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42 minutes ago, Mogger351 said:

But are you content that it could drop up to 2 mo the before the army launches as a concept?


It's not about whether or not we think it's a good concept; it's exactly what's going to happen.  We've seen it with all of the refreshes and updates and new range additions; Kroot were out with a codex that wasn't usable for almost 2 full months, BA had a month between their refresh and their codex turning on.

It's par for the course, and for normal people, is fine; most people aren't building and painting the army box in less than a month anyways.

39 minutes ago, DemonGSides said:


It's not about whether or not we think it's a good concept; it's exactly what's going to happen.  We've seen it with all of the refreshes and updates and new range additions; Kroot were out with a codex that wasn't usable for almost 2 full months, BA had a month between their refresh and their codex turning on.

It's par for the course, and for normal people, is fine; most people aren't building and painting the army box in less than a month anyways.

A nice dream though (the part about building and painting the entire box in a month)

1 hour ago, Mogger351 said:

But are you content that it could drop up to 2 mo the before the army launches as a concept?

I mean I don’t think it’s the most consumer friendly practice or anything but it won’t affect me either way personally as it’ll take me about 7 years to paint an army

IMG_0955.thumb.jpeg.dc13f5443556bea68fc68af115ce8707.jpegtbh I was more excited to see what Lucius would look like over fulgrim , because with already seeing a Lucius which is nearly the same age as me , I wanted to see what they’d do with him, and from the silhouette alone I’m blown away, it’s a centrepiece model on its own, and personally I’m liking the obvious changes, it feels Modern and extreme, and like people have mentions the stims on the top link well into the sonic weapons, which makes the army more thematic with similar components , it is most likely viles for his doom siren armour, on the model it looks like he may not have faces on his legs anymore, but as long as he has some on his shoulders and chest they’re cooking 


I’m gonna pull a bold prediction though, that they’ve changed his colours scheme too , to maybe be similar to fulgrims but I think it’s slim, I feel the fleshy faces work better with just black, but either way canning wait, the post is iconic and seeing likes it looks like he’s on a 50mm base he is showing up the other 3 legion underlings 


Nice early morning surprise! Silhouette looks fantastic. As a strong proponent for combat drugs, I applaud the sculptor's decision to add what appear to be more drugs.


29 minutes ago, Fire Golem said:

I mean I don’t think it’s the most consumer friendly practice or anything but it won’t affect me either way personally as it’ll take me about 7 years to paint an army


Yeah exactly. And what's another two months after decades of waiting for plastic EC...


2 minutes ago, Marshal Loss said:

Nice early morning surprise! Silhouette looks fantastic. As a strong proponent for combat drugs, I applaud the sculptor's decision to add what appear to be more drugs.



Yeah exactly. And what's another two months after decades of waiting for plastic EC...


Yeah the spacing is fine by me, I think for me I just want to see how they paint the army so I can start of stuff like my demon princes and rhinos 

6 minutes ago, Bouargh said:



The back pack looks like the illegitimate son of a bag pipe and Gazhagkul grenade launcher...I guess I like the idea for now.


Yet the silhouette, especially the whip, may indicate a model tricky to build up.

IMG_0957.thumb.jpeg.7e2ac6ee4b2118490c3d803db929d1f8.jpegI love the sculpting already of the whip wrapped round the arm 


I think the one thing that’s sticking out to me changes wise, is that it doesn’t look like there are any faces on the shins from what I can see, but might be wrong 

4 hours ago, ZeroWolf said:

Just watched Valrak's new video, apparently he's heard talk that all chaos legions are dropping at near enough the same time (in the nebulous "GW spring"). Obviously not the same weekend but you know what I mean.

Well it makes sense. Death Guard are getting their one dude, Thousand Sons are getting their automaton, which regardless of it being a single model or a squad is still most likely a single kit release, and World Eaters are probably getting the same treatment, with the addition of maybe a Kill Team, which can be released separately on their own at a later date even it they're in the Codex. Emperor's Children should be the only large release of the bunch.


I know Valrak's said there's supposedly Daemon characters coming, but unless they're very clearly designed exclusively for 40k a la Vashtorr, chances are they're for both AoS and 40k, and will most likely be marketed mainly as the former, with their presence in 40k being a footnote.


Edit: All of this is of course under the assumption that the rumour of Daemons getting folded into the Cult Legion Codices is true. I imagine they'd want to rip that bandaid off as quickly as possible.

Edited by DeadFingers
2 hours ago, Garrac said:

Well, here Im the weird guy waiting for rumours on the cultist unit to add them to my Chaos Cult army, lol.


