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3 minutes ago, TheMawr said:

In short, the argument is much more in defence of the model than it is against it, in my opinion.


Eh, not really. The guy can literally wear his emotions as his face and likes to do some mischievous stuff, so he decided he'd either wear a helmet or just smile, laugh, yell or sneer with a monster face on. 


And from a consumer standpoint, it's a bit of a wasted opportunity. Alternative heads usually change the head area pretty well or are references to past art/models. The normal example is helmeted and unhelmeted. Magnus has helmeted and unhelmeted with a clever pure cyclops mixup. Abaddon has helmeted and unhelmeted, with a throwback reference to Horus' face. I think one of fulgrims 4 bare heads could have been something other than slightly different expression.


I think the actual problem is that they wanted to avoid referencing fulgrim transfigured/were told to show a different aspect of him in their brief. It's just that looking sexy and is kinda part of what people expect for fulgrim. 

Well I hope everyone had an amazing slaaneshmas, full of joy and happiness , got myself a demon prince and sigvald to be my 2 ec demon princes , I love the fulgrim and can’t wait to get him, and let’s hope next year the potato photographers and bin men are primed for the 2025 hunt 

7 hours ago, Zoatibix said:

@crimsondave Overall it just doesn’t do anything for me. 

I was hoping for something a bit more different to the 30k version. For a Daemon Primarch it just feels a little vanilla I guess.

I think different colours on the armour would help - keep the gold trim but put a different colour on the plates. Obviously, that’s easily fixed. I am keen to to see what other painters do with him.


I am not keen on the ‘T’ shape of the wings, but given the issues I have carrying armies via public transport perhaps that’s a necessary evil.

However, the main disappointment is with the heads. Lion El’Jonson got a really good range of alt heads - bare, hooded, helemeted and hooded helm. Fulgrim just has the helmet and four very similar bare ones.






I understand the no beautiful head thing.  It makes perfect sense.  I wonder if one could 3d print something appropriate.  I wonder if the forge world head would fit on the 40K one.

I do agree the face of the 30k model is better than all of the variations on the 40k model, but I still like them. They are suitable deranged and evil.


For me personally, the helmet tops all other options, and the 30k face also.

Fulgrim looks like what a vanity obsessed primarch would look like 10k years after being possessed by a daemon who used said vanity as a means to possess. 

As for anything else to come; it seems that GW isn’t just catering to making EC the “Noise Marines Army”. The EC are slaves to perfection and excess in everything, not just making loud noises with modified instruments from a concert 10k years ago. 

Fulgrim definitely looks great. The 30k one is a better model imo, but there are some other aspects such as being plastic and less fragile that are non-trivial. I look forward to having both.

19 minutes ago, INKS said:

I am excited to see the rest of the lineup now 

It appears promising. 

With the rumors of Eidolon you keep the prideful pompous ass of the Legion (re-reading Horus Rising and Eidolon on Murder was an idiot) which will likely have some rules reflecting that attitude. 

With Lucius you keep the EC perfected swordsman arc, including the supposed 3 man elite unit of Chaos mutated swordsman with their rules meshing with Lucius. 

EC Legionaires doesn’t equate to boring HH EC Legionaires.  Likely will be combat drug fueled maniacs with rules to match that show the craving for excess that was a result of the Legion going full Slaanesh. Might tie in with Eidolon rules. 

Noise Marines being cult Marines for EC. Probably some throwbacks to dirge casters on transports, etc. Maybe a named character to lead them that is appropriately Noisy. 

3 minutes ago, Grimtooth said:

It appears promising. 

With the rumors of Eidolon you keep the prideful pompous ass of the Legion (re-reading Horus Rising and Eidolon on Murder was an idiot) which will likely have some rules reflecting that attitude. 

With Lucius you keep the EC perfected swordsman arc, including the supposed 3 man elite unit of Chaos mutated swordsman with their rules meshing with Lucius. 

EC Legionaires doesn’t equate to boring HH EC Legionaires.  Likely will be combat drug fueled maniacs with rules to match that show the craving for excess that was a result of the Legion going full Slaanesh. Might tie in with Eidolon rules. 

Noise Marines being cult Marines for EC. Probably some throwbacks to dirge casters on transports, etc. Maybe a named character to lead them that is appropriately Noisy. 

No Eidolon this time round. 


There's to be a "normal" character alongside a noise marine character. Both generic. Lucius and Fulgrim our only named incoming.

1 minute ago, 01RTB01 said:

No Eidolon this time round. 


There's to be a "normal" character alongside a noise marine character. Both generic. Lucius and Fulgrim our only named incoming.

Then likely the “normal” named character reinforces the concept of excess obsessed EC Legionaries in the EC, Lucious Lucius reinforces the perfected swordsman story arc with the elite mutated swordsman unit in the EC, and the Noise Marines characters is there to fill the slot for the Noise Marines element of the EC. 

And I agree with putting the normal in parentheses, because he will be anything but normal. As I mentioned earlier, someone who likely was pumped full of Fabius Fentanyl Fluids and has more bolt-on parts than a Playboy Bunny. 

Well I’m a little disappointed that we got Fulgrim  revealed instead of noise marines. However, I doubt I’m Games Workshop’s intended target audience with regards to any EC releases as I’m more interested in running a Black Legion army with cult troops like Noise Marines or Khorne ‘Zerkers to supplement my undivided troops. But I hope those interested in EC are happy.

Edited by FormelyKnownAsSmashyPants
15 minutes ago, AlanofAngels said:

Are we thinking Noise Marines/more EC tomorrow? Or is that too much to ask for? :unsure:

At this point I don't think we'll see them before LVO.

If they had shown the basic marines I could have seen another one on new years for Noise Marines but since they showed Fulgrim I don't think they will show anything else until they show off everything together which will likely be at LVO

2 hours ago, 01RTB01 said:

I'm hoping we see the army box at the LVO which is around January 16th. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

TBF I didn’t realise LVO was that soon, I think I can probably wait 3 weeks. Maybe. Just about. 

6 hours ago, crimsondave said:

I understand the no beautiful head thing.  It makes perfect sense.  I wonder if one could 3d print something appropriate.  I wonder if the forge world head would fit on the 40K one.


You might be able to use the head from Sigvald the Magnificent from AOS. It looks just right for the handsome face and is available from bits resellers. 



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