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Quick Recap thingy.


So the only kit that is explicitly a multi-unit kit is the Tormentors/Infractors.


As such, the total of EC kits avaliable with this release is:



Lord Exultant

Lord Kakophonist

Flawless Blades




For a total of 7 kits on release.


That's one more than WE launched with and one more than TSons have managed to reach after 3 editions worth of releases.

3 minutes ago, Indy Techwisp said:

Quick Recap thingy.


So the only kit that is explicitly a multi-unit kit is the Tormentors/Infractors.


As such, the total of EC kits avaliable with this release is:



Lord Exultant

Lord Kakophonist

Flawless Blades




For a total of 7 kits on release.


That's one more than WE launched with and one more than TSons have managed to reach after 3 editions worth of releases.

I feel happier with this release than before just hearing rumours, knowing the legionaries can be 2 different units with shooting and melee is nice, and that the flawless blades aren’t sixbound , and in other photos you can see that the flawless blades have different poses , melee choices and different heads, very happy , I think my only issues are paint choice so that doesn’t matter , like the scheme on the sonic weapons 

Couple of other things to note.


I've seen a few people mention that they look kinda skinny? and that it looks like they used the HH Mk.VI as a base rather than the CSM Legionnaires.

I don't see it myself, but assuming that is the case it still makes sense in a way as EC are, as mentioned in the livestream, very fast and a slimmer and more lean build would help visually accentuate that.


Second, I think we can now nail down what kind of EC is lying dead on the Aeldari codex cover.

Judging by the presence of a singular breast-plate, it would appear that Fuegan has killed a Flawless Blade in that image.

2 minutes ago, sitnam said:

Kind of disappointed EC didnt get a chaff unit or a Darmon Engine, but they have a really awesome first wave. Only thing I don't love is Lucius, but that might be the paint job they chose


It's very on-brand for EC that their unique "Chaff-unit" are actually just more Marines.

They literally think they're better than everyone, why stoop to using Cultists?

(They probably still get Cultists in the codex tho)

I'm very pleased they went with the blackpink colour palette, instead of blinking and going purple. Also, the variety in the Flawless Blades' build makes them far more different compared to Eightbound vs Exalted Eightbound, imho.



In general, very nice. I am super happy for Emperors children players and glad to finally see the pantheon finished. I was worried that I may be tempted to join in on the emperors children train, but: "I have passed the test. I will diminish, and go into the west, and remain a son of Magnus." Personally the most exciting bit of news is the inclusion of daemons into the codex proper. 

Love that the basic troops are not just chaos marines + slaanesh. Giving them dedicated roles and splitting them into 2 types is unique and fitting. 

My only criticism so far is that I did not fall in love with the Lucius reveal as I hoped when I saw the outline teaser. When I think of him I imagine the face being more full of cuts, a mouth of of jagged teeth and a wicked grin. This version reminds me a bit of the muck man. And not a fan of all black armour, but that can be fixed with a new paint job. Other than that, superb. 


3 hours ago, Orange Knight said:

New models are incredible. Lucius is fantastic.


On another note, Fulgrim is clearly a fan of the Primaris. He's heavily inspired by their naming structure when it comes to his own legion.




Snake Boy is such a jealous copycat.

What´s the price of the EC box?



1 hour ago, Macidious said:

do we have some mi6 genius’s that can zoom and enhance on those 3 datacards??


Not a lot of detail there – but here's what some occulotechnomancy can reveal:




Leftmost is Noise Marines: M6" T[?] Sv3+ W2 LD[?] OC1; looks like one of the ranged weapons (Blastmaster?) has two firing modes.

Middle one is Lucius the Eternal: M8" T[?] Sv2+ (and 4+ inv?) W6 LD[?] OC1. No ranged weapons, by the looks of things.

Right/top one is Tormentors: M7" T4 Sv3+ W2 LD[?] OC2. Quite a few ranged weapon options, including something with an option.

Edited by apologist
27 minutes ago, Deus_Ex_Machina said:

Snake Boy is such a jealous copycat.

What´s the price of the EC box?


Unless there is a price increase by the time they hit pre order I would guess the same cost Krieg just had. All those boxes cost about the same.

8 hours ago, Plaguecaster said:




Well this looks grim for daemons 

Looks like they are part of the legion codex books now so possibly no longer a single army 

So I know everyone is assuming that this is a full roll into god-specific codexes, but what if it ends up being an inquisition-style list? like Sob it'll be 3-4 units but not the whole possible codex.

2 minutes ago, RolandTHTG said:

So I know everyone is assuming that this is a full roll into god-specific codexes, but what if it ends up being an inquisition-style list? like Sob it'll be 3-4 units but not the whole possible codex.