Rumours point to EC using the generic Cultists (like DG and TS).




New Rumour Engine: maybe an update of Lucius' abdominal plate?






After looking at Lucius' outline a bit more:

  • His whip doesn't actually have a handle, his arm is just at a really extreme angle.
  • It's definitely his tabard blowing through his legs, and not a scabbard. 



In his video on the LVO previews, Valrak says of Lucius' background "...the purple one, the pink one, whatever you want to call it...".


Maybe a sign that the boxart scheme will be purple and black after all? (Valrak previously said he'd been told pink and black, but if he thinks that colour in the previews could be described as pink...)


Edited by LSM
24 minutes ago, Garrac said:

¿? I thought rumours said they were getting their own. As a matter in fact, its not even guaranteed that DG and TS will keep their generic cultists.

I'm afraid your info is rather outdated. The initial rumours of a cultist type unit and terminators were superseded by the rumours at the very start of this thread, which instead talk about a 10 model unit of slaaneshi marines, with Noise Marines as a more elite choice in a unit of 6, and then some sort of top tier elite unit of 3 duellist types. Plus two allegedly different generic HQ choices, one being a "Cacophonist" that appears to be a direct update of the old EC Lord with the doom siren, and another HQ armed with a spear.

2 hours ago, Macidious said:

got bored and draw a rough sketch of the pose for Lucius , can’t wait to see him unveiled 


Love it.


Y'know... I think they have flipped him from being a southpaw, which is a bit of a shame.


Also: I was finally able to catch that he has two tabards: one in front, one in back, like the old model. 


I'm still trying to grapple with the legs. I do think they still have the faces; their outline on the left leg is just being hidden by the tabard...


I absolutely don't think this is right (I have it too "frontal") but something like:



(Unless he is still a southpaw, and the pose is "open" to us with left leg and arm forward, and right leg and arm back. Instead of the left leg forward and right arm forward, back to us.)


Hopefully I can play with it more a little later.

4 minutes ago, LSM said:


Love it.


Y'know... I think they have flipped him from being a southpaw, which is a bit of a shame.


Also: I was finally able to catch that he has two tabards: one in front, one in back, like the old model. 


I'm still trying to grapple with the legs. I do think they still have the faces; their outline on the left leg is just being hidden by the tabard...


I absolutely don't think this is right (I have it too "frontal") but something like:



(Unless he is still a southpaw, and the pose is "open" to us with left leg and arm forward, and right leg and arm back. Instead of the left leg forward and right arm forward, back to us.)


Hopefully I can play with it more a little later.

Damn that’s some accurate drawing, I think those spikes though are on the edge of the leg and up around the knee , cause if you look at the top half he’s facing away nearly so that won’t be the front of the shin it’ll be the back 


I think the 2 things that I care about the most is how they’ve sculpted the faces on the armour, and Luciuss face , that’s what will be the decider in my eyes because of the rest of it based off the silhouette is a contestant for model of the year 

9 minutes ago, LSM said:


Love it.


Y'know... I think they have flipped him from being a southpaw, which is a bit of a shame.


Also: I was finally able to catch that he has two tabards: one in front, one in back, like the old model. 


I'm still trying to grapple with the legs. I do think they still have the faces; their outline on the left leg is just being hidden by the tabard...


I absolutely don't think this is right (I have it too "frontal") but something like:



(Unless he is still a southpaw, and the pose is "open" to us with left leg and arm forward, and right leg and arm back. Instead of the left leg forward and right arm forward, back to us.)


Hopefully I can play with it more a little later.

IMG_0957.thumb.jpeg.7ec6cf13dfc0b366903ea72665e36f78.jpegalso the reason I feel he may not have faces on his shins is just on this angle his right shin has some light shining off it with a smooth edge 


I maybe wrong it’s just a guess we’ll have to wait and see , I’m just being impatient , 10 days feeling like 100000 years in the warp 

I'm more excited for Lucius now that anything else. I hope they will crank it up with the Slaanesh theme, and in any case I will add something of my own for sure...


Also I hope that for Las Vegas we will see something more other than Lucius for EC :).

3 hours ago, Garrac said:

¿? I thought rumours said they were getting their own. As a matter in fact, its not even guaranteed that DG and TS will keep their generic cultists.


Another note on this.

What TSons and DG are expecting to lose Cultist-wise is the Autogun+Special Weapon version we had, instead getting the Autopistols.


We're expecting this because the old "Cultists of the Abyss" box was the only way to buy Autogun and Special Weapon Cultists and that box got quietly removed from sale without any notice.

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