimate pleasure, finding solace for the loss of their Legion in the horror of battle, joining with other corrupted Space Marines devoted to Slaanesh in vile crusades. Most became Noise Marines, twisted creatures addicted to fury and tempest, only satisfied by the roar of explosions and the screams of the dying." - Index Astartes: Emperor's Children (2001)


In the 2002 Codex, to play Emperor's Children all of your units had to be marked by Slaanesh. The Mark of Slaanesh did three things: made the unit Fearless, gave them the Warp Scream ability, and gave access to Sonic Weapons/the Slaanesh armory/Slaanesh Minor Psyker Powers. There were no Cult Troops as unique unit entries in the codex - to make Noise Marines you marked CSMs Slaanesh, to make Khorne Berzerkers you marked CSMs Khorne, etc. Thus, the Emperor's Children armies were made up of vehicles, Slaanesh Daemons, Noise Marines, Noise Marine Bikers, Noise Marine Havocs, Noise Marine Chosen (in TDA), and Noise Marine characters.


That 2002 release (the Emperor's Children's last release) had an Emperor's Children Lord. It looked like this:






2015 Slaanesh Painting Guide:




Would be cooler to have noise marines as the basic troop (and follow the trend set by the first 3 cult Legions).

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45 minutes ago, Special Officer Doofy said:


Would be cooler to have noise marines as the basic troop (and follow the trend set by the first 3 cult Legions).

In fairness if we're getting Emperor's Children legionaries AND noise marines, that's pretty awesome to have the choice and not be pigeon holed into one choice.

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