I mean, it's possible. We won't know until they give some kind of information on if Deamons are getting their own codex or not. The rumor for some time has been them getting rolled into the chaos books. Which is happening, beyond that it is mostly just speculation until GW tells us more. The do have their Grotsmas detachments and I don't see them going away for 10th. So it's not as if you can't run those. Should probably start a new thread talking about that topic as it's rather OT here.

9 minutes ago, RolandTHTG said:

So I know everyone is assuming that this is a full roll into god-specific codexes, but what if it ends up being an inquisition-style list? like Sob it'll be 3-4 units but not the whole possible codex.


Shalaxi Helbane is in the Army Showcase picture along with a generic Keeper of Secrets, Fiends and Daemonettes.


I'd say if the single named character Slaaneshi Daemons have is being used in the promotional image for the new EC Codex they're probably in that codex.

I'm going to post my general thoughts, and then go back and catch up with the last six pages of the thread... so sorry if any of this seems incongruous with the general flow:




Whahahahahahahahahahahaha. Yus.




I haven't warmed up to him as much as I was hoping. I'm not a huge fan of big centrepiece models, so I'd always be a tough sell... but he's okay. Still love the sea serpent change though.


I just wanted to briefly touch on one thing: now that we've seen the whole army... it's like he was made in a bubble. He doesn't fit in super well, colour scheme wise, but beyond that... like his power armoured arms have elbow pads, but they've done away with them in the rest of the range...


(Nice to see a novel.)




An... interesting update. I'll get the negatives out of the way: I think his head could be way better, and the skin strapped to his leg is inferior to having more faces pressing against his armour. In general, the "Shrieking Souls" bits are a little too sparse, rather than swimming with ten thousand years of exquisite deaths.


The pose is great though, and I think the model will look much better with the souls painted a classic pink/flesh tone, rather than black. (I'll probably try to sculpt more on, as well as adding some to that right leg, and maybe changing the head.)


Lore wise, from what Alex was saying, they've decided to keep him as the "modern" joke version that people constantly talk about hating - the master swordsman who dies a lot, and gets tormented by those he's possessed. (Rather than the older, makes-sense version - the sadomasochistic swordsman for whom dying in glorious combat is the ultimate experience, and who loves tormenting those he's possessed.)




I already have so many EC Chaos Lords, but I'm 100% picking up one of these. An impressive amount of weapons options, and just the whole classic vibe is great. Drapery, studded leathers, speaker-greave, chains, nipple ring. I'm not a huge fan of the "conehead", but that's easily whittled down, and the face is perfect.


(I hope one of the six (!) detachments picked up my idea of having Lords becoming Battleline. I'm going to need to be able to field more than three...)




Fantastic. (I think Sonic Pistols are a little dumb, so I'm going to have to figure out some substitute... I know they showed off a sword, but hopefully there's a proper Sonic Blaster option too.) Fantastic. 


A concern: the way they made such a big deal about his Doom Siren... is it the only Doom Siren in the entire range, now? Doom Sirens used to be a staple of the Emperor's Children - it's probably the most common piece of Slaaneshi character wargear. A sad day, if they're largely gone.




It's a little funny that it seems like they're not sure which is which, with the video labelling the melee ones Tormentors, but the live preview/text calling them the Infractors.


Still: mostly great. 9/10. While I had been calling for a basic unit of Noise Marines with (smaller) Sonic Blasters or Bolt Pistol/Combat Blades (ie. dropping Bolters) this kit is basically half of what I wanted Noise Marines to be, so... thumbs up. Better than I could have hoped for.


If I could have made (personal) improvements, I'd have: included more little speakers/inlaid trim speakers, a less dull take on the Legion symbol, drop the Meltagun and Plasma Gun for a Sonic Blaster and a Blastmaster, and call them Noise Marines. (But what's in a name?)


(I also see some funky grenades, so while I don't recall any mention made of it, maybe Hallucinogen Grenades are making a triumphant comeback?)






Basically (to me) Noise Marine Havocs, which I understand and except has become the general consensus as to what a Noise Marine is. They are, in-and-of-themselves, nice models.


But if you were going to separate Sonic Weapons out into their own little unit (and stick them on 40mm bases) I'd have liked to have seen the sculptors go really wild. For Slaanesh's most devoted Cult - those who originally bore She Who Thirsts' mark - they're too tame. They have some speakers on their backpacks and shoulder pads... why are they not festooned with them? Where are all the auditory/visual feeds? Where is the melding of Marine and sound?


Actually, not just too tame. Their shared bits are a downgrade on the corresponding 2002 sculpts, and fail to live up to past concept art.


(Also, I don't understand making a heavy Sonic Weapons unit and then including a melee champion. I thought GW'd have learned by now - you've made the so-called Champion the one who will be chosen to die first.)




I like my proposed name better: Indolent Blades.


But putting that aside: these look fun. It's a shame that the WarCom article shows off the three lesser heads (coneheads) when the video shows another three that totally rock. (Including a take on Adrian Smith's iconic Noise Marine). I'd have liked more speakers (than just the couple implanted in faces) and for the Combat Drug Dispensers to be far more extravagant. (An easy fix: I'll be cutting the fuel canisters off the Sonic Weapons, and adding them to these guys.)




They didn't just go with Pink & Black... they did Pink & Black, with Silver metals, and Gold, Green, and White as spot colours... with bits of Flesh and Animal Print...


That's... exactly my scheme... 


Funny that the art department apparently didn't get the memo, and has continued to make everything Purple & Gold. I legitimately wouldn't be surprised to hear that there was a fight over the scheme internally.




Wait. No crab claw power fists?


We have failed to achieve perfection!


Edited by LSM

This year is likely to be the one where I finally start a Chaos marine army of some description. I'd been thinking World Eaters and waiting until they come around in the Combat Patrol magazine to start but this EC reveal is so much better than I anticipated. Always had a soft spot for them and every model in this is a hit. Also if daemons are being rolled into the god specific codexes then I do prefer the Slaaneshi range to the Khorne one. Hmmm.


Question is whether I can paint a decent pink.....might have to do a bit of testing.

22 minutes ago, INKS said:

Should probably start a new thread talking about that topic as it's rather OT here.


New thread has been made:


16 minutes ago, Indy Techwisp said:


Shalaxi Helbane is in the Army Showcase picture along with a generic Keeper of Secrets, Fiends and Daemonettes.


I'd say if the single named character Slaaneshi Daemons have is being used in the promotional image for the new EC Codex they're probably in that codex.

The Masque and Syll'eske are Also named daemon characters 

9 minutes ago, Doobles57 said:

Question is whether I can paint a decent pink.....might have to do a bit of testing.

Will be interesting to see how some of the YouTube content creators can simplify the black and pink scheme. My recipe has at least 3 layers to bring the armour up to the pink from the black.

41 minutes ago, LSM said:

I'm going to post my general thoughts, and then go back and catch up with the last six pages of the thread... so sorry if any of this seems incongruous with the general flow:




Whahahahahahahahahahahaha. Yus.




I haven't warmed up to him as much as I was hoping. I'm not a huge fan of big centrepiece models, so I'd always be a tough sell... but he's okay. Still love the sea serpent change though.


I just wanted to briefly touch on one thing: now that we've seen the whole army... it's like he was made in a bubble. He doesn't fit in super well, colour scheme wise, but beyond that... like his power armoured arms have elbow pads, but they've done away with them in the rest of the range...


(Nice to see a novel.)




An... interesting update. I'll get the negatives out of the way: I think his head could be way better, and the skin strapped to his leg is inferior to having more faces pressing against his armour. In general, the "Shrieking Souls" bits are a little too sparse, rather than swimming with ten thousand years of exquisite deaths.


The pose is great though, and I think the model will look much better with the souls painted a classic pink/flesh tone, rather than black. (I'll probably try to sculpt more on, as well as adding some to that right leg, and maybe changing the head.)


Lore wise, from what Alex was saying, they've decided to keep him as the "modern" joke version that people constantly talk about hating - the master swordsman who dies a lot, and gets tormented by those he's possessed. (Rather than the older, makes-sense version - the sadomasochistic swordsman for whom dying in glorious combat is the ultimate experience, and who loves tormenting those he's possessed.)




I already have so many EC Chaos Lords, but I'm 100% picking up one of these. An impressive amount of weapons options, and just the whole classic vibe is great. Drapery, studded leathers, speaker-greave, chains, nipple ring. I'm not a huge fan of the "conehead", but that easily whittled down, and the face is perfect.


(I hope one of the six (!) detachments picked up my idea of having Lords becoming Battleline. I'm going to need to be able to field more than three...)




Fantastic. (I think Sonic Pistols are a little dumb, so I'm going to have to figure out some substitute... I know they showed off a sword, but hopefully there's a proper Sonic Blaster option too.) Fantastic. 


A concern: the way they made such a big deal about his Doom Siren... is it the only Doom Siren in the entire range, now? Doom Sirens used to be a staple of the Emperor's Children - it's probably the most common piece of Slaaneshi character wargear. A sad day, if they're largely gone.




It's a little funny that it seems like they're not sure which is which, with the video labelling the melee ones Tormentors, but the live preview/text calling them the Infractors.


Still: mostly great. 9/10. While I had been calling for a basic unit of Noise Marines with (smaller) Sonic Blasters or Bolt Pistol/Combat Blades (ie. dropping Bolters) this kit is basically half of what I wanted Noise Marines to be, so... thumbs up. Better than I could have hoped for.


If I could have made (personal) improvements, I'd have: included more little speakers/inlaid trim speakers, a less dull take on the Legion symbol, drop the Meltagun and Plasma Gun for a Sonic Blaster and a Blastmaster, and call them Noise Marines. (But what's in a name?)


(I also see some funky grenades, so while I don't recall any mention made of it, maybe Hallucinogen Grenades are making a triumphant comeback?)






Basically (to me) Noise Marine Havocs, which I understand and except has become the general consensus as to what a Noise Marine is. They are, in-and-of-themselves, nice models.


But if you were going to separate Sonic Weapons out into their own little unit (and stick them on 40mm bases) I'd have liked to have seen the sculptures go really wild. For Slaanesh's most devoted Cult - those who originally bore She Who Thirsts' mark - they're too tame. They have some speakers on their backpacks and shoulder pads... why are they not festooned with them? Where are all the auditory/visual feeds? Where is the melding of Marine and sound?


Actually, not just too tame. Their shared bits are a downgrade on the corresponding 2002 sculpts, and fail to live up to past concept art.


(Also, I don't understand making a heavy Sonic Weapons unit and then including a melee champion. I thought GW'd have learned by now - you've made the so-called Champion the one who will be chosen to die first.)




I like my proposed name better: Indolent Blades.


But putting that aside: these look fun. It's a shame that the WarCom article shows off the three lesser heads (coneheads) when the video shows another three that totally rock. (Including a take on Adrian Smith's iconic Noise Marine). I'd have liked more speakers (than just the couple implanted in faces) and for the Combat Drug Dispensers to be far more extravagant. (An easy fix: I'll be cutting the fuel canisters off the Sonic Weapons, and adding them to these guys.)




They didn't just go with Pink & Black... they did Pink & Black, with Silver metals, and Gold, Green, and White as spot colours... with bits of Flesh and Animal Print...


That's... exactly my scheme... 


Funny that the art department apparently didn't get the memo, and has continued to make everything Purple & Gold. I legitimately wouldn't be surprised to hear that there was a fight over the scheme internally.




Wait. No crab claw power fists?


We have failed to achieve perfection!

I find it largely hilarious that they managed to square the circle of folks wanting all Noise and folks that like their more modern lore. 


My initial take was to be pleased by the variety and I have seen many express the same. By that same token I see you and quite a few others pleased by a perception of heavy noise which I can see where you are coming from with.


In short, GW seemed to have achieved tbe rare feat of making multiple camps at least largely happy.


For my part I am very pleased at what they are communicating with their statements of rules and fluff. They are going heavy on ego and hubric, the Tormentors or Infractors or War Hussies (might have made that last one up) kind of buggering off to do whatever after leaving a mess makes me smile. 


I have to agree though that its very weird that the Noise Marines seem to be least mutated, even their armour seems oddly consistent in design and form. I was expecting something at least as disturbing as the 30k kit and maybe even heavier on speakers and noise devices sticking out like tumours at random places.


The sculpts are nice, don't get me wrong, they have a satisfyingly heavy look to them and are reminiscent of older models (the impulse to please veterans ironically biting us on the rear here maybe) but I never expected Noise Marines to be the most normal-looking people in a warband. Its also a shame that the Noise Pistols on the Lord aren't wrist-mounted or embedded into the hands like the fluff examples, would have been more disturbing and eery to have them open a palm at you and send you flying.


In a brief sidenote, I love both that that they adhered to MKVI as their 'legion mark' and the little ways that it has been altered and personalized. Sad they didnt really keep MKVI shoulders, their more conventionally CSM shoulders take away from their leanness a bit to me and I think the studs would have complimented them more (and also because Trim can burn).


Very pleased over all though.


The future will be interesting and I find my eye turning to WE as this really closely stuck to their template. Which means that there is a decent chance what the WE get in 10th might forecast what EC get in 11th. If it is a sizeable release, that will bode well where a single char will bode ill.


I am hoping for the former obviously. I want bikers with a Daemonette riding-Bikerchick behind the Marines like that one fanart, as well as the Noise Marine Doof Warrior hover stage/chariot pulled by bikers. That would be so damned awesome. Throw in Noise Marine Jet Bikers with Speakers mounted to the engines and I will be in nirvana.


I find myself optimistic for the future and the glories it might bring.

Edited by StrangerOrders

Alrighty fellas, it's time for SCIENCE (in an extremely loose and very inadequate use of the word)

If we assume the Tormentors like this here fellow are on 32mm bases as most Marines are



and I scale the image to fit (roughly) over the 32mm on the reference image I've been using as seen here



Then our phavourite phoenician seems to be on not a 100mm, but a 130mm base






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